前线团队云通信平台提供商 Relay 获得了 3500 万美元的 B 轮融资,本轮融资由 G2 Venture Partners 领投,Wind River Ventures 和 Sovereign's Capital 等现有投资者跟投。
在首席执行官 Chris Chuang 的领导下,Relay 是一个基于云的技术平台,可帮助一线团队改善沟通、提高员工安全和生产力。Relay 利用现代化工具帮助一线团队实现数字化转型,这些工具支持跟踪绩效和改善运营所需的可操作实时数据。
在 B 轮融资之前,Relay 于 2024 年 4 月推出了新的翻译产品 TeamTranslate™,该产品利用人工智能自动检测团队成员之间的语音和文本信息,并将其翻译成每个用户的首选语言。2023 年,公司获得了 1300 万美元的 A 轮融资。
Chris Chuang 在谈到这一消息时说: "我们团队的使命是利用我们的变革性突破技术释放一线生产力。重要的是,我们的解决方案具有独特的简便性、可靠性和经济性,使传统上与外界隔绝的一线团队首次可以使用这些创新技术。 无论一线团队身处何地,使用何种设备,甚至使用何种语言,Relay 都能让他们实现无缝连接。 而且,我们以经济实惠的模式实现了这一切,通过这种模式,企业可以快速实现价值。
Relay 是一个基于云的通信平台,为领导者提供团队通信、运营洞察和工人安全。Relay公司开发的通信解决方案具有蜂窝推送通话、GPS 跟踪、紧急按钮功能和软件集成功能,可满足企业团队的移动通信需求。该公司的平台提供团队聊天、位置跟踪和实时警报等功能。Relay 可满足酒店、医疗保健和设施管理等各行各业的需求。
总部位于芝加哥的全国性工作空间运营商 Workbox 自 2019 年成立以来取得了显著的增长,在其 A 轮股权融资中成功筹集了 1750 万美元,后续选项还可获得 550 万美元。迄今为止,Workbox 在后续分配之前已经筹集了超过 2500 万美元的资金。
本轮融资由 Chicago Atlantic 领投,将帮助 Workbox 加快在全美的发展。Workbox 在五个城市拥有十家分店,是全美发展最快的运营商之一,本月刚刚宣布在芝加哥和达拉斯开设新店。在大部分行业资金仍然严重紧张的情况下,新增资金为 Workbox 的扩张提供了大量流动资金。
“Workbox 联合创始人兼首席执行官John Wallace说:”在这个新的工作时代,灵活办公领域将成为办公空间需求的最大驱动力。“我们认为‘灵活办公’将成为‘办公’的同义词,混合就业、员工灵活性、地理上分散的劳动力、双职工家庭以及小型企业的快速发展已经验证了这一点。
“Workbox自成立以来,每年的收入都翻了一番多,但这需要一个有能力超越办公市场头条新闻的资本合作伙伴,才能看到我们在这个价值万亿美元的行业中的真正商机。华莱士说:"当前的环境为重新规划工作场所、以可持续的方式重新调整业主和运营商的利益开辟了道路。“芝加哥大西洋公司带来了超过 21 亿美元的资产管理规模、私募股权和信贷方面的投资经验、通过纳斯达克上市的房地产投资信托基金获得的公共市场经验,以及对运营结构和设计如何影响行业成败的细致入微的理解。
Chicago Atlantic 创始合伙人 John Mazarakis 补充说:"Workbox 自成立以来,一直在客户获取和结构创新方面默默地引领着行业发展。它在运营和管理方面的亲力亲为给我们留下了深刻印象,我们相信这种策略将使其长期保持增长和业绩。我们很荣幸能为公司利用 Workbox,并通过这项重大投资建立我们的合作伙伴关系。
关于Workbox Holdings, Inc.
Workbox Holdings, Inc. 是一家全国性的工作空间运营商,为专业人士提供交流平台。除了传统的办公空间和联合办公解决方案外,公司还通过其整个投资组合中高度集中的高增长企业,为一系列投资者、经过审核的专业专家网络和强大的互动提供机会。
关于Chicago Atlantic
Chicago Atlantic 是一家私人市场另类投资管理公司,专注于资本需求超过传统供应的行业和公司。创始合伙人 John Mazarakis、Tony Cappell 和 Andreas Bodmeier 于 2019 年成立了芝加哥大西洋公司。该公司的私人投资战略已发展到包括机会主义信贷和股权投资,重点关注对神秘行业的贷款、特殊资产贷款、流动性解决方案以及增长和技术融资。迄今为止,Chicago Atlantic 已进行了超过 20 亿美元的信贷和股权投资。芝加哥大西洋公司的专业团队超过 75 人,在佛罗里达州迈阿密和伊利诺伊州芝加哥设有办事处。
【HR术语】什么是职位定价?(What is job pricing?)
