【HR术语】什么是临时员工?(What are temporary employees?)
指定专业人员管理失业申请。 了解哪些团队成员负责管理失业申请。此外,如果贵公司雇用了临时工中介,则应确定是由临时工中介管理申请,还是由贵公司负责申请。
What are temporary employees?
Temporary employees are people a company hires for a limited period of time or to complete a particular project. Companies can hire temporary employees directly or through a temp agency.
While temp employees aren’t eligible for health-care benefits, paid time off, or retirement funds, they can qualify for unemployment. Their eligibility depends on various components, such as the length of their previous employment, their previous salary, and the reason for unemployment.
Why should HR leaders care about hiring temporary employees?
Hiring temporary employees enables companies to maintain a thriving workforce. Depending on the industry, HR leaders may need temp employees for different reasons, such as:
Beefing up the staff during peak seasons
Replacing a permanent team member on maternity leave or disability leave
Carrying out a time-consuming or skill-specific project
Temporary employees also contribute to greater agility–permanent employees can take extended time off when necessary, and the business can maintain productivity.
Moreover, temporary employment is like a dating period, during which the employer and employee can become acquainted without commitment. If the company is satisfied with the temp employee’s work performance, it might extend an offer for permanent employment.
What can HR leaders do to manage temporary employees successfully?
To effectively incorporate temporary employees, HR leaders can integrate these tips:
Get back to basics. Temp employees need the appropriate hard and soft skills to hit the ground running. When sourcing temp employees, keep an eye out for experienced, confident, resourceful individuals with good communication skills. Also, ensure that you know the current job requirements and that the job description is accurate.
Outline the job parameters. Have temp employees sign a contract that explains the length of employment, the salary, and the protocol for time off–if the temp employment is long-term. Explain the agreement to new hires to support compliance and a smooth employment period.
Appoint a professional to manage unemployment claims. Know which team members manage unemployment claims. Moreover, if your company hired a temp agency, determine if just the temp agency is managing the claims or if your company is also responsible for the claims.
Include a confidentiality agreement. Temp employees may not feel loyal to the company, so it’s crucial to have them sign a confidentiality agreement to protect sensitive company information.
Do your background checks. Collaborate with the legal team to run a transparent and legal background check that’s appropriate for the position and the industry. Create a background check policy to ensure that candidates have a clear record, won’t disclose confidential information, or endanger their co-workers with dangerous behavior.
Why should integrating temporary employees be a part of modern HR strategy?
