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    Glassdoor新加入几位高管团队 Glassdoor Welcomes New Members to Executive Team 由于利用Glassdoor帮助他们找到工作并招聘顶尖人选的求职者和招聘人员数量不断增长,因此我们的公司也必须如此。过去几年中,Glassdoor团队在美国和海外都取得了长足的发展。为了支持这一增长,我们很高兴地宣布我们的三名执行领导团队的任命:首席财务官Jim Cox,首席运营官Christian Sutherland-Wong以及全球企业传播副总裁Samantha Zupan。 Cox加入我们,拥有超过20年的经验,负责监管快速发展的私营和上市公司的财务状况,最近担任社交媒体软件公司Lithium Technologies的首席财务官。此前,他曾担任上市财务软件公司Advent Software的首席财务官。考克斯为他带来了成功的成功记录,帮助Advent公司将其收入翻了一番,营业收入增加了两倍,并通过SS&C Technologies--成功帮助他获得2015年度中小企业CFO荣誉旧金山商业时报上市公司。在Glassdoor,Cox将负责Glassdoor的财务运营和财务战略,以支持公司不断发展的全球业务。 作为Glassdoor高级副总裁兼货币化总经理两年多来,Sutherland-Wong晋升为首席运营官后,他负责监督整个业务的开发和运营功能。作为首席运营官,Sutherland-Wong将负责推动收入并监督Glassdoor的业务战略和运营。曾任哈佛商学院MBA学位的Sutherland-Wong曾在LinkedIn和贝恩公司担任运营,产品管理和咨询职位。 Zupan在Glassdoor工作了几年后加入了高管领导团队 - 实际上,作为Glassdoor首批雇员之一(也是首位致力于通信)的雇员之一,Zupan于2008年帮助成立了该公司。作为全球企业沟通副总裁,她将监督公司的沟通职能,包括公关,企业通讯,经济局,活动,社论,内容和社交媒体。 我代表Glassdoor的每一位成员都对Cox表示衷心的欢迎,并祝贺Sutherland-Wong和Zupan的促销活动。随着我们继续帮助更多的招聘人员和求职者,我们相信,我们新任命的管理团队成员的经验和专业知识将确保持续增长和规模成功。
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    硅谷知名OKR创业公司BetterWorks 陷入性骚扰丑闻、CEO下课、融资受阻,高管团队离职 【猎云网 (图片来自HRTechChina)(微信号:ilieyun)】2月21日报道(编译:田小雪) BetterWorks Systems Inc.是一家来自硅谷的科技初创企业,专门针对公司经理和员工双方提供合适的人力资源软件,于五年前正式成立。 其实,这家公司在硅谷的名气本来并不是很大。可是,从去年的性骚扰丑闻曝光以来,就一直受到大众的关注,可以说自那以后是陷于泥潭、无法脱身。 具体情况是这样的:去年七月份 ,一位名为Beatrice Kim的女性员工(现已离职)一纸诉状将公司告上法庭,声称首席执行官对自己进行了性骚扰以及性侵犯,而且在她上报之后公司相关高层管理人员并未作出应有的反应、采取惩戒性的措施。当时,正值反性骚扰运动#MeToo在全球范围内如火如荼展开之际,因而BetterWorks的这一丑闻一经爆出,就被推到了舆论的风口浪尖。 而这位女性员工口中的首席执行官,正是今年43岁的Kris Duggan,他同时也是这家公司的联合创始人。虽然Duggan本人反驳了这样一项指控,但最后迫于压力还是选择了从公司辞职。他一离职,公司正在推进的融资计划也就受到了影响、遭到了搁置,当即便有十几位客户终止了与该公司的合作伙伴关系。 不仅如此,在丑闻曝光之前,美国知名出版公司企鹅兰登书屋(Penguin Random House)有计划出版一本由Duggan和John Doerr二人主笔的图书。后者一方面是知名风险投资机构Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers的资深风险资本家,另一方面是BetterWorks的董事。然而在丑闻爆出之后,该出版公司不得不叫停了这一出版计划。 作为丑闻的主角,BetterWorks自那以后一直在努力挽救公司的声誉和形象,试图摆脱这一事件带来的负面影响,调整自己重新面向公众。就在上个月,公司与Beatrice Kim就此次性骚扰事件达成了一致。与此同时,公司还决定让董事会成员,即现阶段负责一家名为Alfresco Software Inc.的公司日常运营工作的Doug Dennerline,来接替Duggan出任新的首席执行官。不过,据知情人士透露,到目前为止,Doug Dennerline还没有正式接受这一任命。无论是BetterWorks公司还是Dennerline本人,都拒绝针对这一消息给出评论。 除此之外,Doerr和Duggan也都在尽力消除这一丑闻事件对自己造成的影响。但最终,Doerr还是从《Measure What Matters》一书中去除了Duggan的名字。作为出版方,企鹅兰登书屋计划将这本书的出版时间推到下个月,在此之前先出版谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)的书。而似乎陷入低谷的Duggan,目前正在加州帕拉奥图创建另一家新公司。 正当所有人都以为这一丑闻事件正在逐渐从人们视野中消失时,事情又出现了转折,因为又有一位已经离职的女性员工向加州监管机构提交文件,在去年十二月份正式起诉BetterWorks,称公司上级对自己进行性骚扰。这一次,除了Doerr和Duggan,Kleiner Perkins和其他两位高管都遭到了指控。根据内部人士的消息,以及《彭博社》通过公开信息请求拿到的起诉文件副本,这名女性员工称公司高管都对上司性骚扰下属的事情,采取视而不见的态度。 BetterWorks代表律师Lynne Hermle指出,该女性员工这一次的指控,完全是为了谋求经济利益,毫无任何良心和道德可言。她表示:“此次指控当中涉及到很多无辜人士,她将数位与性骚扰事情完全不相关的高管告上法庭,纯属敲诈勒索行为。而且,现在事实非常清楚地摆在我们面前,她根本就是无中生有、想要讹钱。所以,对于这项指控,我们无论是从法律出发,还是从事实出发,都能够在各个方面取得胜利。” 对于第二次的性骚扰指控,Duggan一开始是毫不知情的。后来听说了之后便表示:“对于这样一种情况,我非常无奈,也很沮丧。这根本就不是事实,纯粹是为了钱来的。” Kleiner Perkins则拒绝过多评论,只是表示:“我们一直在一种健康的环境当中,尽自己最大的努力带领公司发展壮大。至于外面那些目的不纯、恶意中伤的人,我是真的控制不了。” 在此之前,无论是第一次性骚扰指控最后的和平解决,还是第二次性骚扰指控的突然出现,都没有相关媒体进行过报道。BetterWorks公司的主要股东和商业合作伙伴,以及之前和现在的员工都表示,由于第一次Kim的官司,公司不仅丢掉了不少生意,还在融资方面遇到了难题。所有这些都表明,员工的性骚扰指控以及公司高管不正确的应对态度和处理措施,都将会对公司产生无法估量的负面影响。 Pamela Mason是一家保险公司的负责人,专门针对成百上千家初创企业以及100多家风险资本公司提供法律诉讼保险。她表示:“现阶段,女性所拥有的自由发言权越来越多,因而也就有越来越多的公司可能会面临性别歧视和性骚扰等罪名的指控。再加上#MeToo这一全球范围内的反性骚扰运动,我们公司的客户也就越来越警惕这一问题。” 据那些不愿意透露姓名的内部人士表示,就在去年夏天的性骚扰指控出现之前,BetterWorks正准备从投资者手中寻求4000万美元左右的投资,几乎是其之前融资的两倍。可指控出现之后,公司的所有融资计划都受到了影响。据几位接受彭博社采访的员工表示,当时那场官司可以说是晴天霹雳。在他们看来,公司的工作环境完全是开放包容的,均以绩效为考核基础,鼓励使用公司自己的软件来进行公开自由的互动交流,同时来进行员工的人事管理。而且,在他们眼中,Kim是一位很受大家欢迎、受同事尊敬的员工。 如果说员工的情绪还算是小事,那么融资出现滞碍,可就真的是大事了。内部人士表示,在丑闻刚爆出来的那几个月中,公司最起码花了100万美元来公关。而且,在没有外部资金进账的情况下,公司的储备金越来越少,在管理上开始走节俭路线。举个例子,当时办公室里的冰箱坏了,公司高管居然表示等几个星期再修。BetterWorks首席财务官Mark Lambert也承认,当时确实出现了财务过度紧缩的状况。 就在丑闻事件曝出之后,公司另一联合创始人Di Wu宣布离职。不过用他的说,自己离职与性骚扰指控并没有关系。但正如上文所说,公司高管一直对员工遭到性骚扰采取不闻不问的态度,这也确实让不少员工在当时选择了辞职。而且,原本由六人构成的高管团队,在官司之后也减少了三人。 知情人士透露,丑闻爆出之后,大概有十几位建立了合作伙伴关系的客户宣布不再使用BetterWorks的软件,从而直接导致公司的年度经常性收益下降了5%到10%,只有少得可怜的1000万美元。不过,好在还有一些长期合作的客户,包括宝马、Intuit Inc.和A+E Networks,仍然选择了信任,没有取消与BetterWorks的合作关系,继续使用该公司的软件来针对员工设定目标,并且追踪员工的日常工作表现。可是,这样一来,想要再额外吸引新客户和新生意,就相当困难了。一直以来,BetterWorks的主要收益来源就是订单。去年,这一指标至少下降了30%。 根据了解官司详情的人表示,上个月公司向Kim支付了100万美元赔偿金。与此同时,Kim则保证不在任何其他场合讨论与这场官司有关的内容。作为公司的早期投资人,Kim现在是一家多样性和包容性咨询公司Awaken的负责人。至于其他具体情况,BetterWorks和Kim都拒绝评论。 其实,处理性骚扰官司是相当费钱的。在美国科技中心加州,输掉一场官司可能就意味着一家公司要支付高昂的败诉费和赔偿金,不论对方律师的要求如何,不论法官的要求如何,都必须要无条件执行。甚至就算一家公司打赢了官司,通常也要付出较高的法律成本。 另外,通常情况下,官司打完之后,提出控诉一方在拿到赔偿金之后,需要签署保密协议,确保他们不再在相同的事情上大做文章,但其实这一协议究竟效果如何,不同人还是有不同看法的。就在最近几个月,加州、纽约州和宾州政府都制定了相关法律政策,全面取消了保密条款。一位名为Connie Leyva的加州议员表示:“有了这一体系,那些有钱人就会直接花钱让原告闭嘴,从而掩盖他们背后真正的恶劣行径。” 总而言之,BetterWorks希望在接下来的几个星期内让Dennerline出任新首席执行官,在成功挽回原有客户的同时,发展一些新的客户,鼓励员工士气,拿到更多融资。其实,Dennerline曾经是软件制造商SuccessFactors的董事长,后来这家公司以34亿美元的价格被SAP SE收购。 本文来自猎云网,如若转载,请注明出处:http://www.lieyunwang.com/archives/413759
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    为什么区块链招聘可能是未来的人力资源趋势 Why blockchain for recruitment might be a future HR trend 区块链能否验证事实和交易?能否提高招聘效率和人力资源领导者的其他关注领域的效率?我们看看。  by Pam Baker 在人力资源和招聘工作中,有时候会觉得自己在玩弄两个事实和一个谎言 - 不知道谁在玩什么或什么时候玩。如果我们现在玩游戏,它会看起来像这样:区块链是确保准确性的突破。(真相)一些人认为区块链是未来人力资源重要趋势。(真相)。使用HR区块链的细节全部解决。(谎言。) 事实上,尽管在招聘和其他人力资源流程中使用区块链的承诺确实存在,但现实充满了复杂性。这里看看两者。 作为人力资源趋势的雷达上的区块链 区块链是由一系列经过验证的事实组成的分布式共享数字分类帐。这些事实可以是从金钱到信息的任何事物。作为记录保存的数字系统的一部分,每笔交易及其细节都经过验证,然后通过计算机网络进行记录。每个有权访问分布式分类账的人都会收到这些信息,并且各方在块之间被复制,共享和实体之间同步之前达成一致。区块链几乎不可能被篡改,因为每个信息块都会引用它之前的区块。 在这个信任既难以捉摸又高昂的时代,区块链的吸引力正在飙升,因为它提供了一种确认,验证和验证价值和事件的方式。这就是为什么多个垂直行业(如银行业,制造业和保险业)和多个业务横向行业(诸如会计,履行,供应链和运输等部门)被吸引到并且非常兴奋的地方 - 在他们的工作中使用区块链。 为什么区块链吸引人力资源专业人士 “很容易看出,如何能够确保个人教育或工作经历的细节 - 以及可能更多的个人事实 - 是不可改变的,这对人力资源部门来说非常有吸引力,”Carol Van Cleef说,与律师事务所Baker&Hostetler合作,经常就金融科技问题向客户提供建议,包括区块链。 她说:“假设原始输入是准确的,重复验证相同信息的成本可能会显着降低,对结果的信心增加。” 鉴于近期工作性质发生了变化,这不是一项小任务 - 或者是小额费用。 企业软件供应商Workday的学习产品战略主管James Cross说:“十年前,求职者可能拥有一所或两所大学的学位,并明确定义了两三位以前雇主的长期职位。提供基于云计算的人力资本管理和金融云应用程序。“即便如此,验证员工的经验和教育费时费钱,通常在招聘流程结束时以及通过外包背景调查提供商进行,”他说。 Cross指出,在当今的商业环境中,招聘与过去截然不同。“一位候选人可能会有比以前更多的工作和更多样化的职业,个人和学习经历,”他说。 美国劳工统计局的调查结果证实了这一点。2016年,25至34岁的千年工人的平均工作年限为2。8年。这很重要。根据皮尤研究中心的资料,千禧一代现在是劳动力中最大的一代。教育也发生了巨大变化,现在更难追踪和验证。 “候选人可能曾为一家经营人才市场的雇主工作,或者已经完成了几次轮岗'职责之旅' - 一路获得技能,知识和反馈,”克罗斯说。“他们也可能已经完成了按需在线培训,并获得了徽章或数字凭证,甚至可能为多家雇主开展了'演出'。” 这只是为了初学者。考虑到人力资源是一项数据密集型功能,区块链可以在部门范围内拥有更多的应用程序。 Baker&Hostetler的Van Cleef在区块链上提供了一些关于人力资源趋势的警告。她说:“我们在建立区块链技术和这个术语涉及的所有领域都处于非常早期的阶段。“对于像HR这样的数据密集型功能来说,潜力可能并不是真正的无限,但实际用途将会非常多。” 教育验证可能是人力资源首次使用区块链 由于人员及其背景可能如此复杂,因此在招聘过程中使用区块链有一些棘手的因素。要让区块链技术成为一份坚实的履历或无可置疑的就业历史,谁在每个区块贡献和验证数据是关键。在某些用途中,如教育验证,这些问题的答案相对简单。非常如此,一些大学已经为他们的学生提供了这些数据块。这不仅是您在那里找到的成绩和学位。 “在区块链的世界里,成绩单是防篡改的,基本上是由发行机构签署的,我们已经为卡尔加里大学的学生做了这个,允许他们在他们的”cocurricular record“上放上志愿者职位,然后我们“卡尔加里大学计算机科学教授,以及上周在旧金山举行的RSA 2017区块链非金融应用的发言人Thomas P. Keenan解释说。 工作时间,达到目标以及由此产生的工资和奖金都是雇主和员工的有用记录,获得的奖金记录对未来的就业机会也是有利的。   机构之间共享教育数据也很简单。 “另一个很大的优势是降低成本,”基南说。他说:“我们花时间检查来自国外大学和大学本身的申请人的证书。用于验证机构的区块链注册将大大消除这一繁重的任务。” 然而,人力资源专业人士可能希望以区块链形式提供这些信息,以打击欺诈行为,从而降低验证流程的成本。 Keenan说:“虽然大学成绩单通常具有较高的认证水平,但我可以告诉你,我们已经看到一些完全虚假的成绩单,在遥远的国家被编造出来并被认为是真实的。” 事实上,欺诈性教育索赔在外包时期猖獗,并且仍然对在多个国家运营的公司构成问题,因为这些公司有时难以跨地域同步信息,并且将学位与学位的差异等同起来。 区块链可能有助于建立此信息,然后为将来可能需要此信息的公司保留该信息。此外,区块链有可能追踪员工从工作到工作,并为员工提供快速可靠的手段,以提供教育证书并快速聘用。 记录工作历史中的问题 验证教育是一回事,记录就业历史的细微差别是另一回事。 “虽然你可以对特定事情进行核查,例如申请人是否拥有学位,但是很难有独立咨询或合同工作经验的明确公式,或者在工作时可以清楚地了解职位的头衔是什么意思即使它们属于同一行业,甚至在不同业务中也会有所不同,“Saba Software Inc.产品和合作伙伴市场营销高级总监Paul Ardoin表示,该公司生产依赖机器学习的基于云的人才管理应用程序。 验证历史数据也会遇到问题。 Ardoin解释说:“公司或教育机构在收购中失业或被吞并,可能根本没有这些信息,或者它可能是一个挑战,找到合适的人。” 如果我们试图以追溯的方式记录职业道路,“这将会导致人力资源部门和他们尝试招聘的人们头痛数十年,”他说。 简而言之,这表明从现在起为就业目的构建区块链比回溯并建立完整的过去记录更实际。反过来,对于许多员工来说,区块链只会是部分就业纪录。 另一个棘手问题是应用程序跟踪系统的广泛使用,或者更具体地说,人力资源依靠关键字对申请人进行分类。尽管自动化对人力资源有帮助,但对于申请人来说,这往往是一个障碍,他们随后写出多个版本的简历来触发各种工作中的特定关键字搜索。在当前的区块链概念中,申请人不太可能这样做,而招聘公司可能错过伟大的人才。 HR使用区块链与法律,隐私问题 SAP公司人力资源副总裁Bianca McCann表示:“当然,这种[长期员工记录保存]可以在法律和数据隐私的背景下加以考虑。 例如,现在有些地方向候选人询问过去的工资或当前的年龄是违法的。但是,这些信息可以存储在区块链中,根据就业相关用途的发展情况以及围绕隐私的概念如何发展,求职者的私人信息可能会在未经他人许可的情况下被访问。这引发了许多问题。例如,如果招聘组织在区块链中查看某些信息,是否承担法律风险?或者,潜在雇主是否可以访问这些信息,对不想放任它的员工构成真正的风险? 另一方面,区块链在招聘过程中成为人力资源趋势在某些情况下可能是双赢的。 “在需要确保正常工作许可并促进海外安全支付的国际招聘方案中,区块链的可信安全可以帮助雇主和员工,”技术和管理Keyrus的首席顾问Hannah Curtis说。该公司最近发布了区块链连接器。 工作时间,达到目标以及由此产生的工资和奖金都是雇主和员工的有用记录,获得的奖金记录对未来的就业机会也是有利的。 “在候选人被聘用后,区块链智能合约可能会对员工的工资,福利和退休计划产生影响,例如,在另一个事件(例如根据达到既定目标收到奖金)的情况下,编码并通过智能合约自动触发,“柯蒂斯说。 智能合约 - 帮助促进和管理数字流转移的计算机协议是资产 - 存储在区块链中。 她说:“这对自由职业者和承包商职位来说特别有用,因为智能合约可以确保只为完成的工作付款。” 区块链作为人力资源趋势开始显而易见 虽然大多数专家都认为区块链将在某些时候被人力资源部门用于招聘和管理目的,但这还不是一种常见的甚至趋势的做法。还有很多细节需要解决。 “与财务应用程序不同,招聘,简历或工作经历没有任何目前可信的历史情景,”Saba Software的Ardoin说。 这意味着人力资源使用区块链技术可能仅限于验证和记录教育和培训 - 至少,起初是如此。 Ardoin说:“ 黑白分布式分类账方法在跟踪公司和非正式学习和培训时仍然是一个有用的模型。“我们已经在Learning Record Stores(一种数字教育资料库)中看到了这种功能,同样存在一些挑战 - 例如支持新类型的内容,并确保非正式学习得到适当的评估 - 但是实施区块链学习应用程序比处理简历和作业历史记录的细微差别要简单得多。 以上由AI翻译完成,仅供参考。HRTechChina呈现   Working in HR and recruitment can sometimes feel like playing a game of two truths and a lie -- without knowing who's playing or when. If we were playing the game now, it would look something like this: Blockchain is a breakthrough in ensuring accuracy. (Truth.) Some see blockchain as an important future HR trend. (Truth.) The details of using blockchain for HR are all resolved. (Lie.) Indeed, while the promise of using blockchain for recruitment and other HR processes does exist, the reality is filled with complexities. Here's a look at both. Blockchain on the radar as an HR trend A blockchain is a distributed, shared digital ledger made up of a trail of validated facts. These facts can be anything from money to information. As part of this digital system of record keeping, each transaction and its details are validated and then recorded across a network of computers. Everyone who has access to the distributed ledger receives this information, and the parties agree on the accuracy before the block is replicated, shared and synchronized among the entities. A blockchain is virtually impossible to tamper with since each block of information references the block before it. In an age when trust is both elusive and held at a high premium, blockchain's appeal is soaring since it presents a way to confirm, validate and authenticate both values and events. This is why multiple verticals (such as banking, manufacturing and insurance) and multiple business horizontals (departments such as accounting, fulfillment, supply chain and shipping) are drawn to -- and very excited about -- using blockchain in their work. Why blockchain appeals to HR professionals "It is easy to see how the idea of being able to ensure [that] the details of one's educational or work experience -- and potentially more personal facts -- are immutable could be very attractive to HR offices," said Carol Van Cleef, partner with law firm Baker & Hostetler, which regularly advises clients on fintech issues, including blockchain.   "Costs associated with repetitive verifications of the same information could be reduced significantly and confidence in the results increased, assuming the original input was accurate," she said. That's no small task -- or small expense -- given how much the nature of work has changed recently. "Ten years ago, a job candidate may have had a degree from one or two universities and clearly defined long-term roles with two or three previous employers," said James Cross, director of learning product strategy at Workday, an enterprise software vendor that offers cloud-based human capital management and financial cloud-based applications. "Even then, verifying an employee's experience and education was time-consuming and expensive, typically happening right at the end of the hiring process and through an outsourced background check provider," he said. Cross points out that in today's business landscape, recruitment is quite different than in the past. "A candidate is likely to have had more jobs and a more diverse tapestry of career, personal and learning experiences than previously," he said. Findings from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics bear this out. In 2016, the average job tenure for millennial workers ages 25 to 34 was 2.8 years. This is significant. According to Pew Research Center, millennials now make up the largest generation in the labor force. Education, too, has changed drastically and now is much harder to track and validate. "Candidates may have worked for an employer that operates a talent marketplace or have completed several rotational 'tours of duty' -- gaining skills, knowledge and feedback along the way," Cross said. "They may also have completed on-demand online training, and been awarded badges or digital credentials. And they may even have worked 'gigs' for several employers." And that's just for starters. Considering HR is a data-intensive function, blockchain could have many more applications within the department's scope. Baker & Hostetler's Van Cleef offers some caveats on blockchain as fledgling HR trend. "We are at a very early stage in the build-out of blockchain technology and all that the term involves," she said. "For data-heavy functions like HR, the potential may not be truly unlimited, but practical uses will be numerous." Education verification likely the first blockchain use for HR Because people and their backgrounds can be so complicated, using blockchain in the recruitment process has some tricky elements. For blockchain technology to work as a solid resume or unquestionable employment history, the question of who contributes and who verifies the data in each block is key. In some uses, such as education verification, the answers to those questions are relatively straightforward. So much so, that some universities are already providing these data blocks for their students. And it isn't only grades and degrees you'll find there. "In a blockchain world, the transcripts would be tamperproof and, basically, signed by the issuing institution. We already do this for our students at the University of Calgary by allowing them to put volunteer positions on their 'cocurricular record,' which we then certify for them," explained Thomas P. Keenan, M.A., professor of Computer Science at the University of Calgary and a presenter on nonfinancial uses of the blockchain at RSA 2017 in San Francisco last week. Time worked, goals met, and resulting pay and bonuses due and paid are useful records for both the employer and the employee, and a record of earned bonuses could be a plus for future employment opportunities, too.   The sharing of education data between institutions is potentially straightforward, too. "Another great advantage will be cost reduction," Keenan said. "We spend time checking the credentials of applicants from foreign universities, and the universities themselves. A blockchain registry to validate institutions would go a long way to eliminating this onerous task," he said. HR professionals, however, are likely to want this information in blockchain form as much to combat fraud as to cut costs in the verification process. "While college transcripts usually carry a high level of authentication, I can tell you that we have seen some totally bogus ones, fabricated in faraway countries and submitted as authentic," said Keenan. Indeed, fraudulent education claims were rampant at the height of outsourcing and still pose problems for companies operating in multiple countries where it is sometimes difficult to sync information across geographies and to equate differences in degrees and schools. Blockchains could be helpful in establishing this information and then preserving it for companies that may need this information in the future. In addition, a blockchain has the potential to follow an employee from job to job and provide a fast and reliable means for that employee to present education credentials and get hired quicker. Problems in documenting work history Verifying education is one thing, documenting the nuances of employment history is quite another. "While you can check off boxes on specific things like if the applicant has a degree, it's harder to have a definite formula for things like experience in independent consulting or a contract job, or a clear understanding of what titles for jobs mean when they can even vary from one business to another, even if it's the same industry," said Paul Ardoin, senior director of product and partner marketing at Saba Software Inc., which makes cloud-based talent management applications that rely on machine learning. There are problems with validating historical data to contend with, as well. "Companies or educational institutions that have gone out of business or been gobbled up in an acquisition may simply not have the information available, or it may be a challenge getting to the right person," explained Ardoin. If we attempt to document career paths retroactively, "it will cause headaches for decades for both HR departments and the people [who] they try to recruit," he said. In short, this indicates that it is more practical to build blockchains for employment purposes from this point forward than it is to backtrack and build a complete past record. In turn, for many employees, a blockchain would only be a partial employment record. Another thorny issue is the widespread use of applicant tracking systems, or more specifically, HR's reliance on keywords to sort applicants. While automation is helpful to HR, it's often an obstacle to applicants, who then resort to writing multiple versions of their resume to trigger specific keyword searches in various jobs. It would be unlikely that applicants could do that in the current conceptions of blockchain, and hiring companies may miss out on great talent. HR's use of blockchain vs. legal, privacy issues "Of course, this [long-term employee record keeping] would be something to consider in context of laws and data privacy," said Bianca McCann, vice president of HR at SAP. Right now, for example, it's illegal in some places to ask a candidate their past wages or current age. But such information could be stored in a blockchain and, depending on how its employment-related use develops and how concepts of privacy surrounding that develop, the jobseeker's private information could potentially be accessed without his or her permission. This raises a number of questions. For example, if a hiring organization views certain information in a blockchain, is it taking a legal risk? Or, could a potential employer's access to this information pose a real risk to the employee who did not wish to indulge it? On the other hand, blockchain becoming an HR trend in the hiring process could be win-win in certain scenarios. "The trusted security of blockchain can additionally assist both employers and employees when it comes to international hiring scenarios where there is a need to ensure proper work permits and facilitate secure payments overseas," said Hannah Curtis, principal consultant at Keyrus, a technology and management firm that recently released blockchain connectors. Time worked, goals met, and resulting pay and bonuses due and paid are useful records for both the employer and the employee, and a record of earned bonuses could be a plus for future employment opportunities, too. "After candidates are hired, blockchain smart contracts could have an impact on employee wages, benefits and retirement packages, as well. As an example, any benefit contingent on another event, such as receiving a bonus based on hitting a set target goal, could be encoded and automatically triggered via a smart contract," said Curtis. Smart contracts -- computer protocols that help to facilitate and manage the transfer of digital currents are assets -- are stored in a blockchain. "This is particularly useful in the case of freelance and contractor positions where smart contracts could ensure payment only for completed work," she said. "Unlike financial applications, recruiting, resumes or job histories don't have any current scenarios in which the history is currently trusted," said Saba Software's Ardoin. What this means is that HR's use of blockchain technology will likely be confined to verifying and documenting education and training -- at least, at first. "The black-and-white distributed ledger approach can still be a useful model when tracking corporate and informal learning and training," Ardoin said. "We're already seeing this kind of functionality within Learning Record Stores (a form of digital education repository). Again, there are challenges -- such as supporting a new type of content, and making sure that informal learning is properly valued --but the implementation of a blockchain for learning applications is much more straightforward than dealing with the nuances of resumes and job histories."
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    HRTechChina推出《那年今天》栏目 HRTechChina 特别推出那年今天的栏目,很多用户反馈HRTechChina 网站内容非常丰富,即使是早先的栏目也非常具有价值,为了更好的帮助到大家,我们特别推出《那年今天》的栏目。 这个栏目会将历史上的今天网站更新的信息按照时间倒序的显示推荐给到您,希望可以喜欢。有好的建议,请登录微博,或者微信公众号留言。 截图是2月20日。
