以色列大数据公司 Anodot 获 300 万美元 A 轮融资
Anodot日前在 A 轮系列融资中获得 300 万美元,投资方为 Disrupt-ive,融资总额已达 450 万美元。
Anodot 是一家提供实时分析和异常检测的大数据创业公司,成立于 2014年6月,总部位于以色列,还在森尼维尔市、加利福尼亚、以色列的瑞安那等多地成立了办事处。
Anodot 通过已获得专利的机器学习算法,实时在大量的数据中发现异常的数据并把他们转为有价值的商业信息,以消除商业观察中的延迟,支持快速的商业决策,目前主要应用在广告技术、电子商务和物联网行业。
值得一提的是创始团队成员都是连续创业者,Anodot 的 CEO David Drai 曾是 Cotendo 公司的联合创始人兼 CTO,这家公司最后被 AKamai 以两亿六千八百万美元收购。而 Anodot 的首席数据分析专家 Dr.Lra Cohen 是惠普软件的前 CTO。研发副总裁 Shay Lang 同样有多年相关经验。此外,董事会的成员还包括 Impreva CEO 兼总裁 Anthony Bettencourt,O’ Reilly Media 的首席数据分析师 Ben Lorica。
今年早些时候就有行业分析称,BI 将会在未来快速发展,到 2018年 之前,有望以每年8.3%的增率、两百亿美金的市值增长。正如很多 BI 公司已在 2015年 拿到了融资,例如以色列创业公司 Pyramid Analytics 和 Sisence 都在今年获得了 3000 万美元的投资,Looker 也在今年3月 份融到了 3000 万美元,Adaptive Insights 则在 6月 份获得了 7500 万美元。
Disrupt-ive 的合伙人兼 Anodot 董事会成员 Tal Barnoach 此前曾发表声明:“通过自动化、实时的对大数据指标和关键信息进行提取分析,来变革商业智能,这有着巨大的市场潜力。”
Anodot 的 CEO David Drai 也表示:“拿打车 APP 来说,订单都是基于短信系统,若出现问题则至少需要 3 天来进行修复,动则会损失上万美元。这就是我创立 Anodot 的初衷,希望利用机器学习和自动监测来进行实时分析,降低由延迟发现问题造成的损失。”
据悉,知名科技公司 WIX 和 Avantis 都已是 Anodot 的客户,本轮融资将用于在物联网、电子商务、广告技术等的市场扩张。
Israeli business intel startup Anodot scores $3 million in Series A
Anodot, a business intelligence startup that specializes in anomaly detection, exited stealth on Wednesday and announced a $3 million Series A funding round led by Tel Aviv- and New York-based Disrupt-ive Fund. Its total funding to date is $4.5 million.
They use machine learning algorithms to identify system anomalies. Already counting prominent tech companies Wix and Avantis among their clientele, the new round will help them expand their sales strategy toward IoT, e-commerce, and adtech companies abroad.
“There is a huge opportunity to disrupt the BI market by enabling automated and real-time insights into big data pools of metrics and KPIs,” said Disrupt-ive Fund general partner and Anodot board member Tal Barnoach in statement to the press.
Its co-founders have impressive resumes: CEO David Drai is also the co-founder and former CTO of Cotendo, which was acquired by Akamai for $268 million, and the former CTO of Gett. Chief Data Scientist Dr. Ira Cohen is the former CTO of HP Software and VP of R&D Shay Lang has experience at several tech companies. Their board includes the likes of Imperva CEO and President Anthony Bettencourt and O’Reilly Media chief data scientist Ben Lorica.
“As a mobile taxi app, SMS text orders were dropped by the carrier, but it could take up to three days to spot critical issues and fix them, costing tens of thousands of dollars per incident,” Drai said. “That’s where I got the idea for Anodot—to employ the latest advances in machine learning to detect performance problems automatically and in real-time, eliminating the latency.”