Strategically hiring temp employees can keep the business running smoothly. Whether you’re short on staff because of workload fluctuations or team members being on extended leave, temp employees allow you to manage people’s workloads, support employee wellbeing, and preserve a healthy company culture.
【英国】技术平台提供商Care Hires获得170万英镑融资,用于推进社会护理领域AI驱动的机构人员招聘工作
Care Hires 是一家总部位于英国伦敦的技术平台提供商,致力于改变社会护理领域的机构劳动力管理,公司宣布完成了由 West Hill Capital 领投的 170 万英镑融资。这笔重大投资标志着 Care Hires 在加强和扩展其人工智能驱动服务的征程中迎来了关键时刻,巩固了其作为英国护理服务提供商安置中介员工的首选解决方案的地位。
Care Hires 联合创始人兼联合首席执行官Nizam Bata表达了他的热情: "在我们继续创新和扩展平台的过程中,能得到 West Hill Capital 的支持,我们感到无比兴奋。这笔资金将使我们能够进一步实现我们的使命,即为英国各地的护理服务提供商提供范围最广、完全合规的高质量中介员工。我们致力于为我们的客户提供卓越的服务和支持,这笔投资将帮助我们实现在社会护理领域转变机构人员配置的目标。
Care Hires 目前拥有 19,000 多名员工,与 1,000 多家机构建立了合作关系,已经处理了超过 200 万小时的护理服务,在 2023 年为护理服务提供商节省了超过 1,870 万英镑。该平台为护理提供商提供了一整套人工智能增强工具,包括实时分析、合规跟踪和劳动力优化算法,以高效管理机构劳动力。Care Hires 首席运营官 Ashley Haveloch-Jones 阐述了公司的扩张计划: "我们的目标是扩大我们在社会护理领域的影响力,确保服务提供商能够在一个地方获得管理机构员工所需的一切。这笔资金将使我们能够加强我们的平台,推出新的功能,支持更多的机构提供高质量的护理服务。"
"Care Hires 首席技术官 Tharaka De Alwis 表示:"通过新一轮融资,Care Hires 将在成人社会护理领域应用最新的人工智能发展成果,从而彻底改变这一行业。Care Hires 首席技术官 Tharaka De Alwis 说:"我们相信,这些人工智能的进步是解决该行业关键挑战的关键,尤其是在提高护理提供商的能见度、合规性和对临时劳动力支出的控制方面。这项投资将加速我们的研发工作,使我们能够为护理对象提供个性化、高效的护理体验和更好的护理结果。我们对未来以及我们的创新将对无数人的生活产生的积极影响感到兴奋。
West Hill Corporate Finance 合伙人 Edward Williams 评论说: "我们很高兴能主导 Care Hires 的本轮融资。该平台的创新方法和改善社会护理行业的奉献精神与我们的投资理念不谋而合。我们相信 Care Hires 已经做好了大幅增长的准备,并很高兴能支持他们改变社会护理机构劳动力管理的愿景。
关于Care Hires
Care Hires 致力于为护理服务提供商和机构提供支持,通过提供一个平台,让他们能够实时获得经过全面审核的高素质员工。通过 Care Hires 平台,护理服务提供商可以高效地管理机构员工队伍,确保合规和卓越运营。该平台的人工智能驱动功能使护理服务提供商能够监控劳动力支出,提高能见度,并为有需要的人提供高质量的护理服务。
随着 Care Hires 不断扩大其产品和服务范围,它将继续致力于为护理服务提供商提供最可靠、最多样化的机构员工。有了这笔新资金,Care Hires 必将对社会护理行业产生深远影响,确保护理服务提供者能够为最需要的人提供卓越的护理服务。
【HR术语】什么是回旋员工?(What is a boomerang employee?)
回旋镖员工是指离开公司后又被重新雇用,在相同或不同岗位上工作的专业人员。回旋镖员工的工作轨迹就像回旋镖的名字所代表的 V 形投掷棒一样。
人力资源领导者为什么要关注 "回旋员工"?
与上一代专业人士相比,千禧一代倾向于更换工作--60% 的人表示 "愿意接受不同的工作机会"。在过去的几十年里,重新接受前员工被视为禁忌。但在当前的就业文化中,"回流员工 "已被接受,甚至对雇主有利。
如何最有效地处理 "回迁员工"?
选择与 "回迁员工 "共事,就必须了解如何在整个员工生命周期内处理他们。在招聘、面试和入职时,以下是一些需要考虑的重要提示。
了解哪些人适合成为 "回流员工"。并不是所有以前的员工都适合重新雇佣。在招聘 "回流员工 "时,应选择那些以良好的条件离开组织的员工,如出于个人原因或为了获得更多的工作经验。
人力资源领导者如何促进 "回旋员工 "的成功融入?
优雅告别。人力资源领导者可以实施离职计划,鼓励员工与雇主之间进行换位思考和坦诚交流。将离职面谈作为离职流程的一部分,可以让员工就需要改进的地方提供反馈意见。这不仅能让留下的员工更好地为公司服务,最终也能让未来潜在的 "回旋镖 "员工更好地为公司服务。
注重质量。 人力资源领导者只应设法重新聘用那些离开时条件良好的绩优员工,以便他们能够无缝地重新融入公司文化。同样重要的是,人力资源领导者应平等地考虑回流员工和新候选人--回流员工熟悉公司并不一定意味着他们就是最佳人选。
What is a boomerang employee?
A boomerang employee is a professional who leaves a company and is rehired at a later point to work in the same position or a different one. Boomerang employees follow a circular trajectory like the v-shaped throwing stick they are named after.
The main reasons professionals leave a current position are to:
Further their career at another company
Pursue a passion
Cope with significant life changes
Work seasonally (especially common in the hospitality and retail industries)
Why should HR leaders care about boomerang employees?
