• 解释薪酬计划
    【HR术语】什么是薪酬管理?(What is compensation management?) 什么是薪酬管理? 薪酬管理是管理、分析和确定每位员工的薪酬、奖励和福利的过程。薪酬管理是任何人才管理和保留战略的重要组成部分。创造性的薪酬包括货币和非货币福利,公司可以利用这些福利来提高员工的参与度和工作效率、减少人员流失并吸引顶尖人才。 薪酬管理者的目标是在公司预算范围内提供广泛且具有竞争力的薪酬计划,从而吸引、留住并吸引员工。 薪酬管理确保员工根据以下因素获得合理的薪酬: 工作表现 职位 职责 工作经验 工作市场 公司预算 人力资源领导为什么要关注薪酬管理? 有效的薪酬管理对雇主和员工都有好处。专业人员如果能获得合理的基本工资、丰厚的福利和奖励,就更有可能留在自己的工作岗位上,并保持较高的绩效水平和士气。 有效的薪酬管理能促进员工的参与度,从而推动公司取得成功。 薪酬的主要类型有哪些? 薪酬不仅仅包括基本工资。完整的薪酬方案包括各种直接和间接的薪酬类型。 直接薪酬的四种类型是: 小时工资 工资 佣金 奖金 还有间接薪酬,包括为人们提供价值的任何东西,如: 退休福利 保险(医疗、牙科、人寿等) 带薪休假 利润分配和股票期权 学费补助以及学习和发展机会 托儿补助 健身房会员卡 搬迁费用 免费食物、办公室健身房、活动等福利 如何确定薪酬? 决定为任何特定人员提供的具体薪酬方案的因素很多,包括与公司所在地和市场有关的外部因素,以及与职位和候选人有关的具体因素。计算薪酬的一些考虑因素包括: 公司的支付能力 该地区类似职位的典型薪酬范围 竞争对手的薪酬水平 当地的生活成本 职位--如果是高技能工作,可能需要更高的报酬 应聘者、他们的资历以及他们的薪酬预期 是否适合使用激励性薪酬管理,这是一种通常用于销售职位的薪酬类型,其中个人的薪酬与业绩成果挂钩 人力资源领导者如何确保有效的薪酬管理? 人力资源领导者可以通过以下方法指导薪酬管理部门制定和实施成功的薪酬计划: 制定并应用薪酬理念。薪酬理念正式记录了公司在工资、奖金和福利方面的政策。它还体现了公司对透明度的承诺。始终坚持薪酬理念,可以向员工和求职者展示公司的诚信。 解释薪酬计划。人力资源部门可以向应聘者和新员工说明薪酬计划的组成部分,帮助吸引和留住一流人才。 设计稳健的薪酬战略。人力资源领导者可与管理人员和专家合作,提供全面的薪酬计划和丰厚的福利,以提高员工的生活质量。 评估结果。汲取经验总是有帮助的。人力资源领导者可以通过薪酬记分卡分析薪酬管理的结果,了解哪些有效,哪些无效,从而提高薪酬管理的效率。 薪酬管理软件 薪酬管理软件是近年来大受欢迎的一种工具。该软件用于帮助人力资源专业人员管理、计算和组织薪酬数据。薪酬管理软件具有多种功能,对于希望简化和优化薪酬管理流程的组织而言,这些功能具有很高的价值,其中包括: 存储所有有关薪酬、任期和绩效的最新数据,供所有利益相关者(人力资源、财务、C 级和管理人员)使用 改进薪酬决策的工具和数据规划和管理薪酬审查的工具 奖金和股权分配 通过本地化货币视图和本地薪资基准进行国际货币管理 薪酬管理点解决方案与人力资源信息系统 正如您所看到的,薪酬管理软件提供了许多有用的功能,对参与薪酬决策和管理的专业人员和团队非常有用。但是,它属于点解决方案,也就是说,它是一种可以帮助解决单一问题的工具。这意味着它的实用性有限。 而人力资源信息系统(HRIS)等平台解决方案则可为人力资源团队处理的各种问题提供多种解决方案。人力资源信息系统不仅能帮助管理薪酬,还能帮助管理绩效、工资、考勤等。 从根本上说,你可以把人力资源信息系统和点解决方案看作是瑞士军刀和简单的镊子。二者都很有用,但由于一个具有多种功能,因此能够提供比另一个更多的价值。因此,如果你的企业需要在整个员工生命周期的流程优化和自动化方面得到帮助,人力资源信息系统可能正是你要找的东西。 为什么薪酬管理规划应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 薪酬管理可确保雇主和员工的财务成功和福利,让双方都感到满意。将薪酬管理纳入公司的人力资源战略,有助于组织以市场范围内的薪酬、应得的奖金和激励措施奖励员工,改善员工的生活方式。它还能让雇主向员工表达他们的感激之情。 赏识对员工的积极性和参与感大有裨益。它还能激励员工通过提高生产率和工作质量来回报雇主。所有这一切都会促成一种由快乐和热情的员工组成的公司文化。 以下为文章原文: What is compensation management? Compensation management is the process of managing, analyzing, and determining the salary, incentives, and benefits each employee receives. Compensation management is a crucial part of any talent management and retention strategy. Creative compensation includes monetary and non-monetary benefits companies can employ to boost engagement and productivity, reduce attrition, and attract top talent. Compensation managers aim to attract, retain, and engage employees by offering broad and competitive compensation plans within the company budget. Compensation management ensures that people get paid a fair salary based on: Work performance Position Responsibilities Experience Job market Company budget Why should HR leaders care about compensation management? Effective compensation management benefits both the employer and the employee. Professionals who receive a fair base salary, generous benefits, and incentives in return for their work are much more likely to stay at their job and maintain a high performance level and morale. Effective compensation management fuels employee engagement and thereby leads to company success. What are the main types of compensation? Compensation includes far more than just a base salary. The full compensation package includes a variety of compensation types, both direct and indirect. The four types of direct compensation are: Hourly pay Salary Commission Bonuses There is also indirect compensation, which includes anything that provides people value such as: Retirement benefits Insurance (medical, dental, life, etc.) Paid time-off Profit-sharing distributions and stock options Tuition assistance and learning and development offerings Childcare assistance Gym memberships