• linkedin
    LinkedIn创始人告诉你:什么是互联网时代的新雇佣关系? 伟大的企业像高速列车一样不断前行,少数人从起点上车,但大多会在中途离开;有些人中途上车,经过几站后也会再换一辆车前行。能从起点行驶到终点的,寥寥无几。 被彭博商业周刊称为「硅谷人脉王」的LinkedIn创始人里德·霍夫曼最新出版的书谈论的主题就是「人脉」,里德除了与埃隆·马斯克和彼得·泰尔共同创建Paypal以及同样是硅谷最为有眼光的投资人以外,他其实是是最早的社交网站Socialnet的创建者。Socialnet的创立时间是1997年,比LinkedIn、Facebook的诞生早了六七年,里德在社交与人脉上的经验已将近20年。 《联盟》是一本谈论当今这个时代雇主与雇员的关系的书。当今时代的雇主和雇员是什么关系?即使再天真的雇员,也不会幻想自己会在一个公司工作一辈子;再优秀的企业,也无法避免最优秀的员工流失。雇主和雇员的关系更多的是,为了一部分共同的使命与目标,互相在对方身上投资。这种投资的边界既不像终身雇佣制一样,在员工正式上岗前先培训上两年;但也不像简单的商业交易,我付一份钱,你做一份工。 员工加入一家公司除了挣钱以外,考虑更多的是职业兴趣与职业发展是否能得到满足: 这家公司能不能给我提供一份我擅长且喜欢的工作? 这家公司是否能给我提供更多发展的机会和对我有益的资源? 这个公司是否有足够的成长空间,我能否升职? 对于雇主而言,它更希望了解的是: 员工是否能满足工作要求,百分之百甚至超出预期完成工作,以帮助公司更快成长? 如果将双方需求的交集提炼出来,就是二者达成共识,形成长久联盟的基础。而开诚布公承认这个现状是改善雇佣双方关系的开始。领英最资深的一位高管迈克·加姆森(Mike Gamson)对此非常坦承:「我知道我的员工可能在某个时间离开公司」,所以,在新员工加入他的团队的时候,他会对他们说,「我的工作将如何为他们改造改变职业轨迹的机会,他们的责任是利用在这里的工作经验抓住各种机会,为自身创造长期价值。在某种情况下,这种价值将在他们离职后的职业生涯中体现得最为明显。」 在员工进入公司的第一天就承认员工将来有一天会离职,能在最短时间内与员工建立信任,从而建立良好关系,反而能更好留住优秀人才。在建立信任的基础之后,双方开始为自己的工作联盟设定一个「任期」,就好像一届美国总统是四年,总统候选人会告诉选民们,「我将在我的这一届任期里,达到什么样的目标,请你们支持我」一样,雇主和员工也应该建立类似的关系:我们之间建立一个任期为2-5年的联盟关系,在这一个时间段内,雇主将为雇员提供何种的平台与资源,帮助雇员实现自己在这个任期内的职业目标;而雇员则承诺,在这个任期内,为公司完成哪些项目,创造何种价值。当任期完成之后,雇佣双方也可以继续探讨续任的可能。 当然,里德在书里做了更为细致的操作操作建议。比如他将员工在公司里的角色分为了三种类型:轮转期、转变期与基础期,分别适用于职场新人、职场中层及职场高层,在职场中每一个阶段,员工利益与公司利益的交集程度不一,双方的目标预期也不尽相同。这三个时期分别为: 轮转期 轮转期是一种有期限的标准化培训,通常针对入门级员工。比如,投资银行和管理咨询公司通常设有2-4年的分析师培训项目,目的是帮助新员工从校园过渡到职场,或者从之前的工作环境过渡到新的工作环境。硅谷的许多公司也采用类似的模式。比如Google的人力运营部雇佣的新毕业大学生将进入为期27个月的标准化轮转期,他们可以在一共3轮、每轮9个月的轮转期中尝试3种不同职位;Facebook则采用类似的模式培训新产品经理,他们要在18个月内加入3个不同的产品小组,轮换3次职位。 转变期 与轮转期相对标准化所不同的是,转变期更加个性化,它是经理和员工一对一协商沟通后的结果。转变期一般为2-5年,这大概相当于一款软件或互联网产品的开发周期。这一段时间内,员工可以完成一个重大项目,或者多个小项目。施密特说,他也喜欢将任期定为2-5年,两年学习,两年完成工作,一年安排过渡和交接。 基础期 第三个时期,基本上是职业生涯的最后一个时期,也是职业生涯达到顶峰时候的时期:可能是创业成功,以CEO的身份长期经营自己的公司,或者是公司高管,比如苹果、亚马逊和Google等公司里直接向CEO汇报的高管很多都已经为该公司效力时间超过10年。 从职场新人到职场顶峰,个人目标与公司的目标是一个逐渐聚焦的过程。新人在初入职场时无论业余兴趣还是职场选择更加发散,需要经历多个公司和岗位,才能找到适合自己的工作,这个时候个人目标与公司目标的契合度低;到了转变期,职场人在职业兴趣、个人擅长与公司需要之间找到了比较好的平衡,更加聚焦,与公司的目标更加契合;到基础期阶段,基本已经将工作当成毕生事业,个人目标与公司目标高度契合。这时候的员工与公司的沟通成本非常低,并且是最需要互相成就的阶段。 如何从终身雇佣转变为终身关系? 《联盟》一书一共谈了两个大的问题。第一个问题即前面所说的,互联网时代已经不像工业时代,员工与雇主的关系不再是终身雇佣制,更多像是一种任期制,双方约定一个2-5年的任期,员工在这一个任期里面为雇主完成一个大项目或者数个小项目,在为公司创造价值的同时,也实现自己的个人价值。任期可以是一届,也可以是多届,视乎双方合作情况与约定而定。 《联盟》的后半部分,里德·霍夫曼花了相当大的篇幅谈员工人脉网的作用,既包括现任员工,也包括离职员工。 在里德看来,员工人脉对公司有极大的价值。这些价值体现在两个方面: 人脉可以帮助公司收集信息,这些信息是互联网上所没有的,媒体会很感兴趣但是却没有报道的信息。这样说起来有一点微妙和暧昧,和其它公司员工交流的时候,大家在饭桌上总是会有意无意透露一些「秘密」——介于不可公开透露和完全保密之间的消息——比如,正在开发的新产品的部分细节,即将启动的新项目,或者正在进行的投融资交易,等等等等。这些信息无疑会为自己公司带来非常大的价值。 人脉可以为公司带来新的机会、意外发现,某种程度上它也是创新的驱动力。创新往往产生于不同学科和文化领域的交界处,与前面鼓励同行交流不同的是,当员工利用他们的职业人脉或个人人脉与不同领域的人交流时,他们会听取不同背景、不同经历和不同专业领域的朋友的意见,从而可能产生创新。 因为人脉之间流通的信息价值极大,里德在《联盟》里也给提出了明确的给雇主的建议:设立人脉基金,即使不与业务直接相关,也会报销员工与其人脉关系的社交餐费——注意,这里指的是非业务直接相关的报销,因为与业务相关的餐费,大多数公司都会给员工报销的。 报销了员工的餐费,员工不将饭桌上获得的信息带回公司怎么办?所以雇主还应建立鼓励员工将信息带回公司,做内部信息共享的机制。比如,风险投资机构Greylock(里德担任合伙人)每周一都会给所有所有合伙人发一份材料,里面列出了每位合伙人本周计划会见的外部人士。合伙人之间看到感兴趣的人,可以交换笔记,也可以交流对某个人的看法,或者提出自己想交流的话题,使得有价值的信息在公司内共享。另一家硅谷著名的风险投资机构安德森·霍洛维茨(Andreessen Horowitz)在这方面走得更远:每次合伙人会议开始时,都会提供100美元作为奖金,谁提供了最佳的小道消息,谁就可以拿到100美元。 想最有效建立优质人脉,并不是出去约牛人——牛人都很忙的,而且很多人都会想去约见牛人。——而是让自己变成牛人。从雇主的角度可以做些什么?鼓励并支持自己的员工成为行业有影响力的专家。比如,当员工获得行业会议公开演讲的机会的时候,或者参加重要行业会议交流的时候,雇主可以为员工报销差旅;或者干脆帮助自己的员工去争取这些机会,员工在参加行业会议的时候,也帮助企业推广了自身的品牌。 前面这些都是帮助现任员工打造人脉网的行动。如果当员工结束与雇主的任期之后,是否意味着双方的关系已经终止?很多公司是这么做的。我有一位朋友所在的某知名互联网创业公司,就对主动离职员工抱有敌意,并将主动离职的员工视为「背叛」。这样的公司文化显然会给员工带来非常大的压力。主动离职被视为叛徒,强行离职,势必会让自己和前同事、前老板的关系变得尴尬;如果迫于公司文化继续留在公司,可能会错过更好的工作机会,或者无法立即去做自己更感兴趣的工作。 这样的雇主除了不足够坦诚、恐怕也是不足够聪明的。因为离职员工的价值,是很多公司还没有意识到、或者意识到了但还远远没有执行到位的地方。 某种程度上来说,离职员工甚至可以为雇主带来更多的价值。离职员工有更多的工作经历和阅历,视野和技能都有提升,更重要的是,离职员工的人脉网会更加强大。离职员工的这些特征,将为雇主带来极大的机制: 帮助雇主招聘人才。一方面,前员工离职后可能「二进宫」,「二进宫」的员工可以将外部人的视角与内部人掌握的公司流程和文化结合,并且在适应公司文化上面几乎没有问题;另一方面,前员工可以推荐优秀的人才。国内很多公司都会现任员工设立推荐奖,成功推荐一个人入职奖励iPhone或好几千现金,但是我不太理解的是,为什么不给前员工也提供类似的机会?前员工人脉更广,判断力相对也会更强。 与推荐人才相似,前员工可以推荐客户。前员工有可能把ta现在的雇主当作客户推荐给前雇主,或者将ta认识的生意伙伴推荐给前雇主,与前面推荐人才的逻辑是相似的。 前员工能帮助雇主做品牌传播。他们可能不一定能在广告或媒体上帮到雇主太多,但在社交媒体上,他们都是可以为雇主品牌进行传播的节点。在社交媒体影响越来越大、而且投入也越来越大的情况下,发挥前员工的传播价值,将为雇主带来丰厚的回报。 在互联网时代,终身雇佣时代一去不复返,但终身雇佣时代的消失不意味着终身关系消失。相反,如何维系雇佣双方之间的终身关系,并从中挖掘价值,变得比以往更加重要。 伟大的企业像高速列车一样不断前行,少数人从起点上车,但大多会在中途离开;有些人中途上车,经过几站后也会再换一辆车前行。能从起点行驶到终点的,寥寥无几。即使创始人,像乔布斯一样不也中途离开过么?互联网时代的人才关系,不如从建立联盟开始。 本文作者: 师北宸,前凤凰科技主编,《纽约时报》中文版专栏作家,正在筹办自己的课程制作工作室。在行评价最高的写作课行家,即将在开氪开设写作专栏。
  • linkedin
    Cornerstone OnDemand获得银湖资本及LinkedIn领英3亿美元战略投资 云端学习与人才管理系统提供商Cornerstone OnDemand (纳斯达克股票代码: CSOD)宣布将获得私人投资公司银湖资本(Silver Lake)及全球最大职业社交网站领英(LinkedIn)的三亿美元战略投资。Cornerstone计划将此次投资用于其增长计划及资本结构管理,其中包括偿还现有可转换债券及回购普通股。 连同此次融资消息,Cornerstone还发布了其战略规划,将下一步的业务重点聚焦在经常性收入增长,推动营业利润率和现金流的增长,以及利用Cornerstone在全球企业学习领域中的领导地位,扩大在线学习内容的市场份额。 “我们相信通过贯彻执行这一战略规划,以及银湖和领英方面的支持,能够将股东价值最大化。这一决定是在对战略选择进行综合分析后制定得出,并且独立董事委员会领导评估了公司各方利益。”Cornerstone OnDemand创始人及首席执行官亚当•米勒(Adam Miller)表示。“这项投资坚定了我们对未来的信心,肯定了我们业务所做的成绩,更重要的是,这是对我们未来发展机会的大力支持。希望执行此次战略能为股东带来巨大的价值。” Cornerstone董事会成员将从8名扩大到10名,并将任命银湖资本常务董事乔•奥斯诺斯(Joe Osnoss)担任董事会成员。另一名独立董事由银湖资本提名,经由Cornerstone董事会批准,将于晚些时候任命。 米勒补充说道:“乔在管理和指导领先的技术业务上拥有丰富的行业知识和业务专长。我们致力于提高股东价值,乔的见解和贡献会为公司创造价值。” “Cornerstone是一个世界级的云软件公司,是人力资本管理行业的先锋和坚定的市场领导者。我们期待与该公司合作,以执行其战略决策,并寻求下一阶段的增长。”奥斯诺斯说道。 银湖资本(Silver Lake)和领英(LinkedIn)将以3亿美元的总本金购买2021年7月到期的5.75%的可转换债券,价格为每股42.00美元。Cornerstone投资者希望以符合惯例的成交条件在本财年结束前完成债券的销售。有关投资的其他信息将包括在一份8-K 表格中,这些资料将提交给安全与交流委员会。 Cornerstone还在当天公布了其2017年第三季度财报,主要财务数据如下: 2017年第三季度营收为1.22亿美元,较2016年同比上涨13.0%。按上年相同汇率计算,同比上涨13.1%。 2017年第三季度非GAAP净收入为734.5万美元,非GAAP稀释后每股净收益为0.12美元,与之相比,2016年第三季度非GAAP净收入为690万美元,非GAAP净收益为每股0.11美元。 2017年第三季度的自由现金流为1,413万美元,产生11.6%的自由现金流量保证金,2016年第三季度的自由现金流为780万美元,自由现金流量保证金为7.3%。 关于Cornerstone Ondemand Cornerstone Ondemand (NASDAQ: CSOD) /希索软件是一家全球领先的基于云端的学习与人才管理系统提供商。自1999年成立至今,Cornerstone一直致力于为组织提供能够充分释放人才潜能的人力管理解决方案。从员工招聘、入职管理、培训与发展、员工协作平台,到员工的绩效管理、薪酬管理、人才继任计划、人事管理,直至组织人才相关的各类数据报告与分析,Cornerstone的产品组件可以伴随组织员工的整个职业生命周期。 Cornerstone总部位于美国加州的圣莫妮卡,目前在全球范围内拥有超过3,000家客户,涵盖的终端用户遍及全球192个国家,超过3,500万人,其中中国用户超过51万人,系统支持的语言多达43种。  
  • linkedin
    Microsoft 微软 发布 Resume Assistant “简历助手” ,收购LikedIn后整合新举措 去年 Microsoft(微软)以 262 亿美元收购了全球最大职业社交网站 LinkedIn(领英),承诺将整合 LinkedIn 相关服务,为用户带来更有价值的体验。 今天,微软官方发布了 Resume Assistant" 简历助手 ",基于强大的人工智能技术,可帮助 Office 365 用户创建履历时获得 LinkedIn 专业帮助,能够智能识别用户履历中寻找工作岗位描述,为用户推荐在 LinkedIn 上寻找相似的公开范本,专业精准词语等,让制作简历更轻松专业。 使用 Resume Assistant" 履历助手 ",当用户 Word 中打开一份简历文档时,系统将自动提示 " 助手 " 打开屏幕右侧窗口,询问用户希望看到什么行业和职位。LinkedIn 上的相关描述就会跳出来,给用户带来灵感,但这些信息不会显示 LinkedIn 用户姓名。 用户也可以搜索 " 技能 ",之后会看到专业用户如何强调某些特定职位所需要的特定技能,或者哪些技能对特定工作是重要的。 另外," 简历助手 " 也会询问用户是否需要 " 专业帮助 ",并连接到专业简历库,一些简历作者已注册成为 LinkedIn ProFinder 的自由网络成员,就可以得到他们的服务报价。 简历助理它还会询问用户是否想让招聘人员知道你在通过 LinkedIn 的公开求职计划寻找工作机会。不过,虽然范本用户可以直接复制粘贴,但是无法直接从 Word 的侧边栏拖动到文本中,这点还有待完善。 作为 Office 内部人员计划的一部分,该服务目前只针对 Office 365 用户,但微软计划在下一年度推出更广泛的服务,具体细节未公布,但提到会更人性化、智能的帮助用户,获得更专业高效的体验。 微软收购LinkedIn 之后的融合一步一步开始了,想象下如果学生都在用的时候。国内WPS目前简历模板就很多,学生简历核心其实不在于格式了,而是在于规范和内容,这点LinkedIn就相当有优势了!
  • linkedin