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    如何成为招聘营销人员?How to Become a Recruitment Marketer 对招聘营销和雇主品牌有兴趣,但不知道如何推动你在这个方向上的职业生涯?不要再看!我们采访了三位专业人士,他们成功创造了明亮的招聘营销职业,以了解他们如何登上他们的第一场演出,以及你如何也能成功。 由 Kaitlyn Holbein 撰写 以下是我们的受访者以及他们成为招聘营销人员的三大秘诀: Lane Sutton是RallyRM导师和招聘营销超级巨星。Lane 于2015年在Sprinklr发现了招聘营销。今天,Lane 在完成学位的同时支持迪士尼的招聘营销计划。Lane负责内容策划,战略以及人才市场调查。Lane也是一位备受追捧并备受推崇的演讲者,他在众多的营销和人才招聘会议上分享了他的见解。 提示#1 - 营销人员,马上进入! Lane的职业生涯最初始于市场营销。他的第一次实习是在HubSpot,在那里Lane提高了他的社交精明度。在Sprinklr,该团队热衷于让Lane将他的社交媒体营销技巧应用于他们的招聘需求。 “我起初对此犹豫不决,”莱恩承认道。“我不知道关于人力资源的事情。然而,我决定跳进去,很快就被抓住了。招聘营销基本上都是将你已经知道的营销策略和策略应用于候选人而不是客户。如果你来自营销背景,转型并不难。“ 提示#2 - 开始联网 “接触已经在太空工作的人,”Lane建议道。“许多人愿意和你谈谈他们的角色,职业生涯和他们工作的公司。您将获得有价值的信息并建立您的网络,这样人们就可以开始为您的团队未来的机会考虑您。“ 制定招聘营销链接并获得一些知情人士的一种方法是申请RallyRM导师计划。免费课程将希望培养其招聘营销技巧的人员与像Lane这样的导师进行匹配,他们帮助他人发展事业并自信地引导新策略。 提示#3 - 将招聘营销工作融入您当前的角色 Lane说:“越来越多的入门级招聘营销工作变得可用。“如果你的公司还没有人在做招聘营销,那么这是你的机会!开始接受项目建立一个案例在你的组织中发挥这样的角色。 “例如,如果您是招聘人员或招聘协调员,您可以询问您的经理是否可以尝试解决并改善特定的候选人体验问题。如果你在营销部门,你可以联系Talent Acquisition,看看你能否帮助他们改进他们的职业生涯内容战略。“ 莱恩说,能够显示领导力,从你的工作中获得的收获可能会导致创建你的梦想职位 - 或者至少它会帮助你建立可转移的经验,在申请招聘营销职位时可以给你一个优势另一个组织。 Delaney Rader是Vanguard的招聘营销专家,她负责管理招聘博客,定义战略,采购和创建精彩内容。Delaney在加入Vanguard之前出席了亚利桑那大学。在亚利桑那大学期间,Delaney曾担任校园娱乐部的营销助理,同时还在Vanguard的雇主品牌和招聘营销团队实习。 德莱尼的重要提示: 提示#1 - 您可能隐藏了招聘营销经验 考虑到她在Vanguard之前的日子,Delaney意识到她在成为招聘营销人员之前拥有招聘营销经验。 “在大学期间,我是商业联盟的一员,”Delaney解释道。“我帮助制作和发行传单,每年招聘新成员。我会鼓励任何想要在招聘营销中开始职业生涯的人去思考他们是否有经验可以为自己打开一扇门。“ 提示#2 - 与团队见面并挑选他们的大脑 “如果你为一个拥有完整的招聘营销团队的组织工作,或者甚至是一个管理招聘营销的人,看看你是否可以与他们见面,提出问题并开始学习。把自己放在他们的雷达上,让他们知道你对他们在做什么感兴趣。激情有很长的路要走,他们可能会想你下一次开放!“ 提示#3 - 发展你的技能,让你的脚在你身上 Delaney指出:“招聘营销人员需要的一些关键技能可以通过很多方式进行开发。“考虑如何提高你的沟通技巧,以及如何获得任何营销经验。如果你属于一个俱乐部或团队,你可以为他们管理社交饲料吗?你能帮助网站或自愿组织一个活动吗?这些都是非常棒的技能和丰富的经验,可以帮助您逐渐成长为理想的招聘营销人选。“ Ted Nehrbas是汤森路透的人才品牌营销专家。在他目前的职位上,特德执行了一系列战略,以吸引汤森路透品牌的人才,包括管理公司所有关注职业的社交媒体账户。在Thomson Reuters工作之前,Ted曾是SmashFly的招聘营销专家。他第一次真正进入招聘营销是在2015 年,一家名为Happie的创业公司成为招聘营销实习生。 特德的重要提示: 提示#1 - 招聘人员也可以成为招聘营销人员 有很多职业路径可以导致招聘营销。实践招聘经验也是非常好的。 “在Happie实习期间,我花时间积极招聘,”Ted解释道。“这种招聘经验为我后来的招聘营销职位提供了一些最有价值的见解。我学会了候选人如何思考,他们的痛点是什么以及如何在我的组织中出售它们。这些都是我今天工作的所有领域。“ 提示#2 - 继续发展自己的品牌和社交媒体 “接受Twitter,LinkedIn和Instagram,并开始积极主动,”Ted建议道。“你从0到300名追随者获得的技能与你在社交媒体营销中用于招聘的技能类型相同。 “我也建议你逐渐熟悉,如免费工具Canva [图形设计],Crowdfire [社会战略],和股票照片网站,如Picjumbo和Stockvault。这些工具将帮助您制作内容营销资产,如博客和社交帖子,这些对于招聘营销策略来说越来越有价值。内容营销吸引候选人并传达他们为什么应考虑加入贵公司。“ 提示#3 - 在申请工作时记住自己的候选人经历 “考虑激起你对公司兴趣的第一件事。注意那些让你对应用程序感到恼火的东西。如果你开始有意识地考虑自己的候选人经历,那么你会想出很多伟大的想法,你可以用它们来面试或为招聘营销角色定位。“ 底线是有很多方法可以获得经验并成为招聘营销人员!来自任何专业或学术背景的人都可以在招聘营销方面有出色表现,如果他们花时间在社交媒体和内容营销方面发展相关技能,与业内人士建立联系并寻找导师,并发展他们的个人品牌。 最后,感谢所有受访者的时间和提示!我们希望这种洞察力对您有所帮助,我们很高兴您正在考虑成为一名招聘营销人员。这是一个令人兴奋的新职业,我们拥有的人才越多,我们就越能够向前发展并积极影响人才招聘行业! 以上有AI自动翻译。HRTechChina倾情呈现。     Interested in Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding, but not sure how to drive your career in that direction? Look no further! We interviewed three professionals who have successfully created bright Recruitment Marketing careers to find out how they landed their first gig and how you can too. Here are our interviewees and each of their top three tips to become a Recruitment Marketer: Lane Sutton is a RallyRM Mentor and a Recruitment Marketing superstar. Lane discovered Recruitment Marketing at Sprinklr in 2015. Today, Lane supports Recruitment Marketing initiatives for Disney while finishing his degree. Lane works on content planning, strategy, as well as talent market research. Lane’s also a sought-after and highly regarded speaker, who has shared his insights at numerous Marketing and Talent Acquisition conferences. Tip #1 – Marketers, jump right in! Lane’s career initially started out in Marketing. His first internship was with HubSpot, where Lane boosted his social savvy. At Sprinklr, the team was keen to have Lane apply his social media marketing skills to their recruitment needs. “I was hesitant about this at first,” admits Lane. “I didn’t know a thing about HR. However, I decided to jump in and caught on really quickly. Recruitment Marketing is basically all about applying the marketing tactics and strategies you already know to candidates instead of customers. If you come from a Marketing background, the transition isn’t hard.” Tip #2 – Start networking “Reach out to people already working in the space,” advises Lane. “Many will be willing to speak with you about their role, their career journey and the company they work for. You’ll get valuable info and build your network so people can start to think about you for future opportunities on their teams.” One way to make a Recruitment Marketing connection and gain some insider intel is to apply to the RallyRM Mentor Program. The free program matches people who want to develop their Recruitment Marketing skills with mentors like Lane, who help others to grow their careers and confidently lead new strategies. Tip #3 – Weave Recruitment Marketing work into your current role  “There are more and more entry level Recruitment Marketing jobs becoming available,” Lane says. “If your company doesn’t have someone doing Recruitment Marketing yet, this is your opportunity! Start taking on projects to build a case for developing a role like this at your organization. “For instance, if you’re a Recruiter or Recruitment Coordinator, you could ask your manager if you could try addressing and improving a particular candidate experience issue. If you’re in Marketing, you could connect with Talent Acquisition to see if you can help them improve their Careers content strategy.” Lane says being able to show leadership the takeaways from your work could lead to the creation of your dream role – or at the very least it will help you to build up transferable experience that can give you an advantage when applying for a Recruitment Marketing role at another organization. Delaney Rader is a Recruitment Marketing Specialist at Vanguard, where she manages the Careers blog by defining strategy, and sourcing and creating great content. Delaney attended the University of Arizona before joining Vanguard. During her time at the University of Arizona, Delaney worked as a Marketing Assistant for the Campus Recreation Department, while also interning with Vanguard’s Employer Brand & Recruitment Marketing team. Delaney’s top tips: Tip #1 – You might have hidden Recruitment Marketing experience Reflecting back on her pre-Vanguard days, Delaney realizes that she had Recruitment Marketing experience before becoming a Recruitment Marketer. “During college, I was part of a business fraternity,” explains Delaney. “I helped create and distribute flyers to recruit new members every year. I would encourage anyone who’s looking to start a career in Recruitment Marketing to think if they might have experience they could leverage to open a door for themselves.” Tip #2 – Meet the team and pick their brains “If you work for an organization that has a full Recruitment Marketing team or even one person who manages Recruitment Marketing, see if you can meet with them to ask questions and start learning. Put yourself on their radar so they know you’re interested in what they’re doing. Passion goes a long way, and they may think of you for their next opening!” Tip #3 – Develop your skills and get your feet wet where you are “Some of the key skills Recruitment Marketers need can be developed in a ton of ways,” points out Delaney. “Consider how you can improve your communication skills, as well as how you can gain any marketing experience. If you belong to a club or team, could you manage a social feed for them? Could you help with the website or volunteer to organize an event? These are all great skills and solid experience that can add up to help you evolve into an ideal Recruitment Marketing candidate over time.” Ted Nehrbas is a Talent Brand Marketing Specialist with Thomson Reuters. In his current role, Ted executes on a range of strategies to attract talent to the Thomson Reuters brand, including managing all of the company’s careers-focused social media accounts. Prior to working at Thomson Reuters, Ted was a Recruitment Marketing Specialist with SmashFly. His first real foray into Recruitment Marketing was with a startup called Happie as a Recruitment Marketing Intern in 2015. Ted’s top tips: Tip #1 – Recruiters can also become Recruitment Marketers There are many career paths that can lead to Recruitment Marketing. Hands-on recruiting experience is also excellent to have. “During my internship at Happie, I spent time actively recruiting,” explains Ted. “That recruitment experience provided some of the most valuable insights for my later Recruitment Marketing roles. I learned how candidates think, what their pain points are, and how to sell them on my organization. These are all areas that inform my work today too.” Tip #2 – Grow your own brand and social media following “Get on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, and start being active,” suggests Ted. “The skills you learn that take you from 0 to 300 followers are the same types of skills you’ll use in social media marketing for recruitment purposes. “I’d also recommend getting familiar with free tools like Canva [for graphic design], Crowdfire [for social strategy], and stock photo sites like Picjumbo and Stockvault. These tools will help you produce content marketing assets, like blogs and social posts, which are becoming increasingly valuable for Recruitment Marketing strategy. Content marketing attracts candidates and communicates why they should consider joining your company.” Tip #3 – Remember your own candidate experience when applying for jobs “Consider the first thing that piqued your interest about a company. Note the things that irritated you about the application. If you start to consciously consider your own candidate experience, you’ll come up with tons of great ideas that you can use to get ahead when interviewing or positioning yourself for Recruitment Marketing roles.” The bottom line is that there are many ways to gain experience and become a Recruitment Marketer! People from just about any professional or academic background can be great in Recruitment Marketing if they dedicate time to developing relevant skills in social media and content marketing, networking with people in the industry and finding a mentor, and developing their personal brand. Lastly, thanks to all of our interviewees for their time and tips! We hope the insight is helpful and we’re excited that you’re considering becoming a Recruitment Marketer. This is an exciting new profession and the more amazing talent we have, the more we can Rally forward and positively impact the Talent Acquisition industry!
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    连接近200家工厂,服装品类超过27种,依服宝已为企业和团体提供万次服装定制服务 【猎云网(微信:ilieyun)武汉】2月12日报道(文/钱佳信) 互联网时代的快速发展正推动着技术的进步和消费的升级。随着服装行业自身的发展要求,行业内出现了形形色色的“泛定制”类项目,也推动着服装大规模个性化定制的不断发展。 近日,猎云网采访了依服宝创始人左志浩,他认为,从前服装行业是以功能和品牌为主。进入2012年以后,个性化时代来临,客户的需求产生了变化,大家希望通过独一无二来彰显自己的个性,所以服装定制是大势所趋的。 2016年4月,企业及团体服装互联网定制平台依服宝上线。左志浩说,之所以选择团体定制是因为:真正着手来做的时候,发现定制的供应链没有想象得那么成熟。“中国是服装生产大国,甚至可以同时高效生产百万量级的服装。一人一版比较困难,所以权衡之下团体定制是性价比较高的。” 依服宝是一个为企业和团体提供服务的平台型企业,一头连接客户端,另一头连接供应端。一般服务的企业规模在50人到2000人。2017年,依服宝服务的企业达到近800家,一共为各类企业和团体等用户提供超过10000余次服装定制服务。 不同服装品类的起订量是不一样的。左志浩强调,依服宝做的就是上下游供应链的协同,在生产边际成本和个性化定制的需求做好平衡。将近两年,依服宝不断降低服装的起订量门槛,扩充服装的品类和数量。 目前,依服宝涉及商务办公、团建拓展、运动健身、、餐饮服务和零售物流等8个场景,提供T恤、Polo衫、卫衣和西服等超过27个服装的品类。 在供应端方面,依服宝合作有近200家工厂,拥有自己的设计师团队,同时和国内的设计院校和设计师达成合作。“中国的服装市场是多元化的,有些客户对品牌仍然会有要求。所以我们也会和探路者和李宁之类的服装行业品牌公司合作。” 在客户端方面,依服宝有自己的服务体系和模式。面对全国性的大型企业,依服宝采用“总分模式”,会由总部的团队统一服务。而面对大量的中小型企业,依服宝采用城市合伙人的模式,现已涉足近100个城市。左志浩希望2018年会有更多品牌代理商加入,城市合伙人会以省会为中心,辐射到各个地市,数量将达200家。 依服宝的盈利模式有收取供应商的交易佣金及提供供应金融的服务。“从电商商城到定制平台的转身,依服宝是具有连接和包容性的。未来,依服宝不会局限于团体客户服装定制,会深挖服装行业。” 依服宝的核心成员有7人,多来自京东、联想和大唐电信等企业。创始人左志浩是B2B领域的连续创业者,拥有10年世界500强的营销经验。 目前,依服宝正在寻求A轮融资,将主要用于强化供应链能力和产品升级。 项目:依服宝公司:天津依服宝网络科技有限公司官网:www.efubao.com