Relocation expenses Perks such as free food, an office gym, events, and so on How is compensation determined? Many factors go into determining the specific compensation package offered to any given person, including external factors relating to the company’s location and market as well as factors relating specifically to the role and the candidate in question. Some considerations that go into calculating compensation include: What the company can afford to pay Typical salary range for similar roles in the region How much competitors are paying The local cost of living The role—if it is a highly-skilled job, it may require higher compensation The candidate, their qualifications, and their compensation expectations Whether or not it is appropriate to use incentive compensation management, which is a type of compensation usually used for sales roles in which the person’s compensation is tied to their performance outcomes What can HR leaders do to ensure effective compensation management? HR leaders can guide compensation management towards building and implementing successful compensation plans with these methods: Develop and apply a compensation philosophy. A compensation philosophy formally documents the company policies regarding salaries, bonuses, and benefits. It also demonstrates a company’s commitment to transparency. Consistently adhering to a compensation philosophy demonstrates company integrity to employees and job candidates. Explain the compensation plan. HR can clarify the components of the compensation plan to candidates and new joiners, helping to attract and retain top-notch talent. Design a robust compensation strategy. HR leaders can collaborate with managers and specialists to offer all-inclusive compensation plans as well as generous benefits to improve their people’s quality of life. Assess the results. It’s always helpful to learn from experience. HR leaders can analyze the results of compensation management to see what’s working and what isn’t through a compensation scorecard, which can improve the efficacy of compensation management. Compensation management software One tool that has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years is compensation management software. This software is used to help HR professionals manage, calculate, and organize compensation data. Compensation management software has several features that can make it highly valuable to organizations looking to streamline and optimize their compensation management processes, including: Storing all updated data on salary, tenure, and performance for all relevant stakeholders (HR, finance, C-levels, and managers) to access Tools and data to improve salary decision-making Tools for planning and managing salary reviews Bonus and equity allocation International currency management with localized currency views and local salary benchmarks Compensation management point solutions vs HRIS As you can see, compensation management software offers many helpful features, making it highly useful to professionals and teams involved in compensation decision-making and management. However, it qualifies as a point solution, meaning it’s a tool that can help with a single problem. This means that its utility is limited. The alternative is a platform solution like an HRIS which offers multiple solutions for a variety of problems that an HR team deals with. Rather than only helping with compensation management, an HRIS can also help with things like performance management, payroll, time and attendance, and more. Essentially, you can think of HRIS vs point solutions as a Swiss army knife vs a simple pair of