工作职责: 一份工作的复杂程度和职责会影响其薪酬水平。责任越大、决策权越大、战略重要性越大的工作通常报酬越高。
技能和经验: 工作所需的技能和专业知识水平也有影响。需要专业技能或丰富经验的工作往往薪酬较高。
行业和地点: 高需求行业或生活成本较高的地区可能会提供更高的薪酬来吸引和留住人才。
内部公平: 职位定价还应考虑确保组织内部薪酬公平的需要。这可以确保具有相似工作角色和职责的人员获得相似的薪酬。
薪酬基准: 这包括使用外部市场数据,如薪酬调查和行业基准,以确定市场上类似工作职位的通用薪酬标准。
工作分析: 进行工作分析,了解工作的具体职责和要求。这包括收集有关工作职责、资格和经验水平的数据。
市场调研: 利用薪酬调查和行业报告,了解市场上类似职位的薪酬标准。
内部评估: 通过与组织内的其他职位进行比较,评估该职位的内部价值。这样可以确保薪酬标准的一致性和公平性。
确定薪酬范围: 根据职位分析、市场调研和内部评估,为该职位确定一个有竞争力的薪酬范围。薪酬范围应考虑最低、中点和最高薪酬。
决定个人薪酬: 一旦确定了薪酬范围,就应根据候选人或员工的资历、经验和表现来决定薪酬范围的渗透率(该范围内的具体薪酬)。
What is job pricing?
Job pricing is how you establish the right compensation or salary for a specific job within an organization.
It involves analyzing various factors, both internal and external, to set a competitive and fair pay rate that matches the job’s responsibilities, requirements, and market value. It’s an essential part of your compensation strategy.
What is the importance of job pricing?
Creating a competitive pay package is crucial for attracting top talent to the organization and retaining valuable employees. If the pay is below market rates, it can lead to a high turnover rate and create difficulties in hiring skilled candidates.
Giving people fair compensation for their job responsibilities, skills, and experience means they’re more likely to feel satisfied at work.
It can motivate them to perform at their best and increase their productivity because they’ll feel that their efforts are recognized and rewarded.
Get the job pricing wrong, though, and it can contribute to a work environment rife with resentment.
What are the factors affecting job pricing?
Job responsibilities: A job’s complexity and responsibilities influence its pay rate. Jobs with greater levels of responsibility, decision-making authority, and strategic importance usually get higher compensation.
Skill and experience: The level of skill and expertise needed for a job has an impact, too. Jobs that require specialized skills or extensive experience tend to come with higher salaries.
Industry and location: High-demand industries or locations with a higher cost of living may offer more pay to attract and retain talent.
Internal equity: Job pricing should also consider the need to ensure equity of pay rates within the organization. It ensures that people with similar job roles and responsibilities receive similar compensation.
Salary benchmarking: This involves using external market data, such as salary surveys and industry benchmarks, to identify common pay rates for similar job positions in the market.
Job pricing steps
But how exactly do you set the job price? To start off with, it mainly involves carrying out a thorough analysis to determine the right salary (it’s helpful to use a compensation analysis template for this).
You can break the job pricing process into the following steps:
Job analysis: Carry out a job analysis to understand the specific responsibilities and requirements of the job. This includes gathering data on job duties, qualifications, and experience levels.
Market research: Use salary surveys and industry reports to understand the pay rates for similar job positions in the market.
Internal evaluation: Evaluate the job’s internal worth by comparing it to other roles within the organization. This ensures that pay rates are consistent and fair.
Establish a compensation range: Based on the job analysis, market research, and internal evaluation, establish a competitive compensation range for the position. The range should consider the minimum, midpoint, and maximum salaries.
Decide on individual salaries: Once you establish the compensation range, you’ll decide on the salary range penetration (the exact salary within that range) based on a candidate’s or employee’s qualifications, experience, and performance.
Job pricing strategies and best practices
It’s important to use multiple data sources, such as industry surveys, government data, and market research, to ensure your pricing is accurate and fair.
Keep in mind that markets do change—so job pricing should be a regular part of your compensation management process. Make a habit of reviewing and updating compensation data to align with market trends and any changes to your organization’s needs.
Remember, job pricing doesn’t just refer to base salaries. It’s also best to consider total compensation, including benefits, bonuses, and other incentives—so you can attract and retain top talent.
Of course, this should be consistent with your organization’s goals. Consider your company’s financial health, long-term sustainability, and retention objectives when carrying out the job pricing process.
What’s equally important, but can be overlooked, is maintaining pay transparency with your people about the job pricing process. It can help with tackling pay inequality and builds employee trust.
By following these best practices, you’ll be setting yourself up with a successful job pricing strategy—one that benefits both your employees and the organization.