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    领英(LinkedIn)第一位CTO Eric Ly (华裔)开始做区块链 编者按:本文来自微信公众号“硅谷密探”(ID:guigudiyixian)作者:绥蔚; 作为一名越南华裔难民的他,他是如何成为领英(LinkedIn)第一位CTO的? 他有何等魅力,让硅谷人脉最广的顶级投资人Reid Hoffman劝说他共同创办领英? 硅谷连续创业23载,他创办的多家公司被收购。早已财富自由的他,为何年近六旬开始创办区块链技术应用公司? 面对众多风险投资公司抛来的橄榄枝,创业经验丰富的他为何没有像其他创业者一样转行风投界? 他,就是Eric Ly(埃里克•李)。 你可能从未听说过他的名字,但你一定要听听他的故事。 创建领英,他如何“五分钟不到就把自己给卖了” 2002年12月的一天傍晚,在硅谷山景城里的一间民宅内,青年Reid Hoffman正手舞足蹈地给他的朋友们讲述自己的一个创业想法。 原来,两个月前 Hoffman 参与创立的电子支付公司PayPal (支付宝的祖师爷)刚刚以15亿美金的价格被eBay收购。本来准备修整一下写本书的他突然改变主意,想再次创业,成立一个职业领域的社交网站。 要知道,当时正处于互联网泡沫破碎后整个行业的休整期。过去10年中,当几千家互联网公司在硅谷如雨后春笋般涌现时,同时涌现的还有四处跳槽的工程师们。有些工程师甚至直接辞职,自己创立公司。 这种频繁的跳槽导致了一个问题:同事们之间常常一换工作就会失去联系。有时,连公司都不知道自己的员工后来去了哪里工作。 Hoffman相信,要解决这个问题,必须搭建一个平台让人们了解自己身边的同事的职业变换信息。   当时,虽然多家社交网络服务(SNS)公司已经出现,但还没有一个职场专用的社交网络。 为什么不搭建一个职业社交平台?让职场上的人可以随时保持联系? 当天晚上,领英,作为一个还不成熟的项目,就诞生在了Hoffman的家中。 在初始项目团队中,有一位高高瘦瘦的华裔青年。他,就是Eric Ly。 Eric出生于越南。六岁时,他跟随父母以难民身份来到美国。天资聪颖又格外勤奋的他从斯坦福大学毕业后,前往在麻省理工学院著名的MIT Media Lab专攻人工智能与人机语音交互方向的研究,之后又继续回到Stanford攻读博士。 其实,早在加入领英之前,Eric已经创办过两家公司。其中一家网络公司仅仅用了4年时间年利润就达到1000万美金,并在1999年以4000万美金的价格被成功收购。 20年前的四千万,按当时硅谷的平均房价可以买80套房子! 为何Eric会成为Reid Hoffman再次创业时第一个想到的创业伙伴呢? 这又是一段“当年情”种下的因果。在大学期间,同为斯坦福大学Symbolic System(符号系统)专业的Eric与Hoffman就是一对好友。在学习之余,两人还十分喜欢讨论人工智能作为未来科技趋势,并且讨论还常常会升华到高深的哲学领域。 “Deep intellectual level”(深度神交),这是Eric对两人关系的概括。 即使是在二人毕业后,远在英国牛津的Hoffman 和在麻省理工的Eric也没有中断联系,经常互相发邮件询问近况。 回到硅谷分别创业的两人,小聚不断。虽然交杯换盏之际也会半开玩笑地提到以后两人要合伙创业,但是Eric并没有当真。 但是,慧眼识人的Hoffman相信Eric无论人品还是学术、创业背景,都是自己创业伙伴的最佳人选。 于是,Hoffman一封邮件把Eric请到自己家中,又凭借自己的三寸不烂之舌拉他入伙,两人的“基友情”迅速就转变成为了“战友情”。 “Hoffman讲完不到五分钟,我就把自己‘卖’给他了”,Eric笑着回忆。 LinkedIn初创团队,左二就是Eric Ly 就这样,Eric成为了领英的创始CTO,和其他四位创始人开始缔造一个后来市值高达260亿美金的社交网络帝国。 领英创办初期,作为CTO的他“撸起袖子写代码” 右二为Eric(图片来自Eric) 在创办领英的第一年,因为经费紧张,公司规模又小,Eric带领的整个技术团队只有3个工程师。Eric虽然顶着CTO的头衔,但做的都是码农的工作。 “因为工程师太少了,我只能撸起袖子自己写代码。” Eric回忆起公司起步时的情景,仍然历历在目。 从最早的信息发送系统, 到搜索引擎,再到客户档案资料平台,全是他与另外3名工程师一行代码一行代码写出来的。 就这样辛辛苦苦做了6个月,Eric完成了软件的开发,整个团队完成了网站的搭建,领英作为一款职业网络社交产品终于在2003年上线了! 一年后,随着公司规模的逐渐扩大,更多工程师加入了Eric的技术团队,Eric决定创建领英的第一支移动手机应用团队(mobile team)。 在当时,这个想法极为大胆。要知道,在03、04年的时候,手机上网并不常见,智能手机还没有普及。Eric 的想法有多超前?在领英开始研发手机应用的4年后,苹果公司才推出iPhone手机! 但是,Eric通过研究数据发现,手机用户在逐年呈井喷式增长。他敏感地意识到,在不久的将来,手机一定会赶上、甚至取代电脑,成为社交的重要工具。 提前一步布局,Eric带领团队成员经过了大量的摸索、失败、返工后,领英移动手机应用最终上线。这为之后公司在手机移动端的业务的开展打下了坚实的基础。 要用数据说话,更要坚守“初心” “用数据说话”,这是领英创立第一天Eric与整个团队所坚守的座右铭。 如果不是Eric透露,小探根本想不到硅谷第一家成立“数据科学”(Data Science)团队的公司竟然是领英!甚至连“数据科学家”(Data Scientist)这个现在很常见的名称,都是由领英提出的。 虽然现在企业们对于数据的搜集与分析非常重视,但在当时,以庞大的数据库中的数据作为制定商业策略的依据,领英算是先锋了。 Eric带领的数据科学团队当年有多牛? “今天美国白宫的首席数据科学家(Chief Data Scientist) DJ Patil, 当年就是我把他招入领英的。” 虽然技术团队给力,数据分析超前,但是,领英的发展并非一帆风顺。Eric也曾为公司的发展方向而迷惘。 在领英成立时,社交网络平台已经开始逐渐流行。对手们资金实力更加雄厚,消费者注册量更高,媒体报道更频繁。领英的发展举步维艰。 在公司成立的第一年,领英的会员增长率十分缓慢,甚至有的时候一天只有20几个新会员加入。 2004年,Facebook突然异军突起。由于深受青少年追捧,Facebook很快占领了市场的半壁江山。此时的领英到底该何去何从? “大家当时有很多想法:要不要走Facebook相同的道路?把职业社交转换为更吸引年轻人的社交平台?要不要把网站转换成公司软件直接卖给其他公司?赢得短期利益?大家当时有很多争论。但是最后,我们还是坚持了最初的职业社交平台的战略。” Eric对于当年领英所面临的挑战,记忆犹新。 事实证明,他们的坚守是正确的。 2004年,领英用户数达到50万人。 2006年,用户数达到500万人,领英上市。 2016年,微软以26亿美金的价格收购领英。 截止目前为止,全球共有5亿用户使用领英。 前排左5为Eric Ly 小探跟Eric聊到此处,真想代表吃瓜群众说一声:感谢创始者们的坚持,让大家如今找工作省了不少力! 连续创业23载,让科技为社交铺路 创办LinkedIn,其实,只是Eric创业生涯短暂的一瞬。从1995年开始,Eric就已经开始探索如何用科技帮助人们更好地沟通、交流。 1995年,Eric创建了Netmosphere , 一个电子商务交流平台。在这个2B平台上,客户们可以和商家自由沟通,从而选择更适合自己企业的服务项目。 从1995年到1999年,短短四年时间,Eric带领着Netmosphere团队把利润从0做到了年利润1000万美金。1999年10月,互联网公司Critical Path以4千万美金收购了Netmosphere。 仅仅四个月后,Eric又建立了另一家人机交互平台公司Tresidder Networks,通过在移动手机上搭建立一个服务器平台,为客户提供个性化的内容和无线服务。 2002年,Eric创立领英,建立了职业社交网络平台。 然而,2006年,就在LinkedIn正发展迅猛,准备上市的前夕,Eric突然决定离开。这是为什么? “领英产品可以让人与人沟通,但是能不能通过管理人日常的活动也达到沟通的目的呢?我想试试。” 离开自己一手创办的领英的第二天,Eric就着手开发利用人机交互技术帮助人们搜索并管理周边活动的应用软件Presdo Match。这管产品也被业界称为“活动管理软件中的‘领英’。” 如今,不忘初心的Eric,在2017年,面对刚刚发展起来的区块链技术,希望能做些什么去更好的帮助人们交往,就像他以前所创立的所有社交平台那样。 “接触到区块链技术后,我感到非常兴奋。由于白天还要管理自己的公司,我就用夜晚和周末的时间去做大量的研究。” 2017年,Eric创办了区块链技术公司Hub。 作为社交网络平台创业的“老兵”,Eric从以往的经验中发现,对于陌生人的交往,尤其是涉及到雇佣双方的利益交往时,一个中心化的机制可能会出现人为的错误。而信用指数被一个中心机构所掌握,存在一定隐私泄露风险。 而如果以去中心化的区块链为基础,在其上建立Human Trust Protocol (信任协议),将信任与信誉以具体的雇用行为(actions),“信任股份”(Trust Stake), 和结果输出(outcomes)来展示,那么陌生人之间的交易就会变得更加可靠,交易双方的隐私也不会被轻易泄露。 比如,当你打算雇佣一个陌生人作为你的英文家教,你们双方首先都要在公链上给出“信任股份”,也就是代币。当教授课程完毕后,如果你对你的家教很满意,那么你的“信任股份”将会打入他/她的账户;如果不满意,则是家教的“信任股份”打入你的账户。而结果会被记录在双方的信誉档案中。 简言之,就是在公链上建立智能合约(smart contract ),让每一笔交易都被记录,并成为下一笔交易的信任凭证。 虽然公司仍在起步阶段,但目前已有信息平台,物联网,人工智能,无人驾驶等多个社群加入到Hub中。 谈及区块链技术,曾经亲历互联网泡沫时代的Eric,承认当下追捧区块链的情形和当年追捧互联网有很多相似点。但是,并不能因此就否定区块链技术的应用价值。未来的区块链技术的应用,一定会像如今互联网技术应用的这样普遍。 在采访的最后,小探有个小小的疑惑。虽然Eric有过过短暂的兼职风险投资人的经历,也时常收到风投公司抛出橄榄枝希望他去做合伙人,但是为何Eric没有像其他创业者那样转行风投?而还要在创业这条24/7的道路上继续走下去? “哈哈,其实我老婆也很纳闷为啥我一直要每天起早贪黑创业?低三下四问投资人要钱?她甚至有时候还开玩笑地说,要是我早点转行做风险投资,我们现在地球都旅游好几圈了。” 说到创业,Eric觉得很对不起自己的妻子。 “但是她还是非常支持我的。因为她知道我对钱看得没那么重,而创业才是我快乐的源泉。” 1979年,当10岁的Eric跟着姨夫在三藩市的一家公司里第一次看到电脑时,他一定不会知道,多年后,他,一位曾经的难民,却用电脑科技缔造了一个社交帝国,并在科技的最前沿连续创业23载。而精彩的故事,还再继续。
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    《2018 HR 人工智能大数据使用调研报告》 大数据和人工智能是否改变了您所在组织的招聘方式? 64%受访者表示同意。 你认为人工智能会取代你的工作吗? 每十位受访者中只有一位认为他们的工作将会被人工智能取代。 78%受访者表示,他们乐于在将来与人工智能,有更加密切的合作。 大数据和人工智能使工作变得更困难的主要原因是什么? 14%受访者表示,人工智能加大了其工作难度,数据过于庞杂令他们不知所措。 组织将人工智能运用于以下哪些方面? 人才搜索  33% 追踪招聘流程  23% 在职培训及发展、背景调查、聘用候选人跟进  10% 大数据和人工智能让您的工作更轻松的主要原因是什么? 专家认为是提供有价值的见解  40% 认为人工智能为其节省了大量时间  34% 团队得以将更多的人力/创意专注于招聘  21% 51%  大数据和人工智能使得他们的工作变轻松 76%受访者认为人工智能已经成为搜寻高素质人才的工具。 数据来源:《光辉睿程2018年 HR 人工智能大数据使用调研报告》 2017年末,光辉睿程对全球范围内800位HR从业人员进行调研
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    谷歌母公司Alphabet新任董事会主席:创新需要这三类人 美国时间的2月1日,Google 母公司 Alphabet 在季度财报会议上宣布,任命资深董事约翰·亨尼斯(John Hennessy)为新任董事会主席,取代长期担任这一职务的埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)。 约翰·亨尼斯是谁?小探此前曾经撰文介绍过,亨尼斯从2000年到2016年担任斯坦福大学校长,并于2004年加入Google董事会,并从2007年起就开始担任董事会的首席独立董事。 今天,小探就再来跟大家重温一下这位被网景创始人马克安德森誉为“硅谷教父”大牛的思想,以及斯坦福和谷歌的故事。 斯坦福跟谷歌结缘的故事 硅谷作为全世界创业的中心,是创业者心目中的圣地。斯坦福大学就是硅谷创新不得不提的一个重要驱动力量。 可以说,斯坦福大学为硅谷的形成和崛起奠定了坚实的基础,培养了众多高科技公司的领导者,其中就包括谷歌、惠普、雅虎、特斯拉、Firefox、艺电、Sun、NVIDIA、思科、及eBay等公司的创始人。 我们都知道,谷歌的两位创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page) 及谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)都曾就读斯坦福大学。这也是他们在斯坦福读书时发明的。 亨尼斯就曾经讲述过斯坦福跟 Google 的故事。在亨尼斯看来,虽然拉里.佩奇提出的一些研究观点令他在斯坦福导师特里·维诺格拉德(Terry Winograd)摸不着头脑,但是特里还是从里面挑出了网页搜索这个相对最靠谱的方向。 Google 最早其实是对电子数据库里进行检索,Page Rank 算法就是借鉴了学术界里引用(citation)次数的思路,不过在网页上citation变成了超链接。Google 不是第一个搜索引擎,但是 Google 诞生后搜索质量就立马超越了当时的其他搜素引擎。 PageRank 专利最早是由斯坦福大学申请专利,当 Google 成立后,斯坦福大学技术授权办公室同意将 PageRank 专利许可给 Larry Page 及 Sergey Brin,因此Google 可以使用 PageRank 技术直至2011年。 斯坦福大学拥有教授及学生的在校期间的研究成果,但它通常会将这些专利许可给发明者,让他们可以使用。由于 Google 初期并没有足够现金,因此斯坦福大学决定持有 Google 的极小部分股份作为条件,这对双方而言是双赢,后来斯坦福也因此获得上亿美元的回报。 亨尼斯认为,这就是斯坦福大学崛起的一个重要原因:找到最好的人,然后给他们自由,让他们自己做决定。斯坦福大学的教授和学生有着充分的学术自由,虽然斯坦福也会有重点和优先的研究方向,但是不会去规划具体的研究日程和研究细节。 斯坦福的秘密武器 在过去十几年做校长的时间里,约翰·亨尼斯毫无疑问把斯坦福大学变成了最好的学校,是目前为止世界上最伟大的教育家之一。 2011年,时任美国总统奥巴马曾邀请乔布斯、扎克伯格、时任Google CEO Schmidt 等科技行业领袖共进晚餐,亨尼斯是唯一受邀参与的非商业领袖,可见他在硅谷的影响力非同一般。 那么斯坦福大学是如何在硅谷崛起的过程中扮演关键角色的呢?这位斯坦福老校长曾讲了两个关键,第一是斯坦福如何在学校内提倡创新,第二是斯坦福如何将科研成果转化为产品。 那么,斯坦福大学是如何在学校内鼓励创新的? 最关键的是人! 约翰·亨尼斯表示创新需要几类人:有远见的预言者、探索者、无畏的执行者。 有远见的预言者能够看到一项技术可能带来的革命性变化,他们能够从一而终,致力于将新技术的使用门槛降低,通过各种方式将成本降低、把新技术普及。 革命性的技术出来后,大家可能都不清楚应用场景和机会在哪里,探索者就会通过各种尝试将新技术应用于可能的场景。 无畏的执行者则是通过不懈的努力将愿景变成现实。 有远见的预言者的典型例子是吉姆·克拉克(Jim Clark)。吉姆·克拉克是斯坦福大学电机系副教授,他的天才在于他洞察未来发展趋势的才能。一旦捕捉到趋势,就果断地创建公司,并组织一批人才进行开拓。 在看到图形技术特别是 3D 图形技术的巨大潜力后,在 1982 年,克拉克创办了利用软件和硬件加速来显示 3D 图像的公司 SGI,SGI 成为世界领先的好莱坞视觉特效和 3D 图像生产商,成了整个 3D 行业的缔造者。 1993年,在看到图形浏览器的巨大潜力后,克拉克又找到了 Mosaic 的开发者马克·安德森,这是互联网上第一个普及和易于使用的浏览器。后来,克拉克和安德森一起创立了网景通信公司。网景于1996年IPO,克拉克500万美元的投资赚到了20亿美元的收益。 在第二点技术转化时,亨尼斯强调技术转化(transfer technology)其实最重要的是人的转化(transfer people)。 技术是死的,但技术的发明人一定是最懂这项技术的人,知道这项技术的优缺点,而且是最愿意把时间和精力奉献到这项技术上的人。 而且,一项技术出来后距离真正的商业化还有很长一段路,往往需要技术发明人以创业者的心态持续的投入。 亨尼斯也讲到了惠普的故事。当年惠普创办的时候,都没有风险投资,在车库里创业。他们当时建了一栋办公楼叫Redwood Building,  这栋楼建的风格有点像商场。两位创始人心里想的是,如果惠普失败了,就把这栋楼用来开百货商店。 斯坦福大学认为,学校里学生是非常关键的,他们给研究生的经费比教授更多,斯坦福校友是创业的主力,同时斯坦福也持续的给学生投入。 创新浪潮并不连续 亨尼斯认为,创新的浪潮总是一波接一波的到来,而不是连续的。 比如,1940-60年代是电子时代,诞生了惠普等公司,1960-80年代是集成电路(IC)时代,诞生了英特尔、AMD、英伟达等巨头,1975-85年代是微处理器和VLSI时代,诞生了SGI、SUN、MIPS等公司。1985-2000年代则是互联网时代,诞生了Cisco、雅虎、谷歌等巨头。而2015-201X则是社交和移动时代,诞生了Snapchat、Instagram等公司。 而如今是人工智能的时代,人工智能将会带来翻天覆地的变化。可以说,这跟谷歌宣布的“All in AI ”战略有相符合之处。 这是节选自硅谷密探携手长城会创始人、董事长文厨的节目《小邮差看世界》第二期——斯坦福前校长约翰·亨尼斯。更多精彩回放可以看会密探此前文章:独家 | 斯坦福老校长揭密斯坦福如何缔造硅谷传奇?文章里有我们和长城会、第六日创造联合推出的视频,长城会董事长文厨与约翰·亨尼斯进行对话。
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    2018年50个最佳工作场所一览 The 50 Best Workplaces for Giving Back in 2018 By FORTUNE EDITORS  February 9, 2018  现今,员工对企业的要求越来越多,而不再仅限于对薪水和身份的需求 - 他们希望自己的工作有正面的影响。但是现在的企业慈善捐款往往只是公关活动。但对于以下这些公司来说,并非如此,这些公司所做的超越了他们的使命,他们捐出现金,贡献专业知识以及大量志愿时间。“财富”合作伙伴Great Place to Work,梳理了成千上万的员工调查,通过员工评选出了在变革创新方面做的最好的企业,汇集出了以下50家美国公司名单。 Increasingly, employees are asking for more from companies than just a paycheck and an ID badge—they want to know their work has a positive impact. But corporate philanthropic contributions these days often seem like little more than PR campaigns. Not so at these companies, which truly go above and beyond in their mission to give back—donating cash, expertise, and lots (and lots) of volunteer hours. Fortune partner Great Place to Work combed through hundreds of thousands of employee surveys to compile the following list of the U.S. companies that workers say are doing the best job at making a difference. Click here to read more about the list, and find out more about how the ranking is compiled here. 1. Salesforce Courtesy of Salesforce Employees say: “Salesforce really cares about giving back to the community. You get additional time off specifically for volunteering, and my manager strongly encourages me to take it, and takes her time herself. I feel like I can trust executives to ‘put their money where their mouth is’ when they make commitments. For example, Marc Benioff himself personally supports a variety of causes, as well as advocating for them publicly.” “Salesforce’s dedication to Volunteer Time Off and other philanthropic initiatives is unlike anything I’ve experienced or even heard about at other companies. It is an important part of our culture from top to bottom.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Francisco Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 27,070 Total Philanthropic Donations: $177,200,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 2. Bank of America Courtesy of Bank of America Employees say: “Our volunteer efforts are second-to-none. We are encouraged to engage in our community as a way to make our city better. This means discussions about economic mobility, race relations, hunger and literacy, and any other issue that we feel personally inspired to support. Each employee is given two hours a week to volunteer to help spark that process.” “The company is constantly looking for ways to contribute to the community. Recently we had a book drive and donated over 450 books to a local community outreach center.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Charlotte, N.C. Industry: Financial Services & Insurance Worldwide employees: 200,000 Total Philanthropic Donations: $176,173,927 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 3. Cisco Courtesy of Cisco Employees say: “The community service program is outstanding, whether donating funds or time. Five work days annually for giving back to the community is generous. I love reading the stories of how employees have chosen to use their time around the world. The matching gift program is extremely generous, and the funds provided for volunteer hours is so beneficial.” “I love the unique week of time off we get to volunteer in the community.That shows that Cisco is committed to being a part of the community and makes me proud to work here.