【HR术语】嘉奖是什么意思?(What does kudos mean?)
尽管 “嘉奖 ”的定义已不再与战争相关,但它仍然意味着对某人的尊敬--因其取得的成就、付出的努力或表现出的品格而对其表示尊敬。
如今,许多公司都在使用 “嘉奖”,并取得了令人印象深刻的效果。
平均利润提高 27%
员工留任率提高,自愿离职率降低 31%
What does kudos mean?
When you give someone kudos, you’re recognizing what they’ve achieved and showing your appreciation.
Kudos’ meaning comes from the ancient Greek kydos, which means honor, glory, or fame—especially in battle.
Even though kudos’ definition isn’t tied to war anymore, it still means honoring someone— honoring them for what they’ve achieved, the effort they’ve put in, or for the character that they’ve shown.
Giving a person kudos is a form of employee recognition. You’re giving them their moment of well-deserved glory and fame. It’s a way of saying thank you too.
Giving kudos regularly, and making it a central part of your company’s work culture, can have a dramatic effect on various aspects of your business.
Many companies today use kudos—with impressive results.
What are the uses of kudos?
People often say “kudos to you” as a way of expressing praise and admiration to someone who’s really earned it.
But kudos can be much more than a few spoken words.
It could also be a formal event which recognizes deserving professionals in front of the whole company, a written message of appreciation, or even a prize in the form of money or a free lunch.
Kudos can take many forms, with many companies still discovering new and creative ways to express their appreciation even now.
Examples of kudos in the workplace
There are many ways that you can give someone kudos in the workplace. You can:
Simply thank them in person and say you appreciate their hard work, or recognize a goal they’ve achieved, or a company value that they’ve embodied.
Send them a private message on your company’s communication platform, or in an email. Praise them on your company intranet, or in a company-wide email.
Give them a greeting card with a handwritten message.
Award them a gift card, an extra day of annual leave, or another prize.
Give them a kudos trophy (a trophy that gets awarded to someone deserving each week).
Give them, and their hardworking team, a free lunch.
Recognize their achievements, efforts, and character in a company awards ceremony.
Put them on your company’s wall of kudos (a wall where, each week, you surprise one of your team with their photo and a note of recognition).
Give them a raise or a promotion.
What are the benefits of kudos?
Giving people kudos might seem simple and ordinary, but it can have a significant impact on your company.
After all, recognition is known to be a top driver of employee engagement.
Along with engagement, a recognition programme’s benefits include:
An average of 27 percent higher profits
Greater retention rates with 31 percent less voluntary turnover
Increased company loyalty
A positive environment that attracts talented professionals as new hires
Increased employee satisfaction
Improved productivity
A healthy company culture
Confidence that drives more innovation and new ideas from teams
What impact does kudos have on company culture?
Companies can gain a lot from ensuring kudos-giving is an established practice in the workplace. It has the potential to completely transform company culture.
But to have the greatest impact, kudos needs to be given by everyone in the company: from the CEO and management teams right through to the most junior professionals.
When people give kudos to each other, regardless of position or seniority, it creates a positive and healthy work culture. A culture that promotes wellbeing and helps professionals to perform at their best.
A kudos-filled workplace elevates the employee experience. People are not only more productive, engaged, and satisfied, but also inspire each other to pursue excellence and help the company grow.
Just a simple act of appreciation or recognitionon an ongoing basis can transform an entire company for the better.
以人为本的 IT 体验管理公司 HappySignals 获得由Mandatum Asset Management领投、现有投资者Nauta和Vendep Capital 参投的 1200 万欧元融资。这笔投资将用于促进销售、营销和产品开发,以便在不断增长的 IT 体验管理 (ITXM) 市场进行全球扩张。
对于全球大型企业来说,了解员工使用 IT 的体验、做出数据驱动的决策以及在正确的领域改进 IT 运营和成果比以往任何时候都更加重要。
HappySignals 正通过利用员工体验数据和人工智能,帮助企业转变其 IT 和服务,使其更加以人为本。这使他们能够做出明智的决策,并专注于真正重要的事情。通过优先考虑员工的幸福感和生产力,企业可以节约成本并提高业务价值。百事可乐、富士通、美卓和利洁时等公司通过专注于提供可提升业务运营和员工体验的服务,将其 IT 转变为价值创造者。
HappySignals 的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Sami Kallio 强调了这项投资的重要意义:
"IT 组织的主要职责是通过有效的 IT 支持和工具提高整个组织的效率和满意度。从历史上看,IT 部门一直专注于技术和流程指标,这些指标主要衡量 IT 部门如何运作,而不是其创造或可能创造的价值。"
"用 IT 语言来说,我们正在谈论从 SLA(服务水平协议)转向 XLA(体验水平协议)。IT 部门应继续衡量传统指标,但 IT 部门的三大支柱--人员、流程和技术--应始终按此顺序加以考虑。这就是我们帮助 IT 组织收集和分析员工体验数据,从而做出更好决策的地方。
"我们很高兴能主导 HappySignals 的本轮融资,这将进一步加快他们的国际化发展进程。我们相信,HappySignals 凭借其以人为本的方法,找到了市场上尚未解决的问题的解决方案。事实上,他们的蓝筹客户就是其方法和解决方案质量的真实写照。对 HappySignals 的投资是对我们第二期成长型股权投资基金的极好补充。Mandatum 资产管理公司投资经理 Rami Salonen 表示:"我们很高兴能与公司创始人、管理层和其他所有者合作,加速公司已经非常重要的国际业务的增长。
HappySignals 由三位芬兰 IT 创新者 Sami Kallio、Pasi Nikkanen 和 Sami Aarnio 于 2014 年创立。他们认为,只有以人为本的方法才能提供真正的最终用户洞察力,以及了解什么是最重要的改进优先级所需的上下文。采取以人为本的 IT 体验方法有助于组织推动更好的决策,因为它能突出对最终用户最重要的改进机会。HappySignals IT 体验管理平台和 ITXM 框架改变了大型企业的 IT 状况,使 IT 团队及其最终用户每天都更快乐。通过优先考虑员工的幸福感和生产力,企业可以节约成本并提高业务价值。