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这些约束力,例如 投资、领导力、理解力和人力资源整体成熟性将阻碍战略发展层面,而在操作层面技术和分析能力将抑制它。
7 reasons why firms are still struggling with HR analytics
Most HR leaders may have realised the advantaged of using HR technology and analytics, but how many are fully equipped to leverage on the benefits of such technology?
Polling 107 HR professionals from Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong, a new report by CIPD delved into the biggest reasons which are limits organisations from realising the benefits of HR analytics.
It concluded that while organisations view HR analytics as hugely important and potentially transformative, they admit that these type of analytics are at the very early stages of capability and are being held back by a range of factors.
“Many organisations have begun their HR analytics journey but it is still in it’s very early days. Those organisations that are able to use HR analytics to be more strategic are likely to make significant steps towards sustainable, competitive advantage,” commented Edward Houghton, CIPD’s research adviser.
Here are seven such reasons which were identified in the report:
1. A lack of business investment and HR analytics expertise, with 57% of HR professionalssay there is a lack availability when it comes to analytical skills.
2. Reflecting the global situation, the application of HR analytics is fragmented, in sectors and organisations.
3. Almost half (48.5%) of organisations lack sophisticated HR technology which meets the needs of the business and only 23.4% are currently using a fully integrated HR analytics IT programme.
4. Constraints such as investment, leadership understanding and overall HR maturity are holding back development at a strategic level while at an operational level, technology and the analytic skill set are inhibiting the development of the function
5. Standardisation is a significant challenge – HR professionals are unsure whether to develop context specific measures for their organisation or standard measures for benchmarking purposes
6. The majority of data is used as a reflective insight, rather than using indicators to develop forecast data
7. Organisations continue to focus their attention of engagement and data around cultural aspects of the firm as their main sources of people data. Far less is being measured and reported with regards to other strategic activities such as productivity and performance.
“The pace of evolution may be fairly slow, but this study shows that there is real potential for HR analytics to add value across businesses and across the region,” Houghton stated.
Small projects that show clear business insights through a balanced scorecard are an essential way to get wider buy-in from the business on the value of HR analytics, and can open the door for greater investment in technology and skills to support this critical activity,” he added.
The report also included four key recommendations for organisations to reap more benefits from HR analytics.
Firstly, HR functions should attract more analytics talent into the profession and develop HR experts with a foundation of analytical understanding.
Secondly, HR professionals in the region should look to working across the business functions in their organisations as well as externally with industry peers to establish best practice methods.
Thirdly, HR leaders should champion better metrics and analytics to other senior leaders in the business and drive investment in HR analytics using evidence-based projects.
Lastly, instead of only developing analytical skills in senior professionals, these skills should be developed throughout the HR function, from junior-level professionals to senior-level professionals.
用友畅捷通发布小微企业的财务及管理服务平台,PK 快法务等畅捷通是用友针对中小企业的一个重要的布局,2014年6月26日成功登陆香港主板(股票代码:01588)。
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此文为HRTechChina编辑部编译, 欢迎个人转发分享。公众号,单位如需转载,请备注作者以及出处。如对HRTech方面有自己的见解、作品以及资讯,也欢迎大家投稿至tougao@hrtechchina.com
Glassdoor、最透明公开的就业与招聘信息平台之一,今天宣布其在欧洲扩张计划--在爱尔兰的都柏林开设一个办事处并推出本地化的爱尔兰网站 (https://www.glassdoor.ie) 和移动应用程序。业务扩张之际,Glassdoor 上面的评论也增加了不少,全球超过 1000 万的员工提供有关445,000多家公司的点评、 评级、 薪酬报告和其他工作场所的评价。
公司计划将 2016年1月开设的都柏林办事处作为其欧洲总部,未来三年估计会增加100 个就业机会。都柏林是其欧洲的第二个办事处,第一个是2014年在伦敦开设的办事处。
Glassdoor 一边向全球市场迈进步伐,另一边公司已经在美国本土得到了极大的发展,成为增长最快的职业网站,甚至超过了CareerBuilder.com。在glassdoor网站上,公司员工以匿名方式,根据网站上不同条目提供某个公司的真实工作情况--再也找不到像glassdoor这样透明的网站平台了。 与众不同的是,Glassdoor 的用户提交的内容在深度和广度上十分细致-- 例如根据网上披露的不同公司不同职位的工资报表, 求职者不仅可以看到年薪或小时工资,还可以看到各种奖金、 股票红利、 小费和其他形式的经济补偿,十分详尽。
Glassdoor自从推出的那天起就要为世界人民服务,我们的主旨仍然是为不同国家的求职者和雇主带来更多的更透明的工作信息。 ”今天(欧洲都柏林办事处开办)是Glassdoor 不断成长路上另一个令人激动的里程碑,但这仍然只体现了我们最基本的能力”,Glassdoor 首席执行官和创始人罗伯特 ·霍曼说道, “业务增长让我们感到自豪,同时我们也很高兴能成长为雇主,我们欢迎来自爱尔兰及世界各地的专业人才."