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Jose, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 72,063 Total Philanthropic Donations: $309,400,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 4. Merck Courtesy of Merck Employees say: “Volunteering with community programs (individually or as part of a group) is both encouraged and supported with financial gift programs to these organizations and time away from work to support the community (for instance the United Way Day of Action). To me, this shows that “Merck gives back” is not just a slogan, but a way of doing business and being a good neighbor and citizen in the local community.” “It’s great that they encourage you to volunteer during work hours. Volunteering gives you the personal satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping out while making you feeling more fulfilled. It makes you a more well-rounded person.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Kenilworth, N.J. Industry: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals Worldwide employees: 69,000 Total Philanthropic Donations: $910,600,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 5. Nvidia Photograph by Joshua A. Wise Employees say: “Nvidia is committed to supporting our community and making it a better place to live. Several years ago we opted out of holiday parties and instead spent that money and hundreds/thousands of employee hours to invest in refreshing schools nearby with facelifts, new equipment, sod, murals, new paint. It brings Nvidian’s together for a common good, benefits schools in dire need of an upgrade and is a great team building activity. That is just one example.” “Instead of spending money on a Christmas holiday party, we volunteer and help out the local community in our yearly event called Project Inspire. We team up to tackle things like improving local high school classrooms or enhancing playgrounds.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Santa Clara, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 10,771 Total Philanthropic Donations: $8,320,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 6. Deloitte Courtesy of Deloitte Employees say: “Deloitte is committed to its communities in which it does work—especially looking for opportunities to support underprivileged members of the community. Not only do we set aside Impact Day, but we also actively support individuals pursue their passions with local charities.” “Deloitte invests in being a good member of its community, wherever we are. Impact Day, a day of service, is an amazing keystone event, but community service also is supported and encouraged throughout the year.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: New York City Industry: Professional Services Worldwide employees: 87,091 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 7. Intuit Courtesy of Intuit Employees say: “There is a sense of community. Whether it is to answer the call of urgent help needed by a local non-profit or to help one of our own, the company is full of great people who rally together to help. For example, an organization that helps homeless teens had their pantry robbed. One of the Intuit employees found out and started an immediate food drive and everyone started contributing. That’s just one example.” “I’m very proud that one of our values is “We Care and Give Back,” this is a genuine value, from the special weeks of service Intuit holds to the fact that we have up to 32 hours a year we can spend on volunteer activities to serve our community.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Mountain View, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 8,223 Total Philanthropic Donations: $49,554,024 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 8. AbbVie Courtesy of Abbvie Employees say: “AbbVie lets employees participate in events that benefit the community: Helping a local school set up its renovated library; assisting with cleanup a nearby state park; many other things too. ” “AbbVie goes above and beyond to give back to the communities in which its employees work and live, and encourages employees to participate by volunteering (allowing time off to do so). ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: North Chicago Industry: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals Worldwide employees: 27,910 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 9. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Courtesy of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Employees say: “In terms of non-profit philanthropic organizations, the fact that we focus on impact investing sets us apart to some degree. Every dollar that we invest with our partners is scrutinized to ensure that it is directly impacting a root cause of inequity. That makes it easy to see the line between one’s work and the benefit it provides. This feeling that you are providing genuine value to the world community is intensely satisfying.” “We have 3:1 matching gifts for employee charitable donations including a new program to honor employee anniversary milestones at 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. years by giving $5,000+ for employees to donate. ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Seattle Worldwide employees: 1,531 Total Philanthropic Donations: 9,522,950 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 10. Autodesk Courtesy of Autodesk Employees say: “The way this company cares about the community, I’ve never been involved with another company that gives so much back. They offer so many ways for employees to be involved with volunteering, matching donations, even donating money to match volunteer hours. ” “The Autodesk Foundation is unique in my experience, and engages with the community in ways that benefits the community and is consistent with Autodesk’s core strategies—it’s a model for how corporations can and should add value to the community.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Rafael, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 8,794 Total Philanthropic Donations: $20,900,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 11. Dixon Schwabl Courtesy of Dixon Schwabl Employees say: “As someone new to the company, I love seeing how compassionate everyone is. I have yet to come across someone working here that isn’t involved with helping others in our community. I love that, it is so beautiful. I have also seen people band together to help one another during personal strife, without any hesitations. The people here, starting from the very top, are amazing! I am so glad that I am here and a part of this wonderful group of people. ” “Each year we are given one free day of PTO to volunteer in the community. They also organize group volunteer opportunities based on people’s interests quarterly. This has allowed me to get involved in organizations I wouldn’t have had a chance to.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Victor, N.Y. Industry: Advertising & Marketing U.S. employees: 120 Total Philanthropic Donations: $1,600,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 12. NuStar Energy Courtesy of NuStar Employees say: “Nustar also cares about the community and being able to help others, this is very genuine as it comes from the top. They also participate and donate to help others less fortunate. This is an amazing company to work for. ” “The emphasis on giving back to the community is what drew me to NuStar in the first place. There are several opportunities for many different causes at any given time. There is something for everyone!” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Antonio, Texas Industry: Transportation Worldwide employees: 1,684 Total Philanthropic Donations: $9,030,223 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 13. Cadence Courtesy of Cadence Employees say: “Many of us like to volunteer for community services, and the company recently expanded the volunteer time-off program and corporate matching of donations.” “Cadence’s desire to help the community and allow employees to take additional time off to support their local charities demonstrates the company’s desire to give back and allow for good work/life balance. ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Jose, Calif. Industry: Electronics Worldwide employees: 7,126 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 14. VMware Courtesy of VMware Employees say: “Aside from its ability to adapt and continually make industry changing contributions, this place is so philanthropic and conscious of society and the Earth. I have never felt so much inspiration to give back to my community or to adjust my lifestyle to be less of a strain on the Earth. And the best part is the company rewards you for doing so. I give this credit to our leader, Pat Gelsinger, who truly lives the values he speaks.” “VMWare gives so much back to the community. I’ve been here 4 months and have already done Habitat for Humanity during work hours and at new hire training we did a charity event assisting the homeless in the Bay Area.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 21,098 Total Philanthropic Donations: $7,456,480 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 15. Patagonia Courtesy of Patagonia Employees say: “Placing value on the environment and humanity above company profits—using the least harmful factories, using the least harmful methods to obtain raw materials for products, endorsing and supporting eco-friendly people & organizations, being a platform for positive social change through communications and rallying on the website and in interviews with the press, encouraging employees to enjoy time in nature and with each other during the workday, providing employees with opportunities to come together to work on community efforts as part of their workday, etc., etc.—carrying out all of these practices and ending up as an extremely successful company creates a very rare and positive example for the world, and it also creates a feeling of pride in me to be working for such a company.” “Environmental activism in every store, opportunities to be involved with grassroots environmental groups. Great support in planning fun and creative events for the community.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Ventura, Calif. Industry: Retail Worldwide employees: 2,120 Total Philanthropic Donations: $10,900,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 16. Ultimate Software Courtesy of Ultimate Software Employees say: “Ultimate also gives back to the community on a regular basis, and invites all employees to join, by giving us paid time off for community service outside our standard PTO. We also have various community service groups that are open to anyone in the company, for a variety of causes.” “We do so many charity events, for example at a recent conference we raised money for a hospice care facility that cared for a former employee who recently passed and as a team building activity we all built 100 bikes for Kids in Distress.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Weston, Fla. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 3,792 Total Philanthropic Donations: $2,244,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 17. Genentech Courtesy of Genentech Employees say: “Genentech Gives Back is not just a banner but a philosophy to take time to give back locally to our community. I really look forward to the time dedicated to give back to my community and know that this attitude prevails from coast to coast within our Genentech family.” “I love how much Genentech cares about giving back to the community. This is one of the reasons why I am so proud to work here. I know that giving back to the community locally as well as globally is one of the values that Genentech keeps at heart.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: South San Francisco Industry: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals U.S. employees: 15,064 Offers PTO for Volunteering: No Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 18. Roche Diagnostics Courtesy of Roche Employees say: “We are encouraged to attend events such as the Keep Indianapolis Beautiful event and the Roche Open (proceeds go to charity) even though they occur during working hours.” “Roche continually looks for ways to enrich its employees’ lives and positively impact the community. Volunteer opportunities abound and Roche’s strategic giving is impressive. ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Indianapolis, Ind. Industry: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals Worldwide employees: 94,000 Total Philanthropic Donations: $8,000,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 19. Texas Health Resources Courtesy of Texas Health Resources Employees say: “One of the reasons Texas Health Resources is a great place to work is because our employees not only care for one another but they also care about the surrounding community. A unique example of this would be the THR Associates Campaign as well as the Employee Community Giving Campaign. Every year THR employees are given the opportunity to participate in the Associates Campaign; which helps fund select programs throughout the THR System. Additionally, employees can donate to local North Texas nonprofit organizations that share THR’s Mission, Vision, and Values during the Employee Community Giving Campaign. ” “THR is a community focused organization, not just when it comes to healthcare, but about serving the community overall. We have FREE shred day and time off to volunteer with any organization we choose and I can’t say enough about that! ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Arlington, Texas Industry: Health Care U.S. employees: 21,686 Total Philanthropic Donations: $871,602,176 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: No 20. Elevation Church Courtesy of Elevation Church Employees say: “This organization encourages growth and community with staff gatherings and events to commemorate significant milestones in our church. I have never worked for an organization that cares so much about the wellbeing of their employees and their families like this organization does.” “I love that what we do changes people’s lives and we keep that in front of ourselves constantly. We talk about stories of life change in department meetings, at all-staff meetings and we’re encouraged to share them with any volunteer teams we lead.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Matthews, N.C. Worldwide employees: 5 Total Philanthropic Donations: $5,657,422 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: No 21. Kronos Courtesy of Kronos Incorporated Employees say: “Kronos truly cares about giving back to the community. They often sponsor work days at local schools, encourage local volunteering and donate to charities.” “Kronos invests in the community. I love it that the company sponsors it and makes it happen; the company isn’t just giving people a ‘volunteer day’ each year and leaving it to us to figure out how to spend that day.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Lowell, Mass. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 5,274 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 22. Stryker Courtesy of Stryker Employees say: “Stryker is committed to the community and giving back to a number of organizations. It is great to see the highest level of management volunteering in the community, donating both time and money. I also think the work we do with Operation Smile is amazing and life changing for the patients as well as the volunteers.” “We are encouraged to contribute to making healthcare better as well as making our community better and serving those around us, and we do it as teams and as individuals and certainly more than two days per year in the majority of peoples’ cases!” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Kalamazoo, Mich. Industry: Manufacturing & Production Worldwide employees: 28,933 Total Philanthropic Donations: $38,900,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 23. Veterans United Home Loans Courtesy of Veteran United Home Loans Employees say: “The company gives constantly. Much of the focus is on the community and culture here. We have numerous fun events, groups, and opportunities to get involved on a personal level. I am in a Dad’s group and a Bible study every week. I ride with a group of about 100 folks in the MS150 in the fall. Pretty awesome stuff!” “How we give back—we give back to the community through volunteer hours to large donations like no other company I have encountered. We also give back to our employees with an outstanding culture of recognition and fun. It truly is unique. ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Columbia, Mo. Industry: Financial Services & Insurance U.S. employees: 2,419 Total Philanthropic Donations: $9,571,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: No Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 24. Workday Courtesy of Workday Employees say: “Community involvement—there have been numerous times when out and about while wearing a Workday t-shirt that I have been approached about some of the volunteer work I or other workmates have been involved—just random people thanking us…makes you feel good and when they ask about what Workday does it surprises them that a tech company gives back so much ” “Workday offers so many opportunities to volunteer and help the community. I’ve always wanted to do some of these things but always made an excuse. Workday gives you the avenue to do this and encourages it. Working here has made me a better person. ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Pleasanton, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 7060 Total Philanthropic Donations: 3424426 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 25. American Transmission Company Courtesy of ATC Employees say: “ATC supports the community. We are given 15 personal days which can be used for sick OR for volunteering! I’ve been here only 2 months and I’ve already participated in one day of volunteering with my team, and have been invited to participate in another. My manager discussed with me before I started that because my children’s school is a 503(c) organization, I can use that time to volunteer for their school. And as if that wasn’t good enough, you can roll those days over if you don’t use them.” “I very much enjoy the volunteer activities that are encouraged. I feel great personally after volunteering. And I very much appreciate the shared experience it allows me to have with the people that I spend most of my time with 5+ days a week.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Waukesha, Wis. Industry: Manufacturing & Production U.S. employees: 659 Total Philanthropic Donations: $737,305 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 26. Voya Financial Courtesy of Voya Financial Employees say: “There is a big emphasis on helping the community as well as our customers. There is month-long giving campaign each year to encourage employees to donate to charities, paid time off is given to participant in volunteer activities, and a big part of our annual review is based on how we have improved the lives of our customers.” “The company culture is very community and volunteer oriented. The commitment from senior management to give back to all the communities we do business in is truly amazing and gives employees a great deal of pride.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: New York City Industry: Financial Services & Insurance Worldwide employees: 6,601 Total Philanthropic Donations: $6,680,430 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 27. Crowe Horwath Courtesy of Crowe Horwath Employees say: “Crowe management and employees genuinely care about one another, and this caring internal community transcends into a caring spirit for the external community. Crowe is very involved in community financial and volunteer support—possibly one of the greatest contributors to various organizations in the area!” “I think the atmosphere of giving back to the community sets this company apart. The company goes to great lengths to make sure that each employee has the opportunity to serve their community in any way they can.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Chicago Industry: Professional Services U.S. employees: 3,600 Total Philanthropic Donations: $1,650,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 28. West Monroe Partners Courtesy of West Monroe Partners Employees say: “The Fischer Fellowship sponsors employees for 6 weeks to 6 months to volunteer for meaningful global causes. This program supports a handful of candidates annually, and is a concrete example of West Monroe’s commitment to the people at our firm and the global community we are part of.” “West Monroe Partners provides ample opportunities to give back to the community while rewarding those who do to gain additional PTO. This motivates the employees to be part of the community but in a meaningful way.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Chicago Industry: Professional Services Worldwide employees: 850 Total Philanthropic Donations: $750,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 29. Adobe Systems Courtesy of Adobe Employees say: “There are almost weekly listings of ways that we can, and are encouraged, to contribute back to the community. Ranging from charitable donations to volunteer work to even organizing events of our own. I know that other companies also do this, but I have not seen it so openly on display with regular reminders not only on our intranet but also in the elevators and in weekly company emails. I feel that there is a very sincere fostering of giving back to the community.” “They have always given back to the communities where we operate. They match employee donations up to $10,000 a year. When really bad things happen in the world, they sometimes will match employee donations 2-1. Hard to beat that.