• 语音
    LinkedIn为招聘人员提供语音留言系统 领英(LinkedIn)宣布,将在其产品中添加语音信息,以增加用户进行对话的方式。对于招聘人员来说,这代表了一种吸引潜在求职者的新方式。 语音信息正在LinkedIn的iOS和Android应用程序中推广,你可以在手机和网络上接收语音信息。 这是它的工作原理; 点击手机短信键盘上的麦克风图标,然后点击并握住圆圈内的麦克风,录制语音信息,松开手指发送。 如果你想在发送之前取消,将你的手指从麦克风图标滑动,同时按住它。   纳什维尔IQTalent Partners的高级合伙人兼联合创始人克里斯•默多克(Chris Murdock)对我说,“这是一个很酷的想法”,但他也希望有视频。“我们倾向于在Hangouts、Zoom、Teams和Slack上看到大多数客户。当被问及他是否会鼓励他的招聘人员和客户使用这些功能时,他说,“我们可以做任何事情来让自己与众不同,并与顶尖人才接触。” 史蒂夫·利维(Steve Levy)是一位来自纽约的经验丰富的人力资源和招聘人员,他对此有不同的看法。他说,他对用它来代替文字持怀疑态度,因为他担心人们只会像语音邮件或电话营销人员那样使用它。 作为一名前招聘人员,我对这个想法表示赞赏。这有助于区分你的工作范围。但招聘人员要明智地使用它。我的建议是要让人难忘,用它来让自己从竞争中脱颖而出。 听一听它将如何被使用以及用户将如何反应,肯定会很有趣。 LinkedIn announced they are increasing the ways users can have conversations by adding Voice Messaging to its offering. For recruiters this represents a new way to engage potential candidates. Voice messaging is rolling out now in the LinkedIn app on iOS and Android, and you can receive voice messages on mobile and on web. Here’s how it will work; Simply tap the microphone icon in the mobile messaging keyboard, then tap and hold on the microphone in the circle to record your voice message and release your finger to send. If you want to cancel before sending, slide your finger away from the microphone icon while holding it down. Chris Murdock, Senior Partner and co-founder of IQTalent Partners in Nashville told me “it’s a cool idea” but he would love to also have video. “We tend to see most of our client on Hangouts, Zoom, Teams, Slack.” When asked if he will encourage his recruiters and sourcers to use the features he said yes, “anything we can do to differentiate ourselves and engage with top talent.” Steve Levy, veteran sourcer/recruiter from New York had a different take, saying he is dubious about using it in place of text, over worries that people will just use it like voicemail or telemarketers. As a former recruiter myself I applaud the idea. It can help differentiate your outreach. But it will be up to recruiters to use it wisely. My advice is be memorable and use it to set yourself apart from the competition. It will certainly be interesting to hear how it will be used and how users will respond. LinkedIn introduces voice messaging system for recruiters LinkedIn has recently announced that they will expand user capabilities for communication through the addition of Voice Messaging - and for recruiters, this means a whole new avenue to getting in touch with potential hires. Voice messaging is rolling out now in the LinkedIn app on iOS and Android, and you can receive voice messages on mobile and on web. Here’s how it will work: Simply tap the microphone icon in the mobile messaging keyboard, then tap and hold on the microphone in the circle to record your voice message and release your finger to send. If you want to cancel before sending, slide your finger away from the microphone icon while holding it down.