在Quora上,有网友对Google员工提出了疑问——“员工们对Alphabet的成立有什么看法?”“对于新Google的大BOSS Sundar Pichai的,员工们有怎样的期待?”
Deepmind项目工程师Jack Rae表示,今年是他在Google工作的第一年,Google让他觉得自己是在与一群有着共同价值观的年轻创造者们拼搏奋斗,而不是在给一家公司打工。他认为新公司的出现能够让公司的其他项目更好的发展,也能够让Google走的更好。
另一位员工Jeremy Hoffman也有相同的看法,虽然公司的举动在一开始让他吃惊不已,但他表示,Google成为子公司后,可以更加专注于其创立之初的目标,而不必再分心于新项目的研发,这一举动给Alphabet和Google都腾出了发展空间。
针对新BOSS Sundar Pichai,员工Robert Love认为他的上任将会给Google带来一个全新的未来。他认为Pichai很有远见,他一直就不想让云存储系统用于一般存储,因为在他看来未来不会有“文件”这种东西,未来的一切都应该是基于云的,移动的,并支持多设备。
软件工程实习生Shine Wang则表示,消息一出,实习生的聊天室就炸了,他们还戏称这则消息为“复活节彩蛋”,但是所有人都在担心这样的转变会不会对自己有所影响。不过他指出,于他个人而言,也没有什么不同,他的生活也还是每天听听歌敲敲代码而已。
As the dust settles around Google's Alphabet announcement yesterday, the company has been eerily quiet. Google+ pages haven't been updated, there's no movement on official blogs, and a blanket press statement is issued to any email queries. But there are a small handful of Google employees who are giving their opinions, on Quora, the question-answering website.
One question posed towards current and former employees asks "What do Google employees think of the creation of Alphabet Inc?" Another user wants to know what it's like to work with Sundar Pichai. So far responders include an engineer at DeepMind (Google's artificial intelligence arm) to an intern.
All in all, the responses are positive—but also confused about where each department stands. From these answers, it seems as if the employees are still unsure who will sign their paychecks come December.
DeepMind engineer Jack Rae, who used to work at Quora, wrote that this was his first year at Google, and his initial experience felt more like working within a cluster of startups joined by a common set of values rather than a company. Without being distracted by the mission of Google search, the other ventures within Google will be able to flourish, Rae writes.
Full text of the answers here.
Another employee, Jeremy Hoffman, who works in search quality, sees it the same way: making room for all the things that aren't explicitly Web-related.
He wrote he was initially surprised by the move, but it started to make sense the more he thought about it. Under Alphabet, Google is free to pursue its original mission of organizing the world’s knowledge, without having to add exceptions for every new entity it wants to create. In this view, it’s not only freeing for the other Alphabet subsidiaries, but also for Google.
Full text of the answers here.
In another thread asking about new Google CEO Sundar Pichai, Google search engineer Robert Love wrote about Pichai's idea for a file-less future.
Sundar thinks and talks fast. Sundar gets and passionately pursues a vision of the future that is cloud-based, mobile, multi-device, and infinitely connected. A great example is that, for years he didn't want to go a cloud storage system for generic storage (e.g. Google Drive) because there wouldn't be "files" in the future.
And then there was the software engineering intern, Shine Wang, who gave the insider-but-not-yet-inside perspective on Alphabet:
Our intern Hangouts chat exploded - everyone wondered if their conversion offers would indicate which PA-turned-company they would be placed under, whether it might affect the placement of new employees, and so on. We laughed at the SV Easter egg in the website's source code. But for me, an intern ineligible for conversion (yet) and without stock in the company, I just coded away, listening to music on my headphones.