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Jose, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 17,373 Total Philanthropic Donations: $37,867,480 Offers PTO for Volunteering: No Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 30. Old Navy Courtesy of Old Navy Employees say: “What makes Gap Inc. a great place to work is the emphasis it puts on community. The company strives to give to the community not just financially but also from a hands on approach. There is constantly a community volunteer or outreach program going on. If you volunteer on your own outside of work, the company will match your hours and give a donation to your non-profit for the time you volunteer, which is AMAZING!” “The amount of community service and volunteering that we do as a brand is amazing. From a store level upward the differences we make in our communities is absolutely amazing, and something I am extremely proud of. ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Francisco Industry: Retail Worldwide employees: 57,115 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 31. Baird Courtesy of Baird Employees say: “Baird not only encourages us to have a positive impact on the community they help facilitate. The provide time to volunteer in the community. They also provide financial resources, through the charitable giving matching program. This is important to me because we a successful company and we should be giving back in as many ways as possible. Through their commitment to community, Baird provides opportunities to every employee no matter what your role may be in the company.” “I love the fact that we have Baird Cares Days and can use them to volunteer in the community. We also have a full week dedicated to giving back to the community. I am also very happy that we have matching contributions for our charitable gifts.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Milwaukee, Wis. Industry: Financial Services & Insurance Worldwide employees: 3,338 Total Philanthropic Donations: $4,332,147 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 32. American Express Courtesy of American Express Employees say: “American Express makes a great effort to have employees feel connect to each other and to the community. We do office wide events such as family movie night as well as volunteer activities as a team/department at least once a quarter. This helps us stay a tight knit group who has more in common that just a job.” “I really appreciate the Serve2gether program. I’ve been active in my community and I’ve applied for a grant ($500) from AXP for the last few years for Keep Taylor Beautiful. $500 is a lot of money for a small non-profit that uses 100% volunteer labor!” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: New York City Industry: Financial Services & Insurance Worldwide employees: 54,879 Total Philanthropic Donations: $36,000,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 33. Cornerstone OnDemand Courtesy of Cornerstone OnDemand Employees say: “Its dedication to maintaining a strong culture is key for the organization. Even as it grows, things change, but the culture seems to remain the same, which is great! The Foundation is also something that really sticks out about the organization. How we assist others in need like disasteready.org, etc. Just recently our company matched all funds that we, as employees, contributed towards the Hurricane Disasters in Houston, etc. Really cool how we interact with the non-profit community!” “Cornerstone consistently encourages employees to get involved in the community. I was able to participate in SPARK, a mentorship program that pairs us with students in under-served communities to educate them on the benefits staying in school.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Santa Monica, Calif. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 1,952 Total Philanthropic Donations: $150,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 34. Clif Bar & Company Courtesy of Clif Bar & Company Employees say: “ Having a company that not only has values, but leverages them, celebrates them and keeps them alive in the organization is great. Clif Bar goes one step (or ten steps) further with the Aspirations. They give life to everything we do and serve as a barometer for the success and decision criteria for everything we undertake as a company. Using the aspirations has led us to not only expand our business but to also work to the greater good even without a direct gain for the company; only because it is the right thing to do for the world. For example fighting for the rights of farmers in our supply chain. It could end up costing us more, but it’s the right thing to do for those farmers and humanity as a whole. Never before have I seen a company operate with such a higher purpose.” “There are many opportunities to get involved with things I care about. Community service projects are hosted frequently. I can also donate bars or money (matched up to $2K) to an organization of my choice. I love this! ” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Emeryville, Calif. Industry: Manufacturing & Production Worldwide employees: 1,111 Total Philanthropic Donations: $8,916,263 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 35. SAP America Courtesy of SAP Employees say: “SAP does great things for the community and really puts an emphasis on giving back. We have lots of service opportunities internally that make us feel like we are making a difference in the world, not just within our company.” “The company also encourages employees in supporting non-work activities. These are typically charitable or community improvement events. These make the employees feel connected to the community, supportive and proud of SAP in its participation.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Newtown Square, Pa. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 84,962 Total Philanthropic Donations: $4,350,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 36. Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Courtesy of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Employees say: “As an organization, I truly believe that Children’s is mission-driven in all that we do. While I am non-clinical, I am reminded everyday of the important work that we do here. When children have nowhere else to turn, we are their advocates. When families experience the worst-case scenario, we support them. Our nurses, physicians, volunteers, and other staff all care deeply about the children we care for. It is not uncommon for our staff to volunteer their free time at the hospital, because they want to do more for our patients. Children’s may not be perfect, but it is an absolutely incredible organization that is dedicated to making children’s lives better. I am proud to work for Children’s—too many times to count, I’ve been stopped while wearing Children’s-branded clothing, always someone expressing admiration and gratitude for the work we do.” “Children’s is filled with caregivers and volunteers whose efforts provide an overwhelmingly positive atmosphere for patients and parents in their times of greatest weakness. The difference we make in people’s lives is visible on their faces.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Atlanta Industry: Health Care U.S. employees: 9,090 Total Philanthropic Donations: $205,500,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: No 37. Capital One Financial Courtesy of Capital One Financial Employees say: “The opportunity to give back to the community in volunteerism is encouraged, even during working hours. There are always several opportunities available, for varying different skill levels, including on-site opportunities. Recently I was able to sign up to assist in the build of the various components needed to construct wheel chair ramps, and I was able to do it onsite, and then go back to my desk & continue my regularly scheduled work. Where else are you able to do that?” “I’m excited about the community efforts Capital One has in the community. I love seeing the company I work for take an interest in my city by investing resources in supporting local interests, like recycling and composting through local farms.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: McLean, Va. Industry: Financial Services & Insurance Worldwide employees: 47,148 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 38. PricewaterhouseCoopers Courtesy of PwC Employees say: “PwC cares. They care for us, the team members, as well as the community at large. It feels good to see the way our leadership responds to all of the issues of the nation. This goes for our local leadership also. I look forward to coming to work each morning, so something must be going well.” “PwC is a great place to work because it is a company that invests in you and the community and gives you a lot of diverse opportunities to learn and grow as a professional while making a difference in solving problems.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: New York City Industry: Professional Services Worldwide employees: 223,000 Total Philanthropic Donations: $98,296,033 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 39. Synchrony Financial Anthony Collins Photography Employees say: “Synchrony cares about the community and its employees. The company strives to promote others by encouragement and training. I know this from my own personal experience. I started in Customer Service and when the opportunity presented itself to move to Fraud, my manager worked with me to ensure I would be ready to grow. When I was selected for the position, I began to volunteer more and become more active with the community.” “We have lot of volunteering activities, which gives us an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many underprivileged children. I feel this unique trait makes this a great place to work.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Stamford, Conn. Industry: Financial Services & Insurance U.S. employees: 9,488 Total Philanthropic Donations: $5,190,175 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 40. Novo Nordisk Courtesy of Novo Nordisk Employees say: “The Novo Nordisk Triple Bottom Line is not something management just talks about—everyone is aware of it and is encouraged to do everything to make it happen. Most department meetings involve an activity to give back to the community. There are many opportunities to be involved in giving back.” “I’ve never worked for a company that cared so much about giving back to the community and giving employees time off from work to do that. I’ve participated in more social giving program in the last two years here, than my 20 year career.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Plainsboro, N.J. Industry: Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals Worldwide employees: 40,522 Total Philanthropic Donations: $9,000,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 41. Cooley Courtesy of Cooley Employees say: “Cooley is special because they truly care about giving back to the community. The Boston office raised $33,718 for the Greater Boston Food Bank as part pf the Legal Food Frenzy competition. With the money Cooley raised, it was enough food to provide approximately 101,154 meals to people in need throughout Massachusetts. Cooley won the ‘Most Raised Overall by a Law Firm’ for a record setting third year in a row.” “There are many opportunities to give back to the community, whether by working with Rebuilding Together, encouraging pro bono work, fundraising for families during Christmas, among many other things!” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. Industry: Professional Services Worldwide employees: 2,055 Total Philanthropic Donations: $37,420,973 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: No 42. Edward Jones Courtesy of Edward Jones Employees say: “The company also focuses on giving back to the community, we have two major campaigns for United Way and Arts and Education but help many other organizations throughout St. Louis throughout the year. Edward Jones provides several volunteer projects that associates can help out with during the year and provides one day a year we can volunteer with any organization we want.” “The firm has a HUGE heart and gives back to the community in so many ways: United Way, Junior Achievement, Race for the Cure, LGBT walk, AHA, St Louis Arts, etc. There are many opportunities to get engaged and you are given the time to get involved.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: St. Louis Industry: Financial Services & Insurance Worldwide employees: 44,039 Total Philanthropic Donations: $11,200,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: No 43. World Wide Technology Courtesy of WWT Employees say: “Every employee is offered and encouraged to take an extra day of paid time off, called a ‘Day of Caring’ to give back to the community in whatever your service passion might be. It is encouraged to take this day with your team to make a stronger impact in the community. This is in addition to the matching charitable contributions from the company.” “One of the big reasons I came to WWT was because of their commitment to community and giving back. This is something I am committed to personally and I enjoy working for a company who shares the same values.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: St. Louis Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 4,200 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 44. Ernst & Young Courtesy of EY Employees say: “EY also cares about our Community and gives back. Once a month we have a denim day. We donate $5 to a Non-profit organization (different every month) and get to wear jeans to work that day to represent the organization we donated to. We also have Connect Day every year where EY employees volunteer their time for the day and give back to the community. EY also participates in 5k run/walks and we run the absolute best Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day Event every year in April.” “It’s a broader purpose of using what we do as an organization to make the world overall a better place. I believe this purpose unites our people. One specific example is EY Connect Day when everyone spends a day volunteering as a group.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: New York City Industry: Professional Services Worldwide employees: 228,041 Total Philanthropic Donations: $55,598,683 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 45. SAS Institute Courtesy of Steve Muir Employees say: “SAS provides us many opportunities to volunteer within the community. I was able to help with meal kits for seniors through the foodbankcenc. I really enjoyed it and can’t wait to help again! We also collect several donations throughout the year for various charities. It feels great to help our community out!” “Our company demonstrates caring for our earth and community. I feel a sense of pride when I see my company name on exhibits at the state art and science museums. I think the education department contributes strongly toward public school curriculums.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Cary, N.C. Industry: Information Technology Worldwide employees: 14,136 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 46. Baptist Health South Florida Courtesy of Baptist Health South Florida Employees say: “To build a cancer program, the hospital created a brand new center and moved physicians, staff, technology, and infrastructure into a place to deliver high quality care. To ensure that care was provided to all members of the community, the hospital partnered with its neighboring children’s hospitals in the community to guarantee that all children who needed treatment at our facility with proton therapy could receive it (without regard for insurance coverage and ability to pay). The hospital provided everything needed to provide multidisciplinary care (pediatric anesthesia, pediatric nurses, pediatric social worker, child life specialist) and whatever it could not provide, it worked with its partners to provide. There is no health care institution who has done so much for our most important patients, our children. This is a truly outstanding place to work.” “There is a great focus on creating an workforce that is engaged and is able to contribute to its community. At the end of the day, our leaders care that we are able to do a good job and provide great care to our patients.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Coral Gables, Fla. Industry: Health Care U.S. employees: 16,210 Total Philanthropic Donations: $301,000,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: No Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 47. Prometheus Real Estate Group Courtesy of Prometheus Real Estate Employees say: “We have amazing benefits, and most of the company leadership is exceptional. We truly care about our local communities and give back, and try to do things differently from the industry.” “There is a great focus on creating an workforce that is engaged and is able to contribute to its community. At the end of the day, our leaders care that we are able to do a good job and provide great care to our patients.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Coral Gables, Fla. Industry: Health Care U.S. employees: 16,210 Total Philanthropic Donations: $301,000,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: No Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 47. Prometheus Real Estate Group Courtesy of Prometheus Real Estate Employees say: “We have amazing benefits, and most of the company leadership is exceptional. We truly care about our local communities and give back, and try to do things differently from the industry.” “I really enjoy working with my fellow Prometheans and enjoy what I do. With the volunteer programs such as Porch and other events, I feel a sense of satisfaction helping those in need.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: San Mateo, Calif. Industry: Construction & Real Estate U.S. employees: 504 Total Philanthropic Donations: $128,625 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: No 48. Principal Courtesy of Principal Employees say: “I think Principal has an extremely inclusive environment. We have employee resource groups who are always open to new members and want more people to get involved. Principal finds a way to make an imprint in the community with United Way and the Principal Charity Classic, and many other diverse sponsored events (to mention a few).” “Principal will give their employees Paid Time Off to volunteer with their favorite organizations throughout the year. To me, it doesn’t get much better than a company that opts to help you grow as an individual, as a family, and as a community.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Des Moines, Iowa Industry: Financial Services & Insurance Worldwide employees: 14,690 Total Philanthropic Donations: $13,200,000 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 49. American Fidelity Assurance Company Courtesy of American Fidelity Assurance Employees say: “The Oklahoma Blood Institute brings their staff to our office, five times each year, and American Fidelity allows our Colleagues paid time off to donate blood, at work. American Fidelity was recognized this year for our 100th blood drive with OBI. We have five donors who have been donating blood at American Fidelity since 1984. American Fidelity has the longest tenure of blood drives with the Oklahoma Blood Institute within our city. Five donors have donated over 100 times.” “T-shirt days are always popular and our company incorporated a charitable donation with the activity, allowing colleagues to nominate the charities. Blood drives, food drives, and school supply drives are other great ways we help our neighbors.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Oklahoma City, Okla. Industry: Financial Services & Insurance U.S. employees: 1,826 Total Philanthropic Donations: $1,620,643 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: Yes 50. Hunton & Williams Courtesy of Hunton & Williams Employees say: “I have only been working here for 8 months now but I think the dedication to client service and community service and the positive attitudes of everyone here makes this a fantastic place to work . It is a fun environment and people are friendly and approachable and good hearted to the core.” “Hunton is always willing to support employees who want to invest in the community. I felt strongly about supporting the charitable work of a non-profit, and not only did the firm match my contributions, but individual partners gave as well.” Read Great Place to Work review here. U.S. headquarters: Washington, D.C. Industry: Professional Services Worldwide employees: 1,432 Total Philanthropic Donations: $25,988,740 Offers PTO for Volunteering: Yes Offers Employee Matching Funds: No   Methodology Fortune‘s research partner, Great Place to Work, selects the Best Workplaces for Giving Back rankings based on feedback from 386,278 employees at Great Place to Work–Certified organizations. Employees completed Great Place to Work’s anonymous Trust Index survey, answering a detailed questionnaire that includes questions about how proud they are of their impact on the community, the difference they feel they make, and whether their work has special meaning. Results from the survey are highly reliable, having a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 5% or less. To select the list, Great Place to Work considers organizations’ policies regarding paid time off for volunteering and the extent to which they contribute generously to community and charitable causes through corporate donations and employee fund-matching programs. Final rankings are primarily based on employees’ own feedback on over 50 survey questions, with special emphasis on their connection to the organization’s community impact. Rankings reward organizations where not only the majority of their employees are proud of their community involvement, but these experiences are widely shared within the organization, regardless of who they are or what they do in the organization. Results take into account the complexity of the employee population and performance relative to peers. To learn more about Great Place to Work Certification and be considered for Best Workplaces lists published by Fortune, visit greatplacetowork.com.          