tweezers. Both are useful, but one is able to offer more value than the other because of its multiple functions. So if your organization could use help with optimizing and automating processes across the entire employee lifecycle, an HRIS may be just the thing you’re looking for. Why should compensation management planning be a part of modern HR strategy? Compensation management ensures the financial success and wellbeing of employers and employees and makes both happy. Integrating compensation management into a company’s HR strategy helps organizations reward their people with market-range salaries, well-deserved bonuses, and incentives to improve their people’s lifestyles. It also allows employers to show their people that they appreciate them. Appreciation goes a long way towards making people feel motivated and engaged. It can also inspire people to give back to their employer through increased productivity and high-quality work. All of this leads to a company culture made of happy and enthusiastic people.
  • 解释薪酬计划
    【HR术语】薪酬管理的目标是什么?(What are the objectives of compensation management?) 薪酬管理的目标是什么? 薪酬管理的目标是通过与公司预算、相应的就业市场和政府法规保持一致的有竞争力的薪酬计划,吸引、聘用和留住顶尖人才。 良好的薪酬管理应该: 吸引和招聘人才 激励员工 保持士气 遵守政府法规和公司薪酬理念 反映当前的就业市场 薪酬管理可以通过提供以下服务来实现其目标: 有吸引力的薪酬 有用的福利 奖金、奖励和改善员工福利的计划 退休储蓄 保险 人力资源领导为什么要关注薪酬管理的目标? 人力资源领导者在制定符合员工需求和愿望、与公司愿景相一致的薪酬计划方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。保持良好的薪酬可以提高以下方面: 参与度 留住员工 生产力 公司提供有竞争力且能提高生活质量的薪酬,可以提高员工的工作积极性,改善工作绩效,最终使公司取得更大的成功。 实现薪酬管理目标的技巧 人力资源部门的领导者可以与管理人员合作,针对员工的需求和多变的就业市场,制定一个包容性的薪酬计划,从而支持有效的薪酬方案。 制定并应用薪酬理念。薪酬理念正式记录了公司为员工提供工资、奖金和福利的理由。始终坚持薪酬理念,可以向现有团队成员和求职者展示公司的诚信和透明度。 收集员工反馈。员工可以就薪酬计划提供最准确的反馈。人力资源领导者可以进行匿名调查,让员工反映他们的真实意见和建议。在进行调查之前,人力资源领导者可以向员工解释为什么要进行调查,员工的意见和经验是非常宝贵的,而且他们的工作满意度也很重要。 落实员工反馈。人力资源领导者和薪酬经理可以根据员工的反馈意见实施变革。虽然在制定薪酬计划时需要考虑很多方面,但调整薪酬计划以满足员工的财务和生活需求,可以提高员工的留任率和参与度。 解释薪酬计划。您的员工可能会获得有竞争力的薪酬方案,但却不知道如何获得他们的福利。人力资源领导可以与管理人员一起审查薪酬计划,让管理人员向其团队成员说明这些计划。这有助于团队成员了解薪酬方案的方方面面,并从中受益。 提供提高生活质量的薪酬。除基本工资外,薪酬还可包括提高生活质量的福利,如股票和期权计划、舒适的工作环境、工作时间和地点的灵活性、工作场所健康计划、额外假期或每日新鲜餐饮。 有哪些薪酬目标的例子? 薪酬有两种类型,反映了吸引、聘用和留住优秀专业人才的各种福利和激励措施: 直接薪酬 间接薪酬 直接薪酬指员工获得的任何有形货币价值的福利。这包括定期发放的工资,如薪金、工资、奖金和佣金、医疗福利、节假日工资和交通费。 间接补偿是指不具有物质价值的任何福利。这包括从法律要求的保护计划和保险到职业发展、晋升机会和退休计划等任何方面。 最近几年,越来越多的组织采用每周四天工作制,在不减少工资的情况下减少工作时间。这是间接补偿的一个例子,即在相互信任的前提下,赋予员工对工作环境更多的自主权。 实现薪酬管理目标面临哪些挑战? 即使有最好的意图和合理的分析,薪酬管理目标所面临的挑战也会促使薪酬战略做出额外的调整。 当前的工资水平。经济环境和人口结构会影响组织的薪酬目标。外部市场压力会抬高某些职位的薪酬,超过其相对价值。 工会。部分员工可以通过工会等代表组织表达自己的利益。因此,工会应成为薪酬管理目标的一部分。 政府制约。政府根据最低工资、加班费、同工同酬、童工和记录保存等要求对薪酬进行管理,而不论工作价值如何。雇主还有义务支付 “同工同酬”,这是一项薪酬均等倡议,旨在消除历史上的收入差距,如男女之间或少数民族之间的收入差距。 战略和政策。薪酬受制于组织人事和薪酬战略与政策的不断变化。通常情况下,组织可能会让未加入工会的员工获得与加入工会的员工相同的加薪,以阻止更多员工加入工会。 国际薪酬挑战。国际薪酬是一项独特的挑战,因为外国子公司必须考虑当地的环境和文化。 生产率和成本。雇主总是将利润放在首位。企业的生存取决于此。从这个意义上说,薪酬必须是对等的: 企业支付给员工的薪酬不能超过他们对企业的价值。 国际薪酬的目标是什么? 国际薪酬旨在吸引有意愿(和能力)参与国际任务的专业人员。对于希望留住顶尖人才的跨国公司来说,有竞争力的薪酬计划至关重要。 好的国际薪酬应该: 吸引有才干、有资质的专业人员愿意承担国际异地工作 为外派员工的流动提供便利 在国内员工和国外子公司的薪酬之间保持一致和合理的关系 通过减少不必要的开支保持成本效益 人力资源管理技术如何帮助实现薪酬目标? 人力资源管理技术可以支持薪酬战略,帮助人力资源领导者将公司的财务运营与总体人员和业务目标结合起来,以确保可持续的成功。 人力资源管理技术通过以下方式实现薪酬目标: 协助人才招聘和流动、绩效管理、公平和考勤 使关键信息更易于获取且更加透明 以更高的通用性和效率超越人工流程,例如将数据手动输入电子表格 提供重要资源,确保在危机发生时有效补救 将人力资源团队从 “纸上谈兵 ”转变为战略业务领导者,为人事决策提供宝贵意见 实现薪酬管理目标如何改善公司文化? 通过全面的薪酬计划吸引、留住和吸引员工,是建设繁荣的企业文化不可或缺的一部分。薪酬方案既能提供市场范围内的薪资,又能解决员工的福利问题,这表明了公司对员工的重视程度。获得这种全包式薪酬的专业人员必然会为公司文化贡献积极的能量和良好的态度。 