• 调查员工
    【HR术语】什么是性别薪酬差距?(What is a gender pay gap?) 什么是性别薪酬差距? 性别薪酬差距是指男性和女性平均工资之间的差异。 要计算薪酬差距,可取一组男性工资和一组女性工资,然后比较两者的中位数。 自 1963 年《同工同酬法》颁布以来,美国女性的收入已从男性每挣 1 美元时的 0.59 美元增至 0.82 美元。目前的数据显示,18-39 岁女性的工资差距很小,而 40 岁及以上女性的工资差距则有所扩大。 人力资源领导为什么要关注男女薪酬差距? 公平地支付薪酬是道德待人的一部分。平等的薪酬机会还能吸引优秀的专业人才,并使他们保持敬业精神。此外,按照相同的标准支付男女薪酬可以显示出透明度,并有助于树立良好的品牌声誉。 由于来自性别薪酬差距公式的数据可能有限,人力资源领导者必须深入挖掘,以确定是否存在性别薪酬差距以及存在差距的原因。 人力资源领导者该如何缩小性别薪酬差距? 缩小公司潜在的性别工资差距: 考虑相关因素。1963 年的《同工同酬法》规定,雇主不得基于性别对员工进行歧视。雇主必须根据 "需要同等技能、努力和责任,且在类似工作条件下完成的工作......",向男女员工支付同等报酬。 为父母双方提供育儿假。一般来说,女性在生育或领养孩子后会比男性花费更多的时间来恢复身体并与孩子建立亲子关系。然而,通过为男性和女性提供平等的休假机会,女性可以选择如何平衡事业与家庭生活。 制定透明的政策。择优加薪和晋升有助于提高透明度。对员工的成就、贡献和奉献进行评估,以鼓励公平对待。 进行内部审计。分析工资单,检查是否存在性别薪酬差距。如果存在,请考虑是否涉及任何关键因素。职位是什么?员工是全职还是兼职?他们在公司工作了多久? 调查你的员工。通过调查确定薪酬差距存在的原因。女性是否从事收入较低的工作,如果是,原因是什么?女性是否喜欢较少的工作时间或偏爱某些职位?或者,您是否可以帮助她们从事高薪工作?或许,L&D 计划可以为她们提供提升技能和获得高薪职位的机会。 为什么消除性别薪酬差距应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 在当今竞争激烈、以互联网为基础的商业世界中,道德实践和积极的公司品牌至关重要。在员工和客户中拥有良好声誉的企业更受青睐。透明的薪酬实践反映了一种人力资源战略,即鼓励每个人因其才能、技能、干劲和奉献精神而出类拔萃,而不是因为其性别。 以下为文章原文: What is a gender pay gap? A gender pay gap is a difference in pay between men’s and women’s average salaries. To calculate the pay gap, take a group of men’s wages and a group of women’s wages, and compare the median of each. Since the Equal Pay Act of 1963, women’s earnings in the US have increased from $0.59 for every $1.00 a man earns to $0.82. Current data shows that the wage gap is minimal between ages 18-39, while it widens for women 40 and older. Why should HR leaders care about the gender pay gap? Paying people fairly is part of treating them ethically. Equal compensation opportunities can also attract talented professionals and keep them engaged. Moreover, paying men and women according to the same criteria shows transparency and contributes to a positive brand reputation. Because the data from the gender pay gap formula can be limited, HR leaders must dig deep to determine if and why there’s a gender pay gap. What can HR leaders do to reduce the gender pay gap? To reduce a potential gender wage gap in your company: Consider relevant factors. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 states that employers must not discriminate between employees based on sex. Employers must pay members of both sexes equally based on the “performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and responsibility, and which are performed under similar working conditions …” Offer parental leave for both parents. Generally, women take more time off than men following birth or adoption to recover and bond with the child. However, by providing equal opportunities for men and women to take leave, women can choose how to balance their careers with family life. Create transparent policies. Merit-based raises and promotions support transparency. Evaluate people’s accomplishments, contributions, and dedication to encourage unbiased treatment. Run an internal audit. Analyze payroll to check if a gender pay gap exists. If it does, consider if there are any crucial factors involved. What’s the position? Are the employees working full-time or part-time? How long have they been at the company? Survey your people. Determine why the pay gap exists through a survey. Are women working in lower-paying jobs, and if so, why? Do women prefer fewer hours or gravitate towards certain positions? Or is there something you can do to help them pursue higher-paying jobs? Perhaps an L&D program can give them the opportunity to upskill and land higher-paying positions. Why should eliminating the gender pay gap be a part of modern HR strategy? Ethical practices and a positive company brand are essential in today’s competitive, internet-based business world. People are attracted to working at organizations with good reputations among employees and customers. Transparent compensation practices reflect an HR strategy that encourages everyone to excel because of their talents, skills, drive, and dedication, not because of their gender.
  • 调查员工
    员工保留平台Peakon在由Atomico领导的新一轮中进一步筹集了3500万美元 文/Steve O'Hear 总部位于丹麦的“员工保留平台”Peakon又筹集了3500万美元的资金。这轮融资被称为B轮融资的延伸,由欧洲风险投资公司Atomico牵头,现有投资者包括EQT Ventures、IDInvest Partners、Balderton capital和Sunstone。 Peakon最初通过让公司更定期地调查员工来提供“人员分析”,现在已经发展成为一个完善的SaaS来留住员工。它声称现在要处理三个关键领域。它们是员工敬业度、可采取行动的见解,以防止员工问题在出现之前出现,以及通过将员工敬业度数据与Peakon专有的全行业数据进行比较,从而对竞争对手进行分析。 Peakon的调查设计得既快速又每周进行一次,而不是像传统的调查员工的方式那样每年进行一次。他们还坚持标准化的问题,以便能够进行全行业的比较。这意味着,使用员工保留软件的公司不仅可以更直接地了解员工在任何特定时刻的参与度,还可以使用这些数据来推动运营决策和竞争对手分析。 例如,Peakon声称能够提前250天预测某些员工何时有离开的危险。随着招聘竞争日益激烈,这一点至关重要,因为从理论上讲,它为管理层提供了足够的时间来阻止关键员工离职。 进一步缩小来看,Peakon在代表客户进行的微观调查中使用标准化问题,使该公司能够建立自称是“全球劳动力感受”的最大实时数据库。通过深入研究这一基于3000多万个数据点并不断上升的数据,可以确定各种宏观趋势,例如比较各国在寒假前工人生产率下降的情况和人口统计数据。 与此同时,我听说Peakon在过去的一年里发展得非常快。其中包括在纽约开设一个办公室,创始人之一卡斯珀•胡尔辛(Kasper Hulthin)目前就在纽约办公。该公司预计,未来12个月内,其美国员工总数将超过50人。Peakon在英国也有办事处他说,目前的员工总数超过180人。 自2016年初推出以来,Peakon的客户包括凯捷(Capgemini)、威瑞森(Verizon)、宝马(BMW)、TrustPilot、哈罗德(Harrods)和易捷航空(easyJet)等。 Atomico合伙人马蒂亚斯•荣格曼(Mattias Ljungman)补充道:“随着我们的世界不断变化,传统的工作概念正在被重新定义。员工必须应对不断的变化,这就是为什么企业比以往任何时候都更重要的是倾听员工的声音,通过反馈和参与创造积极的文化。然而,如今企业仍难以衡量它们最重要的资产:员工。我们被Peakon对这个问题的严谨、数据驱动的方法所震撼。” 以上为AI翻译,内容仅供参考 原文链接: Employee retention platform Peakon raises further $35M in a new round led by Atomico