    LinkedIn通过大数据选出美国最具人才吸引力的50个创业公司 LinkedIn Top Companies | Startups: The 50 industry disruptors you need to know now 作者:Daniel Rot   Editor in Chief, LinkedIn 所有估值和资金数据来自CB Insights。除非由公司直接提供,否则任职,员工增长和全球员工数据均来自LinkedIn Premium Insights。 全文是英文,我们简单列出前十名: 1、UBER 2、AIRBNB 3、WEWORK 4、LYFT( 跟UBER一样的打车软件) 5、Slack  (HR项目) 6、NIO 7、Rubrik 8、Dropbox 9、Houzz 10、Convoy ········ 16、Pinterest 19、Udacity 22、Opendoor 31、Coursera 46、Glint (HR项目) 详细的大家可以看这些项目和公司福利。   Some of the most fascinating businesses today are startups. Sensing a chance to transform (or take over) a market, founders are channeling their seemingly endless flow of venture funds into new ideas — and top talent. We wanted to see which startups were winning the talent game. Who are the 50 most in-demand upstarts in the U.S. today? The all-new LinkedIn “Top Companies | Startups” list is the answer. To surface the companies, we looked at the billions of actions of LinkedIn’s more than 500 million members to determine employee growth, job seeker interest via views and applications, member engagement with the company and its employees — and how well these startups pulled talent from our flagship LinkedIn Top Companies list. (You can learn more about our methodology here.) To be eligible for Top Companies | Startups, companies must be 10 years old or younger, have at least 100 employees, remain independent and privately held and have at least one round of venture-backed funding. LinkedIn worked with CB Insights to pull a global list of nearly 25,000 eligible venture-backed companies. Share the list and join the conversation using #LinkedInTopCompanies. Here are this year’s top 50 startups in the U.S. All valuation and funding data come from CB Insights. Tenure, employee growth and global headcount data are from LinkedIn Premium Insights unless provided directly by the company. Follow Driving forward: Uber has been in the public eye this year for all the wrong reasons: sexual harassment claims, regulatory issues, a new CEO and loads of boardroom drama. That hasn’t kept the ride-sharing giant from growing fast or attracting top talent. Of all the companies on our list, Uber has the most workers who have joined from other LinkedIn Top Companies; employees have left the likes of Google, JPMorgan and Facebook to work at the super-unicorn. Global headcount: 16,000 Global headquarters: San Francisco Catch a ride: Worldwide employees get free monthly Uber credits to use on personal rides or UberEATS, the company’s online meal ordering and delivery platform. Valuation: $68 billion Explore jobs at Uber Follow Yurt, treehouse, castle: Airbnb has had 200 million guest arrivals since the company launched. Taking on the $550 billion hotel industry is no small feat. To go head-to-head, the company has expanded its instant booking listings and even announced plans to open its first co-branded apartments (which residents will be able to share on Airbnb). Global headcount: 3,000 Global headquarters: San Francisco Royal lodgings: Employees receive an annual $2,000 (£1,516) stipend to stay in Airbnb locales around the world, including one of nearly 3,000 listed castles. Valuation: $29.25 billion Explore jobs at Airbnb Follow Creating communities: WeWork has nearly doubled its membership this year to over 150,000 users, expanded to some 170 locations (including its first India location) and purchased private coding academy Flatiron School in a recent acquisition. While the startup has been growing rapidly, a highly competitive office-leasing market recently raised doubts around the company’s rich valuation. Global headcount: 3,000 Global headquarters: New York City TGIM: New hires join WeWork every Monday for orientation at the company’s headquarters. The day includes a citywide scavenger hunt where employees get a glimpse of the company’s nearly 40 buildings across New York and ends with the weekly “Thank God it’s Monday” dinner for the entire staff. Valuation: $20 billion Explore jobs at WeWork Follow Driving across America: Lyft has been rapidly expanding across the U.S. It now covers 95 percent of the population across all 50 states, more than any other rideshare platform, and provides over 1 million rides every day. In mid-October, it raised $1 billion in a new funding round led by the venture arm of Alphabet, Google’s parent company. Global headcount: 2,000 Global headquarters: San Francisco Expanding accessibility: Lyft introduced new features to make the app more accessible to deaf or hard-of-hearing drivers, including visual notifications and a message telling passengers to contact the driver via text. Passengers can also get a quick tutorial on how to say “Hello” and “Thank You” in sign language. Valuation: $11 billion Explore jobs at Lyft Follow Revolutionizing productivity: Known as a dead-simple collaboration tool, Slack is going head-to-head with the likes of LinkedIn parent Microsoft and Atlassian to own workplace productivity. Its platform allows workers to message each other in real time, while connected apps add context or automate mundane tasks to help get the job done. Global headcount: 890 Global headquarters: San Francisco Corporate scale: Slack bills itself as the fastest-growing business application in history, serving some 9 million weekly active users and 43 companies from the Fortune 100 list. It’s been hiring rapidly to keep up with that scale: growing 32 percent over the past year.   Valuation: $5.1 billion Explore jobs at Slack Follow Speeding into the future: Shanghai-based NIO develops smart, electric and autonomous vehicles. The startup, which expanded to the U.S. two years ago, built the world’s fastest electric car, manned or unmanned, able to go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 2.7 seconds. CEO Padmasree Warrior, formerly of Cisco, says NIO cars will be available in the U.S. as soon as 2020. Global headcount: 3,000 Global headquarters: Shanghai (San Jose, Calif. in the U.S.) Welcome to the team: NIO has more than quadrupled its staff since June 2016. Amid such rapid growth, NIO shepherds its culture through bimonthly “team time,” where all employees welcome new hires and get to know each other outside of work through activities like trivia and scavenger hunts. Valuation: $2.89 billion Explore jobs at NIO Follow Cloud’s the limit: Rubrik helps companies organize their data in the cloud, ensuring instant access for recovery, analytics and application development. It counts corporate giant JLL, non-profit World Vision and the Tampa Bay Rays among its customers, but CEO Bipul Sinha has even bigger ambitions. “In the future, data will be like money,” he said in a May interview. “Rubrik can be like the Visa for enterprise.” Global headcount: 600 Global headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. Big-name investors: The company counts NBA MVP Kevin Durant as one of its investors and board advisors alongside iconic firms like IVP and Lightspeed Ventures. It’s also notably transparent: all 600 employees can attend board meetings and see the company’s financials. Valuation: $1.3 billion Explore jobs at Rubrik Follow Refreshing storage: Dropbox has a new look these days. The online storage company went through its biggest-ever rebrand this year, repositioning itself as the tool to enable and inspire creativity in the workplace. The new branding also comes with a major milestone: Dropbox reached a $1 billion revenue run rate in February, the company told LinkedIn. Global headcount: 1,900 Global headquarters: San Francisco Giving back: Every Dropbox employee is given 32 hours of annual volunteer time off to participate in a cause about which they are passionate. The company will also match up to $1,000 for all donations made by Dropboxers to charitable organizations. Valuation: $9.38 billion Explore jobs at Dropbox Follow Bringing tech home: Houzz, the online platform for remodeling and decorating, is transforming the way people design and shop for their homes. Beyond sketching ideas or hiring the right contractor, users can experience their designs through Houzz’s augmented reality tool. The company says that shoppers who engage with the tool are 11 times more likely to purchase. Global headcount: 1,600 Global headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. More than an office: On their first day, every new employee gets a pair of Houzz slippers to wear around the office so they can feel at home. It’s not much of a stretch: Houzz’s meeting rooms are inspired by household spaces around the world, including the British Tea Room, German Backyard and Italian Closet. Valuation: $3.84 billion Explore jobs at Houzz Follow Trucking on demand: Convoy believes the world moves on reliable trucks, and it is in the business of building innovative services to match shipments with reliable