以下为文章原文: What are the objectives of compensation management? The objectives of compensation management are to attract, engage, and retain top talent through competitive compensation plans that align with the company budget, corresponding job market, and government regulations. Good compensation management should: Attract and recruit talent Motivate your people Maintain morale Adhere to government regulations and company compensation philosophy Reflect the current job-market Compensation management can achieve its objectives by offering: Attractive salaries Useful benefits Bonuses, incentives, and programs to improve employee wellbeing Retirement savings Insurance Why should HR leaders care about the objectives of compensation management? HR leaders play a pivotal role in building compensation plans that fit employees’ needs and desires and align with the company’s vision. Maintaining excellent compensation can lead to an increase in: Engagement Retention Productivity Companies that offer competitive and life-enhancing compensation can raise motivation in the workplace and improve work performance, which ultimately leads to greater company success. Tips for achieving your compensation management objectives HR leaders can support effective compensation packages by collaborating with managers to build an inclusive compensation program that addresses their people’s needs and the fluid job-market. Develop and apply a compensation philosophy. A compensation philosophy formally documents the company’s reasoning behind people’s salaries, bonuses, and benefits. Consistently adhering to the compensation philosophy demonstrates company integrity and transparency to current team members and job candidates. Gather employee feedback. Your people can provide the most accurate feedback regarding compensation plans. HR leaders can conduct anonymous surveys, allowing people to relay their honest opinions and suggestions. Before conducting the survey, HR leaders can explain why they will run it, that people’s opinions and experiences are invaluable, and that their job satisfaction matters. Follow through on employee feedback. HR leaders and compensation managers can implement changes based on employee feedback. While there are numerous aspects to consider when building compensation plans, adjusting compensation plans to address people’s financial and lifestyle needs can lead to greater retention and engagement. Explain the compensation plan. Your people may receive competitive compensation packages but aren’t aware of how to access their benefits. HR leaders can review compensation plans with managers, who can clarify the plans to their team members. This helps team members appreciate and benefit from every aspect of the compensation package. Offer compensation to improve quality of life. In addition to base pay, compensation can include life-enhancing benefits, such as a shares and options plan, a pleasant work setting, flexibility in where and when they work, a workplace wellness program, extra vacation days, or daily fresh catering. What are some examples of compensation objectives? There are two types of compensation, reflecting a broad spectrum of benefits and incentives to attract, engage, and retain talented professionals: Direct compensation Indirect compensation Direct compensation describes any benefit an employee may receive with a tangible monetary value. This includes regularly distributed pay such as salaries, wages, bonuses and commissions, medical benefits, holiday pay, and conveyance. Indirect compensation refers to any benefit that does not hold a material value. This can include anything from legally required protection programs and insurance to career development, advancement opportunities, and retirement programs. The last couple of years have seen organizations increasingly adopt the four-day work week, reducing working hours without cutting pay. This is an example of indirect compensation, whereby people are given increased autonomy over