Millennials tend to change jobs more than professionals from earlier generations—60 percent report being “open to a different job opportunity.” In past decades, reaccepting an ex-employee was considered taboo. But in the current job culture, boomerang workers have become acceptable and even beneficial to employers.
The advantages of hiring boomerang employees are:
Familiarity with the company culture and the position
New skills from external job experience
Reduced onboarding time and training costs
Increased motivation and a new perspective
What are the pros and cons of boomerang employees?
As mentioned above, one of the most important pros of rehiring former employees is their ability to offer familiarity with your organization along with new experience and skills.
However, there are still possible cons to hiring boomerang employees, including:
Their potential to bring a sense of bitterness or bad blood into the workplace if they left on less-than-ideal terms
If policies or company culture have changed, boomerang workers may have difficulty acclimating to the changes
Even with experience, boomerang employees may not be the best candidate for the role
What is the most effective way to handle boomerang employees?
The choice to work with boomerang employees requires an understanding of how to handle them throughout the employee lifecycle. When it comes to recruitment, interviewing, and onboarding, here are some important tips to consider.
Know who makes a good boomerang employee. Not all previous employees are fit for rehire. When recruiting boomerang workers, aim to choose those who left the organization on good terms, such as for personal reasons or to gain more experience in the field.
Clear the air. In the interview process, it’s important to understand why a person left and whether or not they took any unresolved issues with them. It is important to address and clear up any issues for future success in the organization.
Leave the door open. Make sure that previous employees know they are welcome to interview again by maintaining relationships with previous talent.
Focus on reintegration. Onboarding a former employee is as important as onboarding a new one. Don’t skimp out on the process of integrating a boomerang employee into what is certain to be a changed team and company.
What are some recommended interview questions for boomerang employees?
Naturally, interviews for boomerang employees are different than those you would have with brand-new candidates. Here are some interview questions you can use to understand whether a former team member might be a good fit for rehiring.
Why did you previously leave the company?
Where have you been working since you left the company?
How have your skills improved since leaving?
In what way will the work experience you’ve had since leaving the company help you if you return to work here?
Are there any unresolved issues with your former co-workers or manager?
What makes you want to rejoin the company at this time?
What can HR leaders do to promote the successful integration of boomerang employees?
HR leaders can use these practices to encourage acceptance and smooth incorporation of top-performing boomerang workers:
Say a graceful goodbye. HR leaders can implement an offboarding program that encourages empathetic and honest communication between people and employers. Including an exit interview as part of the offboarding process allows people to provide feedback on areas in need of improvement. This can better the company for the remaining people and, ultimately, for potential future boomerang employees.
Keep track of employee records. Organizing relevant employee information into an applicant tracking system can simplify the recruiting and hiring process. HR professionals can check past performance reviews and reports of employee synergy with team members. A boomerang employee can also qualify to receive sick days, vacation days, and tenure from the previous employment period that transfer to their new position.
Build an alumni group. With former employees’ permission, HR professionals can facilitate an alumni group through social media or an email newsletter. This maintains the relationship and keeps them informed of changes within the company. Keeping in touch leaves the door open to alumni if they’d ever like to reapply or if the employer decides to extend a job offer.
Have empathy for departing team members. HR leaders can protect relationships with departing team members by supporting them during the exit stage. It’s good practice to provide people you’ve let go with outplacement services and, if possible, a severance package. Departing employees serve as brand ambassadors by default, so treating them kindly and respectfully is not only the right thing to do, but it can also benefit the company.
Create a positive company culture. HR professionals can build a positive company culture that encourages collaboration, interpersonal relationships, and gratitude among people and managers. A friendly and supportive work community can attract more top-performing people back.
Focus on quality. HR leaders should only seek to rehire top-performing people who left on good terms, so they can seamlessly reintegrate into the company culture. It’s also essential that HR leaders consider boomerang employees and new candidates equally –just because a boomerang employee is familiar with the company doesn’t necessarily mean they are the best candidate for the job.
How can boomerang employees improve company culture?
High-performing boomerang employees can bring beneficial skills, experience, and enthusiasm to an organization. Their return can boost morale and create a shared sense of purpose in the workplace, proving that your company is such a great place to work that people want to come back even after departing.