carriers. The company works with a network of independent trucking companies and uses technology to match the right truck to the right load, helping optimize supply chain performance. Global headcount: 170 Global headquarters: Seattle Staffing up: The company has been scaling rapidly since its founding in 2015. In the past six months, Convoy’s headcount has grown 37 percent — and it’s hiring for another 28 jobs currently, according to LinkedIn data. Its recent $62 million funding round, led by Y Combinator, will help rev up that growth. Total funding: $80 million Explore jobs at Convoy Follow Closing the skills gap: General Assembly is creating a new way to educate today’s workforce. The company, which started as a single co-working space in 2011, now has campuses in 20 cities. GA has served over 40,000 students through its full- and part-time programs, and it says it works with a third of the Fortune 100 to develop proprietary, sustainable talent pipelines in fields like data science and web development. Global headcount: 580 Global headquarters: New York City Moving up: While GA has some great perks (like 16 weeks of parental leave for a primary caregiver), the biggest benefit may be the upward mobility within the company. In the first half of 2017, GA had 136 promotions, the company told LinkedIn. That’s a quarter of all employees. Valuation: $452 million Explore jobs at General Assembly Follow Moving the money: Bought something online at Target recently? Or Under Armour? Then you’ve likely used Stripe’s products without even realizing it. The company builds the tools businesses need to instantly accept and manage online payments, helping buyers pay seamlessly and providing sellers real-time analytics. Global headcount: 810 Global headquarters: San Francisco Worldwide access: Stripe powers businesses in 25 countries and accepts 135 different currencies (plus Bitcoin). It enables Apple Pay across the internet and in iOS apps, and Stripe even helped launch a new cryptocurrency: Stellar. Valuation: $9.2 billion Explore jobs at Stripe Follow The birth of an empire: Before starting her direct-to-consumer skincare and makeup company, Glossier CEO Emily Weiss ran the popular blog Into the Gloss. The industry expertise and cult following she gained was a recipe for Glossier success. Her social media-savvy brand became such a hit after launching in 2014 that its products quickly sold out and garnered waitlists 10,000 people long. Global headcount: 130 Global headquarters: New York City Growth in all directions: At an annual employee growth rate of 257 percent, Glossier was the fastest-growing company on this list over the past 12 months, according to our data. The company also made strides to meet growing demand abroad with plans to ship to Canada, the UK and France. Total funding: $34.4 million Explore jobs at Glossier Follow Connecting the dots: Early in his career, Flexport CEO Ryan Petersen worked in logistics importing lawnmowers and jacuzzis from China. Now he’s on a mission to ensure any two businesses can trade regardless of distance or regulatory hurdles. His freight forwarding and customs brokerage company is growing at a rapid clip, with its base of clients up 315 percent over the past year, the company says. Global headcount: 500 Global headquarters: San Francisco Branch out: The company does a regular “lunch roulette” where you go out to lunch with coworkers you don’t see on a daily basis. Valuation: $910 million Explore jobs at Flexport Making the connection: Organizations often spend a fortune investing in telecommunications infrastructure from the likes of AT&T and Verizon. Aryaka Networks, a SD-WAN provider, is disrupting those telecom giants by providing a networking option that eliminates hardware and helps control costs with a pay-as-you-use model. The end result is seamless connectivity that’s optimized for cloud-based applications and global access. Global headcount: More than 300 Global headquarters: San Mateo, Calif. Loyal employees: The average employee tenure at Aryaka Networks is 2.7 years, the longest of all the companies on the list, according to LinkedIn data. Total funding: $120 million Explore jobs at Aryaka Networks The visual search engine: Seven years after the company’s debut, it’s still hard to nail down exactly what Pinterest is: it’s part social network, part scrapbook, part catalog of ideas. But, increasingly, it’s defining itself as a search company — one that hopes to offer marketers an alternative to ad behemoths like Google. The company is expected to generate $500 million in ad revenue this year, up from $300 million in 2016. Global headcount: 1,200 Global headquarters: San Francisco Just getting started: Pinterest believes most of its site “hasn’t been built yet,” so this year it launched Pinterest Labs, a collaboration with researchers, scientists, engineers and universities to take on the biggest problems in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Valuation: $12.3 billion Explore jobs at Pinterest Follow Working to save lives: Since launching a year ago, GRAIL has attracted a whopping $1 billion in funding from Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and some of the biggest companies in healthcare. The company's goal is to detect cancer early, when it's possible to cure. To do that, it’s attracted world-class geneticists and biostatisticians, and launched one of the largest clinical research programs in genomic health, with studies enrolling more than 130,000 people. Global headcount: 250 Global headquarters: Menlo Park, Calif. Expert leader: CEO Bill Rastetter co-invented one of the world’s most valuable cancer therapies, and has won praise for his work in academia. He held multiple faculty positions at MIT and won the award for “Excellence in the Teaching of Chemistry” at Harvard. Total funding: $1 billion Explore jobs at GRAIL Follow Growth hackers: Duo Security, the first of five cybersecurity companies on the list, provides features like two-factor authentication and secure single sign-on to clients as diverse as Facebook, Toyota and Zillow. The 8-year-old company has been on a tear: In the last year, Duo quadrupled its user base, doubled its headcount and became cash-flow positive, it says. Global headcount: 500 Global headquarters: Ann Arbor, Mich. Local flavor: The Ann Arbor, Mich.-based company embraces its Midwestern roots by enforcing a “no jerks” policy and gives each employee a personal candy pack from Zingerman’s, the famous local deli, on the first day. Valuation: $1.17 billion Explore jobs at Duo Security The Silicon Valley university: On a mission to democratize education, Udacity offers courses designed by companies like Google and Salesforce that teach professionals the foundational skills needed to land jobs as web developers, mobile developers or data scientists — all at a fraction of the cost of normal universities. Global headcount: 500 Global headquarters: Mountain View, Calif. Driving diversity: If you thought you couldn’t get a degree in self-driving cars, think again. Udacity recently created a scholarship with Lyft for its new Intro to Self-Driving Cars program to help make the field more accessible. Valuation: $1 billion Explore jobs at Udacity The Yelp for enterprise software: With nearly 250,000 verified user reviews for software and services, G2 Crowd is making it simple to find the best business technology based on people’s real experience, acting as a Yelp for enterprise software. There’s one big difference from the consumer-focused review site: G2 Crowd doesn’t sell any ads. Instead, it uses its data to provide for-purchase research reports. Global headcount: 120 Global headquarters: Chicago Personalized welcome: If you land one of G2 Crowd’s 130 forecasted