BI is flying high
The business intelligence market is expected to grow 8.3% per year to a value of $20.8 billion in 2018, according to an industry analysis by MarketsandMarkets published earlier this year. Consequently, BI companies have raised a lot of money in 2015. Fellow Israeli startups Pyramid Analytics and Sisense both raised $30 million rounds this year. Other companies include Looker, which also received $30 million in March, and Adaptive Insights, which brought in $75 million back in June.
The company was founded in June 2014 by co-founders CEO David Drai, Chief Data Scientist Dr. Ira Cohen, and VP of R&D Shay Lang. They maintain offices in Sunnyvale, California and Ra’anana, Israel.
求职应用 Apploi 融资 700 万美元
Apploi 首席执行官亚当·路易斯(Adam Lewis)创办这家公司是为了让服务行业工人在工作面试中展现自己最好的一面。Apploi 被设计为工作申请的中枢系统,可以帮助工作申请者分享有关自己个性和技能的视频,且已经帮助数百人在 H&M、优衣库和 J. Crew 等公司找到工作。
Apploi 提供基于移动和浏览器的申请流程,还在商场和繁忙地段安放设备,让雇主们可以抓住过往人流。用户可以提交多份申请,甚至可以拍摄短视频来展示自己的技能。
路易斯称:“我们重新思考了工作申请,重心也不是放在简历上。整个过程要更具互动性,申请人可以回答公司以多种格式设置的问题,并提供公司作出合理决定所需的数据。通常来说,这些工作的招聘周期要少于 24 小时,性格、专心、激情和空余时间在很多工作的招聘中要比考试成绩更重要。”
Apploi 已获得 740 万美元的 A 轮融资。该公司希望扩大业务范围,部署更多设备,获得更多雇主客户。Apploi 的网站 已经上线 ,在一个月内服务了 36 个州的 8 万多名求职者。预计到 2015 年夏,Apploi 将覆盖全美 50 个州。他们没有透露是否正在招聘,不过你大可提交一份申请哦。
Apploi, A Job Hunting App, Raises Over $7 Million In Series A
Applying to jobs seems easy: you roll into a shop, fill out an application, and wait for a call. But aside from nicer handwriting, how do you stand out from the crowd of applicants? You use Apploi.
Apploi’s CEO, Adam Lewis, launched the company to allow service industry workers put their best foot forward in job interviews. Designed as a sort of central system for applications as well as a way to share videos of your personality and skills, it’s already helping hundreds of folks find work at H&M, Uniqlo, and J. Crew, among others.
“When I was running my previous company I was asked by a large restaurant company to review their recruiting processes and see if my previous service would be a useful resume tool for them. I was shocked as to how they were using resumes to recruit hourly customer service staff,” said Lewis.
“I went undercover in NYC and applied to several service and support jobs. I repeatedly saw the same thing — long lines outside stores, companies shutting off revenue generating space to hold hiring events, where jobseekers (often customers too) were waiting in line filling out long forms before a three minute interview with the assisitant manager. Otherwise companies were sending these jobseekers back to computers to apply in a similar way as they would for a corporate position.”
The company offers a mobile and browserbased application process and also sets up hiring kiosks in malls and busy areas where multiple employers can grab walking traffic. Users can submit multiple applications and even show off their skills by shooting short videos.
“We rethought the job application and we’re not focussed on the resume as the currency of application. It’s more interactive (candidates can answer questions that are set by companies in multiple formats) and provide companies with the data that they need to make informed decisions — often hiring cycles for these jobs are less than 24 hours, and personality, commitment, passion and timeavailability are much more important for many of these jobs than exam results,” said Lewis.
The company raised $7,407,800 in Series A with Andrew Heyer, CEO of Mistral Equity Partners, Simon Jacobs, former owner of Hale and Hearty, among others. Tony Wang, president of Three-W International, and Heyer will join the Board.
The company hopes to expand its reach and bring more kiosks and employers online. The site is humming along right now and they’ve served over 80,000 job seekers a month in 36 states. They expect to be in all 50 states by Summer 2015. No word if they’re hiring, but feel free to submit an application.