their work environment in a demonstration of mutual trust. What are some challenges to meeting compensation management objectives? Even with the best intentions—and rational analyses—challenges to compensation management objectives can prompt additional adjustments to a compensation strategy. Current wage rates. Economic climate and demography influence an organization’s compensation objectives. External market pressures can inflate the pay for some jobs, exceeding their relative worth. Unions. Part of the workforce may convey their interests through representative organizations like unions. As such, unions should feature in the objectives of compensation administration. Government constraints. The government regulates pay—regardless of job worth—in accordance with minimum wage, overtime pay, equal pay, child labor, and record-keeping requirements. Employers are also obliged to pay “equal wages for comparable work,” a pay-parity initiative created to eradicate historical income disparities such as those between men and women or minorities. Strategy and policy. Compensation is subject to the changing landscape of an organization’s people and compensation strategies and policies. Commonly, an organization may award people not affiliated with a union the same raise as unionized employees to deter additional unionization. International compensation challenges. International compensation presents a unique challenge as foreign subsidiaries must be mindful of local context and culture. Productivity and costs. Employers will always prioritize profit. The survival of their business depends on it. In this sense, compensation must be reciprocal: An organization can’t pay people more than their value to the firm. What are the objectives of international compensation? International compensation aims to attract professionals with the desire (and ability) to engage in international assignments. A competitive compensation plan is vital for multi-national companies that wish to retain top talent. Good international compensation should: Attract talented, qualified professionals willing to commit to international relocation Facilitate the movement of expatriate employees Manage a consistent and reasonable relationship between the pay of domestic employees and foreign subsidiaries Remain cost-effective through the reduction of unnecessary expenses How can HRM tech help fulfill compensation objectives? HRM tech can support compensation strategies by helping HR leaders align the company’s financial operations with their overall people and business goals to ensure sustainable success. HRM tech fulfills the objectives of compensation by: Assisting with talent acquisition and turnover, performance management, equity, and attendance Making critical information more accessible and transparent Outperforming manual processes—like manually inputting data into spreadsheets—with better versatility and efficiency Providing vital resources to ensure efficient remediation, should a crisis occur Transforming HR teams from “paper pushers” into strategic business leaders who can provide invaluable input on staffing decisions How can achieving your compensation management objectives improve company culture? Attracting, retaining, and engaging your people through a comprehensive compensation program is integral to building a thriving company culture. Compensation packages that provide market-range salaries and address employee wellbeing demonstrate how much a company values its people. Professionals who receive such all-inclusive compensation are bound to contribute positive energy and a good attitude to the company culture.