job openings over the next year, expect to see your personal Bitmoji hanging at the entrance to the office on your first day. Valuation: $300 million Explore jobs at G2 Crowd Modern mortgage making: Blend provides mortgage lenders the digital tools they need to make home loan applications faster, smarter and more secure. The company, which says its clients control about 25 percent of the $10 trillion mortgage lending industry, has helped process $57 billion in applications so far this year. Global headcount: 200 Global headquarters: San Francisco Humble beginnings: Blend CEO and founder Nima Ghamsari attributes his foray into entrepreneurship to his first job at McDonald’s. “The one thing it teaches everyone is that most jobs are not glamorous, and you have to do whatever it takes to get by,” he told LinkedIn. Valuation: $500 million Explore jobs at Blend Moving on: Opendoor wants to cure your real estate woes by making it possible to sell your home online quickly — no real estate listing necessary. The company, which also operates its own mortgage business, buys your home directly then resells it. Opendoor is active in Phoenix, Dallas-Fort Worth, Las Vegas and Atlanta with plans to expand to two new markets before year end, it says. Global headcount: 415 Global headquarters: San Francisco Undercover employee: All new hires act as Opendoor secret shoppers in order to experience the service first-hand, using the app to enter a home and explore as if they were potential buyers. Valuation: $1 billion Explore jobs at Opendoor Follow Military grade security: Fighting hackers is no easy task, but Boston-based Cybereason is equipped for the challenge. Many of its employees served in the Israel Defense Forces’ cybersecurity unit and now use similar tactics to protect its clients. The company’s endpoint detection platform finds attackers’ vulnerabilities after they’ve infiltrated an organization, letting companies know if they are under attack and how to quickly stop the threat. Global headcount: 325 Global headquarters: Boston Perk alert: Cybereason offers employees unlimited vacation, reimbursement for commuting expenses, free lunch and an employee referral bonus of up to $5,000. Valuation: $999 million Explore jobs at Cybereason Follow Protection on all fronts: Cylance is one of the world’s first companies to provide an antivirus platform built on machine learning and artificial intelligence. It uses its next-generation technology to proactively protect companies like Panasonic and Gap Inc., as well as the U.S. government and even consumer home devices, from malware attacks. Global headcount: 805 Global headquarters: Irvine, Calif. The motive: On a flight to Australia in 1989, Founder & CEO Stuart McClure faced a near-death experience when the flight incurred devastating damage en route that cost eight other passengers their lives. Since that day, McClure told LinkedIn, his life’s passion has been “to find and fix the problems introduced by technology to prevent bad stuff from happening to innocent people.” Valuation: $1 billion Explore jobs at Cylance Follow Making headlines: Cybersecurity company CrowdStrike was the first to point a finger at Russia after its investigation of the Democratic National Committee email hack prior to the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Since then, it’s capitalized on the surging interest in online security to raise new funding (another $100 million in May) and to sign on ever-more clients. CrowdStrike tells LinkedIn that more than 10 percent of the Fortune 1000 now leverage its tech and services. Global headcount: 760 Global headquarters: Sunnyvale, Calif. In-person intro: The company flies all new hires in from around the world to meet with execs and learn about company's strategic direction in person. Valuation: $1.01 billion Explore jobs at CrowdStrike Increasing efficiency: Chicago-based predictive analytics firm Uptake added more than 300 jobs this year. The company’s software analyzes sensor data to improve productivity and decrease failures across a host of industries, from aviation to energy. One example: wind farms. Uptake’s software can predict when parts on a turbine may soon need to be replaced, preventing costly outages. Global headcount: 800 Global headquarters: Chicago Your name here: Employees who submit patentable ideas for company review can be awarded up to $2,000 and named inventors if the patent is granted. Valuation: $2 billion Explore jobs at Uptake Cash, credit, or a loan: Third-party lender Affirm aims to offer shoppers an alternative at the register by providing quick and easy personal loans with fixed monthly payments. The company recently announced it’s available at checkout with more than 1,000 merchants, up from 100 a year ago, often for higher-priced merchandise like furniture and electronics. Global headcount: 280 Global headquarters: San Francisco Origin story: Despite just having sold PayPal to eBay for $1.5 billion in 2012, Max Levchin couldn’t get approved for a car loan. He was haunted by minor credit issues racked up in college. The experience proved to him that FICO scores weren’t useful for determining credit worthiness and helped birth the idea for Affirm, where he’s co-founder and CEO. Valuation: $781 million Explore jobs at Affirm New foundation: Construction projects rarely finish early or under budget. Katerra wants to streamline the process — by owning all of it. With its model, developers don’t parcel out work to contractors who in turn subcontract again, which inflates costs. Katerra oversees everything, from design to materials sourcing and assembly. Its Phoenix, Ariz., manufacturing facility can build a 24-unit apartment building every two weeks. Global headcount: 850 Global headquarters: Menlo Park, Calif. Who it’s hiring: The company writes that it looks for employees who can “think big, and lead from any seat.” Another core corporate value: frugality. As the company looks to trim costs from the construction process, one cultural principle is working “in the most cost-efficient manner possible.” Valuation: $1 billion Explore jobs at Katerra Ding-dong: Video doorbell company Ring turns your smartphone into a surveillance hub, sending you a live feed of your front door. The company, rejected by judges on “Shark Tank” in 2013, went on to generate an estimated $160 million in sales last year. It recently expanded into other user-friendly home security products like floodlight cameras. Global headcount: 1,500 Global headquarters: Santa Monica, Calif. Doing battle: In his quest to stay ahead of competitors, CEO Jamie Siminoff treats employees as “confidants in war,” the LA Times reported, “bestowing them with dog-tag-style security badges inscribed with name, start date and title.” Another corporate rarity: Ring’s dozens of team leaders have nearly full autonomy — no mandatory management meetings or even budgets — to encourage speed and innovation. Valuation: $431 million Explore jobs at Ring Rethinking real estate: Convene designs and operates corporate meeting spaces, and sees its business model as much more, calling it “workplace as a service.” The company amps up the cool factor of average office buildings by adding high-end touches more common in luxury hotels like microbrew coffee shops and farm-to-table meals. It brought in $40.7 million in revenue in 2016, up from $28.9 million the prior year. Global headcount: 320 Global headquarters: New York City Coffee talk: Within a month of starting at Convene, every new hire meets with one or both of the company’s co-founders to chat over coffee. They also receive a giant chocolate business card with their name on it. Total funding: $113.5 million Explore jobs at Convene Follow Open classroom: Online education