Just Monday as usual.
via popsci
在近期于中国香港召开的Rise大会上,客户支持服务供应商Freshdesk的首席执行官吉里斯·马斯鲁布塔姆(Girish Mathrubootham)和谷歌“Google for Work”部门总裁阿米特·辛格(Amit Singh)就未来的生产力和工作等问题交流了他们的看法。在他们看来,随着云计算业务的稳步发展,移动设备的不断涌现,未来人们的工作将主要通过移动设备和云基础设施来完成,而不是再依赖传统的办公桌。
辛格认为,云基础设施值得依赖,不管是现在,还是在将来。他还进一步表示: “云平台比企业自己定制的安全平台要安全得多。我们知道是什么让谷歌系统更加安全。我们已经打造了一切云服务,从碎片信息、从我们的数据中心到平台等,与此同时,我们还花费了大量时间来保护我们的网络。
辛格预计,基于人工智能的助手应用将在提升人类生产力的过程中发挥非常重要的作用。他表示:“我们一直在大量思考移动在工作中越来越大的重要性这一问题。我们目前仍在谈论传统数据和工具,并将这些传统数据和工具从办公桌前移走。但是,打造一个让你随处可以工作并在你需要时通过显示数据来给你提供帮助的智能化助手,是可以即时实现的——而且我认为,这就是未来的模样。 ”
What does the future of work look like?
As robotics, automation and AI steadily improve, I’ve been thinking a lot about what will keep the human workforce busy in the years to come. How much longer will we need to park ourselves at our desks for hours on end in order to pay our bills?
At the Rise conference in Hong Kong yesterday, customer support service Freshdesk’s CEO Girish Mathrubootham and Google for Work president Amit Singh shared their thoughts on the future of productivity.
Singh believes that desktop apps are on their way out. “Sure, some people work on their desktops, but they’re increasingly getting more done on mobile devices. In the future, you’ll be spending even more time on them, away from your desk.”
Mathrubootham added to this with context from his company’s helpdesk service:
These days, we want to be able to access our customer support email from wherever you are. Traditional software chains you to your desk and require you to use a VPN when you’re on the move.
The convenience of working from anywhere that modern apps offer, is what is driving the shift from desktop-focused to mobile and cloud-based solutions.
Designing work apps for the future
Singh feels that new apps are more about collaboration for increased productivity and less about our contributions as individuals.
Google for Work president Amit Singh speaking at Rise Conference 2015
“The new sharing economy and the way millennials think, have combined to create a new collaborate work culture. We’re now working on the same files together and messaging each other all in one place. It’s more about real-time teamwork and transparency than individual effort,” he said.
Is there an end in sight for email?
There are some aspects of email as a method of communication that are useful, like searchability and keeping correspondence on record. But it won’t just vanish in the years to come — it’s more likely to evolve and adapt to our needs for faster and more streamlined collaboration.
Singh said, “There’s actually more email now than before, and more time spent on it. However, the way it’s being used is changing. It’s more about quick, real-time communication. For example, Inbox by Gmail is a step in that direction.”
Isn’t it risky for businesses to put all their data in the cloud?
Singh believes that cloud-based infrastructure can be trusted now and in the future:
The cloud is a lot more secure than companies’ own bespoke security infrastructure. We know what it takes to secure Google’s system. We’ve built everything from scratch, from our data centers to our platforms, and we spend a lot of time protecting our network.
Not to say that bad things can’t happen, but it takes a lot of time, money and effort to build secure solutions. The transition to cloud-based infrastructure will be because of security and not in spite of it.
Freshdesk CEO Girish Mathrubootham speaking at Rise Conference 2015
Mathrubootham has faith in large-scale cloud-based systems. He said, “Where is your money safer, in your home or deposited in a bank? Cloud companies are in the business of selling data security, not just software. If we lost our customers’ data, we’d have to shut shop. So it’s important for us to focus on robust systems that are indeed secure.”
How is the way we work going to change in the next five years?
Singh predicts that AI-based assistants will play a big role in increasing human productivity:
We’ve been thinking a lot about the the increasing importance of mobility at work. We’re currently taking traditional data and tools and unlocking them from your desk. But creating an intelligent assistant that goes where you do and helps you out by surfacing data when you need it, in context, cognitive in real-time — I believe that’s the future.
The search giant acquired machine learning firm DeepMind last year to boost its AI efforts, so it’ll be interesting to see how Google follows up on Singh’s vision.
Mathrubootham articulated it quite simply: “90 percent of the world consumes while only 10 percent creates. Consumption of content has moved steadily into the cloud and onto mobile devices, while the tools for creation remain tied to desktops. That’s all going to move away from traditional computing devices to more personal, portable solutions by 2020.”
来源:TNW News