Glassdoor 是个雇主和求职者双方都积极参与的双面市场。约 54,000 的雇主在glassdoor上注册有免费账号,被授权的公司代表可以回应他人的点评、 更新公司信息以及访问基本分析结果。此外,Glassdoor 在北美和欧洲拥有近 3000 家客户,他们利用glassdoor发布职位,宣传雇主品牌和产品广告。
Glassdoor目前正在积极招聘新人,现有员工超过 550 人,主要分布在马林县总部(离 San Francisco北部只有几英里)。
MILL VALLEY, Calif. (October 28, 2015) – Glassdoor, the world’s most transparent jobs and recruiting marketplace, today announced it is expanding its presence in Europe, announcing plans to open an office in Dublin, Ireland as it launches a localized Irish website (https://www.glassdoor.ie) and mobile apps. This expansion comes as Glassdoor surpasses 10 million employee-provided reviews, ratings, salary reports and other workplace insights for more than 445,000 companies around the globe.
The company plans to open its Dublin office as its European headquarters in January 2016 and estimates up to 100 jobs will be created over the next three years. Dublin is the second European office for Glassdoor, which opened an office in London in 2014.
While Glassdoor expands its global footprint, the company has also grown substantially within the United States, becoming the fastest-growing job site in the U.S., and surpassing CareerBuilder.com in U.S. traffic[1]. No other site combines job listings with such a vast array of user-generated content provided anonymously by employees revealing what it is really like to work at a company. What sets Glassdoor’s user-generated content apart is the depth and breadth of detail – for example, within a salary report on Glassdoor, job seekers can not only see annual salary or hourly pay, but they can also see cash bonus, stock bonus, tips and other forms of financial compensation, all specific to job title and company.
“Since the day we launched, Glassdoor has appealed to people around the world and our focus remains on bringing greater workplace transparency to job seekers and employers in every country. While today marks another exciting milestone in Glassdoor’s growth, we’re still just scratching the surface of what we’re capable of,” said Robert Hohman, Glassdoor CEO and co-founder. “Not only are we proud to see our business grow, we’re also excited to grow as an employer and welcome aboard talented professionals throughout Ireland and beyond.”
Glassdoor is a two-sided marketplace with active participation from employers in addition to employees and job seekers. Approximately 54,000 employers have a Free Employer Account on Glassdoor, which allows authorized company representatives to engage on the platform by responding to reviews, posting company updates, and accessing basic analytics. In addition, nearly 3,000 companies across North America and Europe are Glassdoor clients taking advantage of the company’s job advertising, employer branding and display advertising products.
The company, which is actively hiring, currently employs more than 550 people, primarily located in its headquarters in Marin County, just a few miles north of San Francisco.
About Glassdoor
Glassdoor is the most transparent jobs and recruiting marketplace that is changing how people search for jobs and how companies recruit top talent. Glassdoor combines free and anonymous reviews, ratings and salary content with job listings to help job seekers find the best jobs and address critical questions that come up during the job search, application, interview and negotiation phases of employment. For employers, Glassdoor offers recruiting and employer branding solutions to help attract high-quality candidates at a fraction of the cost of other channels. Glassdoor, which has approximately 34 million registered users across more than 190 countries, operates one of the most popular job apps on iOS and Android. The company launched in 2008 and has raised approximately $160 million from Google Capital, Tiger Global, Benchmark, Battery Ventures, Sutter Hill Ventures, DAG Ventures, Dragoneer Investment Group, and others.
Glassdoor.com is a registered trademark of Glassdoor, Inc.