giant Coursera offers a multitude of digital courses on topics from cryptocurrency to game theory. It has grown to over 28 million users globally and is adding nearly a half million new users every month, the company told LinkedIn. Coursera is committed to amping up the technical skills of underemployed people worldwide, often partnering directly with governments to close the skills gap. Global headcount: 300 Global headquarters: Mountain View, Calif. Hit the books: Employees enjoy free Coursera courses as well as time during working hours to meet with colleagues in study groups. Valuation: $800 million Explore jobs at Coursera Follow Customized: Online styling service Stitch Fix pairs customers with its more than 3,000 personal stylists to gauge wardrobe needs and dispatch regular boxes stuffed with clothes, shoes, and accessories. There is a strict separation between the company’s merchandising and data teams to ensure its recommendation algorithms get just the right products into customers’ hands. Global headcount: 5,800 Global headquarters: San Francisco On the market: The company recently filed for its much-anticipated IPO; it reported$977 million in revenue in its most recent fiscal year and lost $594,000, although it was profitable in previous years. Valuation: $314 million Explore jobs at Stitch Fix Follow Alibaba of the West: Wish, a mobile commerce app, connects shoppers directly with the suppliers of everything from down jackets to wireless chargers. This direct access to manufacturers, many of which are in China, means cheaper prices and a huge selection: the site has tens of millions of listed products. Global headcount: 310 Global headquarters: San Francisco Making money: The 7-year-old startup has raised over $1 billion in funding from the likes of Founders Fund and GGV Capital. That bet may pay off. Wish has an annual run rate in the “middle single billions” and is profitable, according to Joe Lonsdale, an investor in the company. Valuation: $3 billion Explore jobs at Wish Follow Wooing millennials: Online brokerage Robinhood lets members make trades without paying any fees, an appealing proposition for many first-time traders. "Free is pretty difficult,” says co-founder Baiju Bhatt, noting that most of the company’s employees are software engineers focused on building automation into the system to ensure customers can easily trade without human guidance or intervention. Global headcount: 100 Global headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. On the rise: Robinhood doubled its base to 2 million users in the past year, and Bhatt estimates that 90 percent are under age 40. The company expects to double its headcount next year to keep up with the growth. Valuation: $1.3 billion Explore jobs at Robinhood Follow Threats thwarted: Cybersecurity company Darktrace uses AI and machine learning to defend enterprise networks. Rather than building perimeters to keep hackers out, it looks at what normal behavior is in a system and raises alarms when something deviates. The company was founded by mathematicians from the University of Cambridge. Global headcount: 600 Global headquarters: Cambridge, UK Unsolved problem: Darktrace has raised $180.5 million in total, including a new $75 million funding round earlier this year, putting its valuation near unicorn territory. Its more than 3,500 customers include even water-supply systems, eager for help. “The problem of cybersecurity is still unsolved,” CEO Nicole Eagan told Bloomberg TV. Valuation: $825 million Follow Get connected: Sprout Social is an enterprise social media management platform that helps companies with the often chaotic task of tending to their presence across multiple social networks. More than 19,000 brands currently use Sprout, and the company has been expanding both its workforce and its capabilities to meet demand. Sprout grew its headcount by 80 percent since September 2016 and added features like Instagram scheduling and a built-in image editor. Global headcount: 400 Global headquarters: Chicago Access to the top: All new employees meet with Sprout CEO Justyn Howard shortly after starting. They can ask questions and hear straight from the top boss about the company’s values and vision. Valuation: $500 million, according to the company. Explore jobs at Sprout Social Follow Powerhouse partnership: Hyperloop One recently announced an investment from and partnership with Virgin Group that gives Richard Branson a board seat and rebrands the startup: Meet Virgin Hyperloop One. The company, which remains independent, will be able to tap into Virgin’s expertise in operations, safety and passenger experience as it looks to commercialize its first hyperloop systems as early as 2021. Global headcount: 300 Global headquarters: Los Angeles Farther and faster: Virgin Hyperloop One’s autonomous system uses electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube, which could reach airplane-equivalent speeds once fully developed. In a second phase of testing in July, its XP-1 pod reached 190 mph and a maximum distance of 1,433 feet, going farther and faster than its initial runs in May. Valuation: $700 million Explore jobs at Virgin Hyperloop One Follow Data driven: Snowflake Computing is a pay-as-you-go data warehouse for the cloud. The 5-year-old company boasts clients like Adobe, Capital One and Sony Pictures and says its sales have increased 300 percent in the past year while its workforce roughly doubled. It raised $105 million earlier this year, bringing its total funding to $210 million, in part to open more sales offices worldwide. It tells LinkedIn it expects to add another 300 jobs next year, a move that would again double the size of the company. Global headcount: 280 Global headquarters: San Mateo, Calif. Warm welcome: In a personal touch at the weekly all-hands meeting, CEO Bob Muglia introduces each new employee, asking them to stand as their colleagues provide thunderous applause and cheers. Valuation: $500 million Explore jobs at Snowflake Computing Follow AI to the rescue: ThoughtSpot is an analytics platform that aims to take the pain out of using business intelligence tools. Its AI-powered software lets users ask questions in everyday language, similar to a Google search. Customers include Chevron, Capital One and OpenTable, with the company aiming for 20 million users by 2020. Global headcount: 220 Global headquarters: Palo Alto, Calif. In it together: Co-founder and CEO Ajeet Singh describes himself as “Chief Coffee Maker” and sees his job as being there to help others, even if it's just brewing another pot. ThoughtSpot’s commitment to “selfless excellence” extends into a Slack channel where employees can applaud each other for good deeds. Valuation: $417 million Explore jobs at ThoughtSpot Follow Offline marketing magic: Zenreach has transformed free wifi from a service into a tool: brick-and-mortar businesses can collect the email, demographic information and visit behavior of customers just by inviting them to log onto in-store wifi. Companies can then use that information to better target marketing campaigns to the right consumers at the right time. Global headcount: 220 Global headquarters: San Francisco Star-studded cast: Zenreach has raised $80 million in funding and collected a star-studded list of investors, including Peter Thiel, Kevin Durant and Ashton Kutcher. Valuation: $193 million Explore jobs at Zenreach Follow Keeping data safe: Storing, protecting and analyzing data is big business, and multiple enterprise startups are competing to own the space. Cohesity has been rapidly gaining momentum with its proprietary technology that allows companies to streamline their backup and data protection while delivering real-time analytics. Its products have wooed the likes of Cisco and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, which are both investors. Global headcount: 210 Global headquarters: Santa Clara, Calif. Bonding on the beach: Last December, CEO and founder Mohit Aron paid for all employees and their families to vacation in Hawaii to celebrate the 4-year-old company’s rapid growth. Valuation: $537 million Explore jobs at Cohesity Follow Customer service meets business insight: Pendo is making that ubiquitous — and loathed — emailed customer feedback survey obsolete. Its software leverages in-app surveys, polls and analytics to give product developers more detailed user feedback. Revenue is up 400 percent compared to a year ago, Pendo told LinkedIn. Global headcount: 150 Global headquarters: Raleigh, N.C. Better than Bitmoji: The Raleigh, N.C.-based startup plans to double in size this year, with an estimated 150 job openings planned for the next year. New hires can look forward to their own hand-illustrated avatar that lives on Pendo’s website and their own personal coffee mug. Total funding: $56 million, according to the company. Explore jobs at Pendo Follow Know your customer: Moda Operandi is redefining what it means to be a luxury shopper in a digital age, allowing customers to pre-order clothing, accessories and jewelry straight from the runway online. New this year is Moda Operandi Madison, a private boutique off of New York’s Madison Avenue for exclusive events and appointments. Global headcount: 200 Global headquarters: New York City Happy (furry) employees: Dogs are welcome in the office anytime, including at Moda Operandi’s weekly Friday happy hours. Biped employees also get bonus and equity at every level. Valuation: $330 million Explore jobs at Moda Operandi Follow Open-source operation: Databricks is helping companies like Salesforce, Viacom and Shell accelerate innovation by unifying analytics across engineering teams, data scientists and business partners. The company was founded by the creators of the open-source processing engine Apache Spark and is committed to continuing that open tradition. Databricks believes “that no computing platform will win in the big data space unless it is fully open.” Global headcount: 220 Global headquarters: San Francisco This is the droid you’re looking for: Databricks employees enjoy free catered lunch every day, Boba tea twice a week and the chance to spot an R2D2 model around the office daily. Valuation: $856 million Explore jobs at Databricks Follow Easier apps: Skuid is a champion of the better user experience, believing that low adoption rates of business software traces back to bad UX. Based in Chattanooga, Tenn., Skuid’s platform lets businesses build analytics apps with a drag-and-drop interface instead of coding. It scored a $25 million investment this year from Iconiq, the family wealth manager of tech titans like Mark Zuckerberg. Global headcount: 175 Global headquarters: Chattanooga, Tenn. Health, ensured: Skuid covers 100 percent of insurance premiums for its employees and their dependents. Total funding: $35.62 million Explore jobs at Skuid Following Taking the pulse: Glint attempts to go beyond the employee-happiness survey of old. One of its newest products, Narrative Intelligence, uses AI to analyze employee comments and provide a visual map of what employees care about. HR execs rejoice: No more reading through thousands of survey comments. Global headcount: 130 Global headquarters: Redwood City, Calif. Walk the talk: Based on its own employee feedback, Glint has added programs like No Meeting Wednesdays, volunteer opportunities and adjustable-height desks for all employees. Total funding: $119.17 million Explore jobs at Glint Follow Standardizing software: Docker is an open-source platform that allows developers and system administrators to build, ship and run distributed applications. Its container-as-a-service platform packages software into standardized units for easier access by teams and clients, which can speed up software shipments as much as 7x for companies, according to Docker. Global headcount: 325 Global headquarters: San Francisco Who needs groceries: Employees at Docker can help themselves to lunch, dinner, snacks, and bottomless cups of coffee at the office. Valuation: $1.3 billion Explore jobs at Docker Follow Making free services pay: Credit Karma built a profitable business providing free credit reports, credit monitoring services, and — in the wake of the Equifax breach — free ID monitoring. Its services have attracted 75 million users to date, including almost half of all American millennials, according to the company. This year the fintech startup topped $500 million in revenue and opened new offices in Charlotte and Los Angeles. Global headcount: More than 700 Global headquarters: San Francisco Recharge in the office: Perks include an on-site spa for manicures and pedicures, nap nooks and dedicated rooms for music jam sessions, art creation and retro arcade games. Valuation: $3.5 billion Explore jobs at Credit Karma Follow Better sleep, wherever: Direct-to-consumer mattress maker Casper has gone beyond its flagship single product. It introduced products like a humidity fighting duvet, an adjustable bed frame and a dog bed. Casper has also gone offline in a big way this year, launching a roving “bedmobile,” retail pop-ups and a Target partnership that puts its products in stores across the U.S. Global headcount: 350 Global headquarters: New York City Sleeping on the job: New employees receive a full suite of Casper sleep products, from the mattress to pillows to sheets, to ensure they are well-rested. If mid-afternoon sleepiness hits, they also have access to office nap pods for a quick snooze. Valuation: $920 million Explore jobs at Casper Follow Making search flexible: Elastic believes that good things come from connecting the dots — lots and lots of them. The company builds open-source data software for easier search, logging, security and analytics in real-time. Elastic’s products have been downloaded more than 150 million times and its community has grown to more than 100,000 developers across 100 countries. Global headcount: 600 Global headquarters: Mountain View, Calif. Distributed talent: Elastic searches far and wide for the best tech talent regardless of location — and embraces a distributed workforce model. The company started with employees in places like Amsterdam, London, Prague and Barcelona. Valuation: $700 million Explore jobs at Elastic Reported by: Chip Cutter, Susan Jackson, Laura Lorenzetti and Ashley Peterson Corrections: Valuations and funding for Sprout Social, Udacity, Aryaka Networks, Convoy, Pinterest and Cylance have been updated with information directly from the company. Global headcounts for Ring, Darktrace, Pinterest and Airbnb have been updated. WeWork recently acquired Flatiron School; it was incorrectly stated as the company's first acquisition.
  • linkedin
    LinkedIn推出“活跃状态”功能 标记用户是否上线,但是不能隐身 小编发现LinkedIn推出了在线和活跃状态的功能! 绿色表示目前在线,绿圈表示过去在线,同时会告诉你的message 是否被阅读。感觉有一种时刻被盯着的样子。。。这样对于猎头或HR对于候选人沟通的过程可以进行管理了,比如候选人看了消息不理你,或者是根本就没看,或者不在线等等。。。。。   LinkedIn正悄悄上线名为“活跃状态”的新功能。当用户在线,可以通过LinkedIn消息平台聊天时,头像就会出现绿色圆环。这个简单的举措可能会彻底变革用户浏览和使用LinkedIn的方式。而如果企业员工希望偷偷通过LinkedIn寻找新工作,那么也会面临问题。 对所有主流社交平台而言,消息收发都是重要功能。然而在此之前,LinkedIn这方面处于落后。新功能可以提高LinkedIn的粘性,使其对候选人、同事和招聘人员更有用。“活跃状态”功能将默认开启,不过用户也可以在设置选项中将其关闭。尽管这不太可能对Facebook和谷歌产生太大的影响,但很明显,微软正试图让LinkedIn深入5亿多用户的日常生活。 “活跃状态”功能的使用场景非常明确。不过目前也不清楚,活跃用户是否会因此受到更多骚扰。LinkedIn希望通过该功能提高用户参与度,吸引用户更频繁的使用,从而展示更多广告,吸引更多用户购买付费服务。 LinkedIn高级产品经理萨米·谢雷巴蒂(Sammy Shreibati)表示,LinkedIn专注于速度。“这项新功能帮助用户查看,哪些联系人是活跃的,而用户将可以知道什么时候适合联系对方,发起对话。最终,我们希望帮助用户更方便地进行富有成效的对话,获得职业生涯的成功。”
  • linkedin
    LinkedIn推出免费的撮合“师徒关系”服务,美国版“在行”? 近日,职业社交网站LinkedIn推出一项免费新服务,撮合相关职业领域的人组成“师徒关系”,并将首先面向旧金山和澳大利亚的用户开放。 初期,LinkedIn会人工筛选一批潜在的导师,当有用户表示自己希望能够获得指导时,便可对双方进行撮合。另外,导师可以通过设定一些前提条件来筛选徒弟,比如说和自己社交网络的远近关系、所在的地区、毕业院校等。后期,LinkedIn将充分贯彻“三人行,必有我师”的理念,向所有人开放导师资格。 在徒弟端,当用户表示自己希望在特定话题获得建议或帮助时,LinkedIn就会为其提供一些指标来缩小搜索范围,如地理位置、毕业院校等。 一旦成功撮合师徒配对,双方就可以自由进行沟通,但任何一方都可以随时终止沟通。 LinkedIn表示,希望能够借助这项功能填补市场空白。如果能够通过工作或其他渠道接触同一领域的前辈或资深人士,那么新入职场的人获得职业指导就是一件简单的事情。 虽然目前BetterUp和Everwise等能够提供职业指导服务,但都较为正式,并且都是付费服务。相较之下,LinkedIn新推出的这项服务可以免费使用,并且覆盖范围广泛。  
  • linkedin
    招聘技巧:LinkedIn上回复率最高的InMail,有什么共同点? 编者按:Neha Mandhani最近发表了一篇题为These Are The LinkedIn InMails That Get The Highest Response Rates的文章,介绍使用领英InMail发送招聘信息时的一些雷区和成功经验。 如果你是领英用户,而且资料较全,你就很有可能收到InMail,招聘人员可通过 InMail 向未建立联系的领英用户直接发送站内信。如果应用得当,InMail会成为有力的社交工具。过去两年,领英上招聘人员和用户的互动增加了40%,InMail回复率今年提高了25%,六月甚至达到了历史新高。越来越多人通过InMail的回复找到工作,招聘人员也越来越注意InMail中的措辞。 随着InMail的流行,不论是原始用户还是招聘人员都想确保发出的信息被看到且被认真回复。所以我们研究了一下领英上最成功的招聘人员发出的信息类型数据,以找到最有效的信息类型。   私人化 发出的信息偏向私人化而不是直接复制模板会提高15%的回复率,群发的回复率肯定是很低的。但是你可以使用模板,只是需要根据个人信息做一下修改。 我在领英上的资料除了营销之外还是瑜伽老师。几年前,一个做过瑜伽老师的招聘人员在领英上找到我,并巧妙地提到了我们共同的经历,内容是这样的: Hi Neha, 我在你资料里看到你是个瑜伽老师,我最近也刚刚拿到瑜伽教练的资格证明,我也知道工作以外的兴趣也是生活中重要的一部分。 我现在是ABC公司的员工,我们公司刚刚得到了融资,所以公司将会平稳持续发展。我们现在正在招聘一名项目经理,我觉得你在科技行业的工作经历相当出色,我也很欣赏你工作与生活之间的平衡。所以我认为你可能会很适合这个职位。请问方便在空闲时间跟我们通话吗? 其实我对这个工作不太感兴趣,但是我还是抽时间在领英上谢绝了这个邀请。提到你们的共同点会拉近你们的距离,提高收到回复的几率。有共同点的人回复你的概率要比其他人高出21%,若你在信息中提到你们以前共同的东家,回复率会提高27%。   强调联系 这可能有点陈词滥调,但是提到“联系”这个词的确会提高InMail的回复概率,“聊”“谈”“电话”等词也有同样的功效。 但是不要做得太过火!我们看到很多招聘人员连工作安排,薪水,邮箱等信息都写到了InMail里面,这反而会降低回复概率。(比如,据说最近领英关掉了发送视频的功能,因为很多招聘人员会给用户发送企业文化的视频。) 很多招聘人员还会询问用户知不知道其他对这份工作感兴趣的人,这也是不对的。这会让用户觉得他们只关注自己的招聘,而不是应聘人员。你们要先和用户之间建立信任的基础,这样他们就会更愿意为你们推荐合适的人选。示例如下: 主题:请联系我! 我看到了你的资料,并觉得你的设计背景十分令人惊艳。我现在正在为费城的一家著名制药厂招聘,希望知道你有没有兴趣成为我们的美术总监。如果愿意,我们可以详细聊聊细节信息。 如果不愿意,我也很高兴能与你交流!   短而亲切 和邮件一样,InMail也要简短一些。主题要醒目易懂,InMail整体长度为200-500字。 主题:交友机会 我是XX公司的营销经理,我想十分想求教于您这样的人才,我碰巧看到了您的领英资料,对您的职业道路很感兴趣,十分想向您学习。请问您是否愿意交个朋友,改天一起喝个咖啡? 谢谢!   时间不重要 不管你信不信,发送的时机并不重要。大部分的人喜欢在周中发送InMail,以避开周一的烦心,周五的浮躁,以及周末的黑洞。但我们的数据显示回复率其实在一周之中都是一样的。这是因为人们会根据自己的时间回复信息,而不是你发完就立刻回复。   参考他们的资料 成功的InMail都是那些研究过用户资料的人发送出的。对招聘人员来说,承认赞扬别人的成就,询问他们的兴趣和职业目标都是不错的选择,这也会帮助你认识到他们是不是合适的人选。 在第一次发送信息的时候,千万不要向对方要简历,也别提供一个比别人现在职位低的工作邀请。我们的数据显示,70%在一年内刚刚跳槽的人都不会换工作。 主题:与X公司领导层试探性交谈 一切可好?我是X公司人力资源部的一名员工。我看到了你的资料,你的背景让我印象深刻。你在ABC,XYZ公司做产品经理的经历证明你很优秀。 我们的产品领导层团队很想进一步了解你的经历,我想请问你是否愿意同我们交流。我很乐意认识你,并搭建一个你与我们交流的平台。 希望可以收到你的回复。   关注那些希望收到你信息的人 如果你是一名招聘人员,这是很简单的。从你们公司主页分享过四次以上链接的人会更倾向于回复你的信息。在领英上关注你们公司的人比其他人的回复率高出81%。 还有一些小技巧可以提高回复率,但是和邮件与其他交流方式相同,你在与陌生人交流的时候很容易就会变得啰嗦。所以下一封InMail你可以从其他招聘人员那里借鉴经验,上述的一些坏毛病都是很容易纠正的。 编译组出品。编辑:郝鹏程 本文来自翻译:www.fastcompany.com,如若转载,请注明出处:http://36kr.com/p/5084221.html
  • linkedin
    LinkedIn中国总裁沈博阳离职 曾志恒将暂代中国总裁 6月23日消息,LinkedIn全球CEO Jeff Weiner在给中国员工内部信中宣布,领英中国总裁沈博阳于6月30日起将不继续担任此职务,沈博阳已在LinkedIn(领英)中国服务了三年半。在找到沈博阳的长期继任者之前,领英国际工程团队的负责人曾志恒将代理中国总裁一职。 内部信里提到,今天领英中国处在一个关键的变革时期,在过去的将近四年时间里,领英中国一路披荆斩棘,从一家创业企业成长为中国互联网行业一股不可忽视的力量。通过全员的努力,领英为中国数以千万计的职场人和企业提供和创造了更加广阔的发展机会。在沈博阳的带领下,领英中国迈出了坚实的一步并为未来的成功奠定了基础。Jeff代表公司对沈博阳表达了最衷心地感谢。 在沈博阳的带领下,过去的三年多时间里,领英中国取得了任何一家全球互联网企业在中国都未曾取得的好成绩,领英中国也被诸多行业观察家打上了成功的烙印—— 进入中国市场的金钥匙。2014年1月,领英正式进入中国市场,沈博阳带领团队迅速将领英打造成了一个行业内举足轻重的企业,同时也为中国用户量身定做了更加适合本土用户习惯的产品。在过去的三年中,领英中国与微信、微博以及蚂蚁金服旗下芝麻信用等本土互联网旗舰产品都开展了深度合作,并迅速使领英中国用户数增长了七倍。同时,领英也与超过1,000家企业客户建立了战略合作关系,这其中就包括华为、阿里巴巴、复星以及上海市政府等政府机构和企业。 Jeff Weiner对于领英中国的高速发展表达了极大的赞赏,同时也表示中国在领英全球的版图上是至关重要的组成部分。随着公司进一步的发展和壮大,领英中国也将进入到一个新的发展阶段。领英中国将一如既往地保持独立而高速发展,不遗余力地继续本土化的努力和尝试。此外,领英中国将更好地和亚太区其他国家进行融合,充分借鉴领英全球资源为中国用户和企业提供更好的服务。在找到沈博阳的长期继任者之前,领英国际工程团队的负责人曾志恒先生将代理中国总裁一职。 今日,沈博阳也在其微博上回应了离职一事: 沈博阳微博原文 曾志恒此前一直积极参与到为本地用户提供更为贴近中国市场需求的本土化产品项目中。同时,负责企业业务的领英中国副总裁于志伟先生将升任领英中国董事总经理,并继续负责领英中国的商业化业务。于志伟将汇报给亚太区董事总经理Olivier Legrand,并同时虚线汇报给领英中国总裁曾志恒。 Jeff Weiner对领英中国的全体员工表示,他对新的领导团队充满信心,并相信在沈博阳先生建立的坚实基础上,领英中国会一如既往地为中国用户和企业提供更有价值的服务。 沈博阳简历 沈博阳,1996年毕业于南开大学,获得环境化学和管理学双学位。2000年毕业于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,获得计算机硕士学位。他担任过大型跨国网络公司的高管,也有过成功的互联网创业经验;他不仅拥有技术工程的背景,还是一名杰出的商业领袖。他曾于2010年初创立糯米网,2014年1月起,开始担任LinkedIn(领英)全球副总裁兼领英中国总裁一职。 来源:腾讯科技
  • linkedin
    谷歌正在开发招聘APP 准备与LinkedIn竞争 北京时间4月14日消息,最新消息显示,谷歌收购的创业公司Bebop正在替谷歌开发招聘App。Bebop网站发布一些招聘消息,点击之后链接指向http://hire.withgoogle.com,页面内容显示谷歌正在开发一项名叫“Google Hire”的服务。 实际上新服务已经启用,华纳兄弟子公司DramaFever、创业公司Medisas和Poynt等机构用谷歌Hire发布职位空缺消息。 几个月前,谷歌推出了Cloud Jobs API,通过API企业可以为自己的网站添加职位搜索功能,现在谷歌又准备推出Hire服务。谷歌Hire将会与Greenhouse、Indeed、Jobvite、LinkedIn、甲骨文Taleo竞争。 Bebop是一家创业公司,其联合创始人戴安·格林(Diane Greene)也是VMware的联合创始人,2015年谷歌收购了Bebop。 2015年,谷歌CEO桑达·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)曾经在收购消息中表示:“Bebop是一个新的开发平台,有了它开发、维护企业应用将会变得更容易。我们认为Bebop将会帮助更多企业寻找出色的应用程序,让它们从云计算中获益。”自此之后产品到底有了多大的变化?我们不得而知。(云外) 来源:新浪科技
  • linkedin
    LinkedIn增长揭秘:262亿美元的增长引擎是如何练成的? 编者按:本位来自微信公众号“WPS企业服务研究院”(ID: WPS-SaaS),作者 欧开磊(fieldspring)。WPS企业服务研究院是金山WPS旗下的一个专注于研究企业服务行业的平台,旨在提供更有价值的企业服务行业分析、大咖观点与前沿资讯。 2002年,号称硅谷人脉之王的Reid Hoffman聚集了他之前的一些来自SocialNet和PayPal的老部下,打算再度出山创业,这次他想打造一个让职场人士认识和连接彼此的社交平台。 Hoffman的这个创业想法主要受到了六度分割理论的启发,根据这个理论,你和任何一个陌生人之间所间隔的人不会超过六个,也就是说,最多通过六个人你就能够认识任何一个陌生人。在20世纪90年底晚期,有一个名为“六度商务社交网络”(SixDegrees.com)大放异彩,但这个社交网络在2000年的网络泡沫中就关门歇业了。Hoffman和他的团队想打造一个基于身份和关系的全新且持久的职业社交网络。 Hoffman披露,在LinkedIn的早期阶段,全靠他自己往里搭钱来维持公司的运营和产品开发。“之前参与创办PayPal让我赚了不少钱,所以项目早期所需的资金全是我个人提供的。如果银行账户里没有资金的话,员工就会有忧虑,他们会担心:这个项目能成吗?公司资金能够维持公司正常运转到获得风险投资的那天吗?我个人为公司早期发展提供充足的资金后,大家就不会有这些顾虑了。”Hoffman说道。 经过六个月紧锣密鼓地产品开发,LinkedIn于2003年5月5日正式上线。5个创始人是LinkedIn最早的几个用户,当时最大的难题就是如何在短时间内扩大用户量。 当时5个人都被分派了任务,每人必须找到100个用户,因为李锡恩和Jean-LucVaillant是工程师,人际关系不如其他三人广,他们得到特许,只需要每人找50个用户。 Guericke在多年的学习和工作中积累了深厚人脉,3天之内他就找到了100人。 上线一周时间,LinkedIn获得约6000个注册用户。LinkedIn最开始的用户增长其实是非常缓慢的,有时一天只新增20个左右的用户。尽管如此,在上线后的4个月后,LinkedIn的用户数达到5万,公司也获得了来自红杉资本的470万美元的首轮风险投资。在上线一年后,LinkedIn用户数突破50万。2006年,也就是产品正式上线后的3年后,LinkedIn实现了盈利。到了2011年,LinkedIn成功上市,市值达180亿美元。2016年,LinkedIn被微软以262亿美元的天价收购。 从最早的5个用户到4.3亿用户,再到被微软以262亿美元的天价收购,LinkedIn究竟是如何做到的呢?下文将为你深度揭秘。 一、LinkedIn出现的必然性 2003年LinkedIn刚推出的时候,当时市面上的一些社交网络虽然非常适合朋友间约会与联系,但却并不适合用于职场人士间的沟通与联络。 福布斯2004年发表了一篇文章,文章里有一段话非常准确得描述了LinkedIn这个网站的核心理念:“在商务世界里,无论是找工作、招人还是寻找商业合作伙伴,其中最关键的一步就是获得高质量的推荐。推荐其实并非易事,因为人们通常不知道自己认识的人又都认识其他哪些人。” LinkedIn充分利用了六度分割理论。LinkedIn自己也曾公开承认过,构成LinkedIn核心理念的六度分割理论并非Hoffman和他的团队的原创。这个理论最初被Andrew Weinrich运用在SixDegrees.com上,这是一款1997年推出的商务社交网络。Weinrich在2001年还获得了六度分割理论的专利。后来,在Six Degrees的用户数达到350万的时候,公司便被以1.25亿没有的价格卖给了Youthstream Media Networks。 然而在被收购的三个月后,Six Degrees这个网站便被关闭了。不久后,收购方Youthstream也彻底关门歇菜了。尽管如此,Six Degrees网站背后的六度分割理论被证明是非常有价值的,这也是LinkedIn在2003年以70万美元的价格购买了六度分割理论的专利的原因所在。 尽管构成LinkedIn的核心理念来自于已经关闭了的Six Degrees网站,但LinkedIn和Six Degrees及市面上其它流行的社交网络还是有很大区别的。根据LinkedIn的规则,用户在LinkedIn上是无法像在Friendster等当时流行的社交网络上一样能随心所欲地与其他任何人建立联系的。LinkedIn用户被限制在仅仅与他们真正认识的可信赖的人或是在职业网络中被他人推荐的人建立联系。 这种方式能最大限度降低垃圾邀请以及未经请求的邀请的数量,让LinkedIn能成为Marc Andreessen、Jerry Yang和Pierre Omidyar这些备受追捧的行业大牛的一个安宁的港湾,免受铺天盖地的未经请求的邀请的困扰。 二、早期遭受的种种置疑与挑战 LinkedIn早期的发展之路并非一帆风顺,也遇到过很多问题和挑战。LinkedIn是在2002年经济不景气的时间段创立的,那时也被称为硅谷“互联网的冬天”。不过Hoffman将这个挑战视为是一种机遇。“我坚信,在经济不景气的时间点创办公司其实是非常明智的选择,因为这会让你有足够长的跑道。经济不景气的时候,融资虽然也会相应困难很多,但是你如果在经济不景气的时候还能成功融资,这会让你拥有很大的优势。”Hoffman曾这样说道。 除了面对经济不景气方面的挑战外,最初人们对LinkedIn的核心理念其实是有抵触的。在LinkedIn 2003年推出的时候,当时线上社交网络是由Friendster定义的,LinkedIn的联合创始人Guericke曾这样描述过外界对LinkedIn的普遍反应:“年轻人会在社交网络上交朋友、交换照片,这是肯定的。但你却想让职场成年人通过网络交朋友?这根本就行不通。” 除此之外,大家还认为LinkedIn没有先发优势。“即使LinkedIn的模式是可行的,如果Friendster在自己网站上添加一个职场社交版块,那么LinkedIn将必死无疑。” 不仅如此,正如我们在上文提到过的,LinkedIn一开始的用户新增速度是比较慢的。虽然面临这这些挑战,LinkedIn依然专注于增长。LinkedIn的联合创始人Allen Blue建议早期创业公司:“在早期增速低于预期的情况下,不要惊慌、也不要分散注意力。除非你有真正充足的理由,否则就要坚持你的战略。” 三、早期通过聚焦硅谷科技圈获取首批高质量种子用户,蓄积增长势能 LinkedIn之所以能够克服这些挑战并实现不错的增长势头,原因之一就在于它在一开始只聚焦于硅谷科技圈。在产品刚发布之后,公司的几个合伙人就邀请他们在之前的工作中结识的一些硅谷科技圈的知名人士来使用自己的产品。“在产品最初上线的一段时间,我们推的很慢,因为我们想确保LinkedIn的模式是可行的。” 在邀请职场人士使用LinkedIn的过程中,Hoffman只选择邀请那些有号召力的成功人士,这些成功人士的使用能为LinkedIn添加很多耀眼的光环,其他人也会在这些光环的吸引下去使用LinkedIn。很快,LinkedIn就成为硅谷的职场人士认识潜在投资者和顾问的必须使用的平台。有这样一句格言说得好:“你懂什么不重要,重要的是你认识谁。”LinkedIn就是最好的例证。 随着越来越多的科技圈人士使用LinkedIn,网络效应开始显现,LinkedIn开始成为接近和结实所需人脉资源的一个枢纽。此外,LinkedIn也让用户能更方便地与之前在职场上认识的人保持联系,毕竟硅谷创业公司里人才跳槽是非常频繁的,跳槽之后很多就联系不上了,因为换一份工作通常也就会换一个邮箱地址和电话号码。在很多方面,LinkedIn解决了网络效应业务中非常经典“鸡和蛋”的悖论问题。LinkedIn先通过聚焦于硅谷这个本地化网络,获取首批高质量的关键用户,这些关键用户能为你吸引更多用户进来。LinkedIn的做法和后来的Facebook和Uber的做法可谓有异曲同工之妙。Facebook最开始只聚焦于一个单一的学校来实现早期网络效应增长,Uber也是一次只进驻一个城市的方式来实现突破。 对于任何社交网络而言,在早期必须达到临界规模(Critical Mass)才能让社交网络的网络效应发挥作用,形成一流的用户体验,提高活跃度并形成病毒式传播。通过挖掘硅谷当地的商业精英们使用LinkedIn,这带动了一大批硅谷职场人士跟着注册LinkedIn,早期这批高质量关键用户既提高了用户忠诚度,也帮助实现了用户间的口碑传播,这批人也成为LinkedIn下一阶段病毒式增长的关键环节。LinkedIn自己也因此硅谷职场人士必备的一个职场社交网络。在硅谷那批人通过各自人脉圈向外扩散的过程中,LinkedIn也开始慢慢走出硅谷,走向更大的世界。 四、免费增值模式 根据资料显示,LinkedIn在2004年年中就开始商业化方面的尝试了,最开始尝试的是Adbrite广告,那次广告的收益可以说是微不足道。到了2005年,LinkedIn又推出了三种收费模式:挂招聘职位、付费订阅和广告。一年后的2006年,LinkedIn便实现了盈利。 针对LinkedIn推出付费订阅模式这件事,LinkedIn联合创始人Guericke曾这样说道:“这是我认为非常重要的一件事,它可能不算是一个好的客观商业决策,但我认为,作为一个企业家,如果有人会愿意为使用我的产品而付费的话,我会感到非常满足,因为这会让我觉得我打造了一款真正有价值的产品。如果我打造的是一款很多人会用的免费社交产品,也有人想在上面打广告,例如Gap想在上面卖T恤,这只意味着Gap知道如何从我的那些用户身上赚钱,但我作为公司合伙人却不知道,这是让人非常失落的一件事。” Hoffman证实说LinkedIn并不是一开始就考虑通过广告盈利,但他继续解释道:“有两件事说服了我可以通过广告来盈利,一是LinkedIn的用户分布情况非常健康,二是我们开始意识到我们是可以打造一个独特的业务产品的。” 除了依靠广告业务外,LinkedIn还将广告模式和其它几个盈利模式结合起来,比如免费增值的订阅模式。“我们发现,订阅模式能够让我们更快地实现盈利。用户付费订阅后,便可以使用增强版的沟通和搜索功能。为了达成相应的目的,人们往往需要和他们之前不认识的人沟通,这也是我们今天业务的重要组成部分。” Hoffman说道。 就这样,LinkedIn开始尝试从自己的核心资产上进行盈利,提供付费订阅功能,让用户可以更方便地与其他人建立联系。推出订阅功能后,用户依然可以免费注册LinkedIn,并可以使用大部分的基本功能,比如创建个人资料,以及通过推荐与职场人进行联系。然而,付费订阅之后,便可以使用一些更高级的增值功能。 LinkedIn针对企业老板、雇主、求职者和销售等不同人群提供不同的增值功能包,每个增值功能包里提供的高级功能是不一样的。对于订阅了标准LinkedIn增值包的用户,可以通过发ImMail消息的方式与自己认识的人之外的人进行联系。对于订阅了销售增值包的用户,可以查看自己的1度、2度、3度关系网络里所有联系人的全部资料。对于订阅了求职者增值包的用户,简历能获得最大程度的曝光。而对于购买了雇主增值包的用户,可以享受特别设置的工作流和搜索功能。 虽然听起来比较复杂,但这种分层的订阅系统确保了不同类型的用户都能够在自己可接受的价格范围内享受到自己所需要的功能服务。 五、活跃用户的价值:专注于提升强项要比提升弱项容易和有效得多 在2012年的一场增长黑客大会上,LinkedIn的增长负责人Elliot Shmukler以“从13个用户到1.75亿用户,LinkedIn在这个过程中学到的经验”为主题做了一次分享。Shmukler分享了LinkedIn学到的这样一条经验:“专注于提升强项要比提升弱项容易得多。” 为了更好地说明这个问题,Shmukler还分享了一组数据,说明LinkedIn在2008年想重点改善的两个增长渠道的数据:邮件邀请注册和主页访客注册。 •  邮件邀请注册: 增长率:  4% → 7% 用户数:25000 → 44000 用   时:  2 年 •  主页访客注册: 增长率:  40% → 50% 用户数:50000 → 63000 用   时: 4 个 月 LinkedIn一开始的主页访客注册率高达40%,这个数据是非常漂亮的,也是LinkedIn的一大强项和优势。但邮件邀请注册率仅有4%,这显然是LinkedIn的一个弱项。LinkedIn还发现,通过邮件邀请过来的用户的粘性并没有通过自然增长获得用户的粘性高。总之,在驱动用户增长方面,邮件邀请注册并不是LinkedIn的强项。 在主页自然访客的注册率方面,LinkedIn已经做得非常好了,不过他们想在这方面投入更多的精力,消除尽可能多影响用户使用体验的各种小问题,从而进一步提升这方面的表现。 这显然是一个非常明智的做法。通过四个月的努力,主页访客注册率从40%提升至50%,这个渠道4个月新增的注册用户相当于邮件邀请注册过去两年努力的成果。不过,经过两年的努力,邮件邀请注册率也提高了将近一倍,这本身也是一个非常的成绩。但是要想在一个相对短的时间里取得大的突破的话,还是需要专注于提升自己的优势和强项,这能让你获得更快地增长。 专注于提升强项的另一个例子是LinkedIn的“你的个人主页被谁浏览了”的邮件。那些原本的活跃用户打开链接的率高达20%,而非活跃者的打开率仅有5%。面对这种情况,LinkedIn并没有试图去吸引那些不活跃的用户,而是选择再一次专注于提升自己的强项优势,通过做A/B测试,看哪种邮件主题、邮件内容和排版能让邮件对那些活跃用户更具吸引力。Shmukler对这背后的核心理念进行了总结:“相比让不活跃的用户活跃一点,让活跃的用户更活跃要容易得多。” 六、令人称奇的病毒式传播 对于职业社交网络,这个社交网络上的人越多,用户在网站上搜索时才会觉得这个平台越有价值。正因如此,Hoffman深知,要想让LinkedIn成为一个对用户有价值的社交网络,他们需要获取尽可能多的用户。因此LinkedIn遇到的第一个重大挑战就是如何获得第一个100万用户,从而让用户在网站上搜索时觉得这个平台是真正有价值的。 LinkedIn的早期员工Josh Elman将公司早期的增长描述为“双重病毒传播循环”。这种病毒式传播并非偶尔间实现的,而是经过不断地测试、调整再测试才摸索出来的。在LinkedIn的病毒式传播增长路径走通之前,他们还有意延缓了与营收和用户活跃相关的功能跟的开发,而这个过程用了将近1年半的时间。 LinkedIn究竟做了哪些工作才实现令人称奇的病毒式传播的呢? 1. 找到魔法数字 为实现病毒式传播,他们从一开始就做了各种测试。他们首先调研了新注册用户愿意邀请的朋友的数量,经过反复测试,最终确定了“4”是一个魔法数字。当新注册用户到达“邀请好友”页面时,如果系统默认建议用户邀请的朋友数量少于4人,则他们很可能会轻易地忽略这一步骤;如果多于4人,则可能会让用户感到焦虑和麻烦;而不偏不倚刚好4人,能实现最大程度的邀请转化率。 2.优化邀请邮件的文案 LinkedIn早期的邀请方式是向用户的好友发送邮件。最早的邮件文案客套生硬,对用户毫无吸引力。直到后来他们将邀请邮件的文案优化为: “我在浏览人脉网络时看到了你。让我们互加为好友吧,我将很乐意满足你的请求,并提供后续可能的帮助。这将有助于我们组建更强大的人脉网络。” 这种简洁有力的叙述既阐明了邀请信发出的原因、希望对方做的事情,同时强调了给对方带来的潜在价值。让被邀请者在注册之前就能大概知道这款产品对他有什么用。这些努力带来了数量可观但低水平的病毒式传播。 3.导入邮箱联系人 LinkedIn发现,通过邮件邀请带来的用户里,只有不到25%的人会继续主动添加更多联系人,大部分人注册进来之后只原封不动地保持着与他们各自邀请者的好友关系,而不再邀请新的联系人。 面对这个问题,LinkedIn开始尝试导入邮箱联系人的方式,这个策略在今天看来是再平常不过的了,但在2004年却是一项创新的举动。在那时,联系人导入需要输入用户的邮箱地址和密码,让网站筛选你的邮箱通讯录。这在当时是十分新颖,当时大多数人的网页邮件客户端上并没有联系人。 为了解决这一问题,LinkedIn专门开发了适用于本地邮件收发软件Outlook的插件,用户安装后,可帮助他们自动导入存储在本地的通讯录。以今天的标准来看,这个过程虽然也很繁琐,但相比人工输入却有了很大提高。这一举动促使7%的新用户上传了他们的通讯录,也让邀请朋友加入的比率提升了30%以上。 4. 双重病毒传播循环 虽然LinkedIn的病毒式传播的效果在慢慢改善,但大部分用户在LinkedIn上依然只有一个联系人好友。LinkedIn发现,用户平均收到3.2封邀请邮件才会真正注册。这时,LinkedIn开始在用户个人档案上做文章,即用户目前所在的公司和职位。 当新用户注册LinkedIn时,他们都会被邀请填写目前所在的公司与职位,数据显示超过90%的人都愿意填写这项资料。于是LinkedIn很聪明地在这一环节增加了联系人推荐功能,网页上会马上呈现LinkedIn上与该新用户在同一家公司的同事的名单清单,新用户只需要简单勾选这些名单,linkedIn就会代新用户向这些目前的同事发出站内邀请信。这个流程在LinkedIn内部被称为“Reconnect Flow”。 这一举措打破了此前基于现成邮箱联系人的单一连接维度,将存在于线下的同事关系搬到了线上。这一尝试取得了非常好的效果,于是LinkedIn很快又在新用户注册环节增加了另一项需要填写的内容:“请输入你之前所在的公司与职位”。这时LinkedIn同样会呈现出LinkedIn上与该新用户过去曾在同一家公司工作的老同事的名单清单,这样用户就能很容易与之前的老同事再次建立联系。 Reconnect Flow的精妙之处在于,它不仅能让新用户在LinkedIn上快速建立起人脉网络,同时还能驱动新用户填写更详细的个人档案资料,所填的每一项信息都是工作经历的一部分。此外,随着越来越多的新用户发送邀请与其他人建立联系,平时不活跃的老用户也会经常收到新用户的添加好友邀请,这有助于提高他们的活跃度。 经过一系列的努力,LinkedIn的病毒式传播效果获得了极大提升。LinkedIn的PV提升了41%,站内搜索量提升了33%,用户个人资料页面填写的职位信息数量提升了38%。 上述整个病毒传播流程在LinkedIn内部被称为“双重病毒传播循环(Double Viral Loop)” 新注册用户源源不断地邀请更多新用户,同时也会带动老用户时不时回来看看并处理邀请,或者主动发起好友邀请。两个循环同时发生,病毒传播效果大大提升。 5. 用“背书(endorsement)”系统将活跃者与非活跃者联系起来 2012年,LinkedIn产品增长负责人Elliot Schmukler为LinkedIn带来了新的奇迹。他在调研中发现,随着用户量的增加,成员之间的活跃程度的两极分化趋势日益明显:那些在职场中游刃有余的人使用LinkedIn更加频繁;而原本埋头肯干的默默无闻者,在网上也同样低调内敛,使用LinkedIn也没那么活跃。这一差异直接带来的影响是:每当LinkedIn发送一封通知邮件,告知用户的个人主页被浏览时,那些活跃用户点开链接的概率高达20%,而非活跃者点击链接的概率只有5%。 换做别人,可能会去想如何向不活跃用户发送更多邮件,或者干脆放弃他们。但Schmukler的策略更为巧妙,他试图将活跃用户与不活跃用户联系起来,其中联系的纽带就是“背书(endorsement)”系统。这个新上线的功能模块能够让用户为任何好友做出评价,给他们贴上擅长领域的标签,如“web前端开发”、“运营达人”、“增长黑客”。这些标签将显示在被评价者的个人主页上,并默认根据评判次数降序排列。有了这个功能,即使再内敛低调的人,也能在他人的好意背书下突显出自己不为人知的技能,让自己的简历看起来更光鲜亮丽。而人们往往又是互利互惠的,一时间彼此互贴标签蔚然成风,那些原本沉寂无名的低调看客们终于也有理由加入了狂欢。背书系统上线的这一年,LinkedIn迎来了突飞猛进的一年。 6. 将用户的个人档案向搜索引擎开放 2006年,LinkedIn推出了一项备受外界称道的黑客增长策略:公开个人档案,即用户可以将自己的职业信息在互联网世界公开,让所有人都能通过搜索引擎搜索到。和通讯录上传类似,这在今天看来非常常见,但在LinkedIn公开用户个人档案之前,人们基本是不愿意在搜索结果中公开自己的档案的。 让用户档案出现在搜索结果中这一举动为LinkedIn带来了巨大的流量和用户。用户一旦在搜索结果中点击进入LinkedIn网站查看想认识的人的信息,他们必须先注册LinkedIn,然后才能与想认识的人进行联系。 此外,那些未注册LinkedIn的人在发现他们想认识的人竟然有这样一个专属页面,并且还可以私信,他们自然也会愿意加入LinkedIn。LinkedIn在Google的搜索权重排名也迅速提升,当搜索你自己、你的潜在客户、你的同事的名字时,他们的LinkedIn公开档案总有机会出现在谷歌的首页。 LinkedIn上面的这个黑客增长举措要想取得成效的话,首先需要有足够量的早期用户做支撑才行,这也是为什么LinkedIn等自己的用户达到200万之后才开始做用户档案的搜索索引。 由于这一做法这涉及到用户隐私,所有LinkedIn的这一举动也遭受了一些指责,后来LinkedIn允许用户可以选择在搜索结果中关闭自己的个人档案,或是可以对展示的个人信息进行设置。 七、LinkedIn今天的增长引擎 1. 通过收购丰富自身业务形态 2012年2月,LinkedIn以1500万美元的价格收购了Gmail插件Rapportive,让用户通过Gmail就能直接与他们LinkedIn通讯录上的人进行联系。 三个月后的2012年5月,LinkedIn以1.19亿美元的价格收购了幻灯片分享网站SlideShare。当时SlideShare网站上共有900万份幻灯片,月独立访客2900万。对于这次收购,LinkedIn的CEO Jeff Weiner表示:“幻灯片是职场人士获取或分享他们的经验知识的主要渠道之一,这反过来也能更好地塑造他们自己的职业身份。SlideShare平台上共享的幻灯片对职场人士事业上的成功和工作中的高效有很大帮助,这与LinkedIn的使命不谋而合,能够让我们为用户提供更多价值。” 2013年3月,LinkedIn又以9000万美元的价格收购了新闻阅读器Pulse,旨在让LinkedIn成为一个职场人生产和获取内容知识的平台。 LinkedIn之所以展开这些收购,是因为它不想仅仅作为一个用户用来找工作和招人的网站,背后隐藏的是更大的野心。 2. 通过内容让LinkedIn成为用户每天都会用的产品 通过在内容方面进行布局,LinkedIn想成为一个用户每天都会用的产品,这可能会成为LinkedIn未来增长引擎中最重要的组成部分之一。当然了,之前说的付费订阅模式以及病毒式传播在LinkedIn未来的增长中依然扮演着重要角色。 (1)LinkedIn Today新闻产品 为了让LinkedIn成为用户每天都会用的产品,增加用户在网站上的停留时间,LinkedIn在2011年推出了新闻服务LinkedIn Today。这是一款专门为职业人士打造的新闻产品,你可以看到根据你所在行业及人际关系圈量身打造的一份新闻大餐,新闻的行业相关性非常高。如果你对自己所处行业之外的其它行业也感兴趣的话,你也可以添加其它行业的内容。 (2)LinkedIn意见领袖内容项目 LinkedIn Today最大的局限性在于它仅仅是一个新闻聚合器,没有原创内容。基于这个原因,LinkedIn在2012年10月份推出了意见领袖项目。这个项目的思路很简单:选择一些意见领袖原创一些优质内容,并将内容独家分享给LinkedIn平台上的用户。 LinkedIn选择的意见领袖包括维珍创始人Richard Branson、通用电气董事长兼CEO Jack Welch、赫芬顿邮报创始人Arianna Huffington等很多业界大佬。LinkedIn的所有用户都可以关注这些意见领袖,并可以阅读、分享和评论他们在LinkedIn上分享的原创内容。 这个项目非常成功,意见领袖发布的文章的平均阅读量在3万,有些文章的阅读量甚至高达200万。意见领袖项目不仅对LinkedIn有益,对那些意见领袖自己也大有益处。这些意见领袖在自己的个人博客里发布的文章平均阅读量只有5000-10000,但通过LinkedIn意见领袖项目发布的文章的阅读量有10万以上。 通过推出LinkedIn Today和LinkedIn意见领袖这样的内容产品,LinkedIn很快就变成一个用户每天都会用的产品。 LinkedIn增长之路小结 很多人可能都将LinkedIn视为一个单纯的职业社交网站,但知道它是世界第二大企业SaaS提供商的人却是寥寥。为和说LinkedIn是世界第二大SaaS服务商?LinkedIn的主要业务是把自己的猎头服务、人才简历等卖给全球近10万个企业客户。因此,对于今天的任何一家SaaS公司而言,LinkedIn的增长史都是极具指导性和启发性。 本文它向我们全方位展示了LinkedIn从5个用户到4.3亿用户的传奇增长轨迹。很显然,LinkedIn从整个战略层面都是非常重视增长的,所以会积极主动尝试各种不同的增长战略。通过聚焦本地化获取一批高质量种子用户以达到临界规模,然后通过新用户添加老用户,让新用户促进老用户活跃,在这个社交网络具备网络效应并积累了一定规模用户后(200万),再把这个社交网络向搜索引擎开放,让主流大众追随早期用户纷纷加入LinkedIn。 为了丰富自己的业务形态,LinkedIn还积极展开收购。为让自己成为用户每天都会用的产品,LinkedIn还积极布局新闻和内容方面的产品和服务。这也可能会成为LinkedIn未来增长引擎中最重要的组成部分之一。 去年,LinkedIn被微软以262亿美元的天价收购了,它未来的增长之路将走向何方?我们将继续关注。