关注员工健康是趋势 促进企业员工运动的应用 Yomp 完成种子轮融资
位于伦敦、此前名为 PleaseCycle 的健康创业公司 Yomp 已从 5 名天使投资人处融资 31.5 万美元(20 万英镑)。该公司将利用这笔资金去拓展其健康平台,这一平台帮助企业员工以游戏的方式形成良好的健康习惯。
Yomp 的平台设计能鼓励企业员工参与运动,从而提高效率,降低缺勤率,让你能喜欢你的老板。
Yomp 的移动应用能记录距离,追踪数据,帮助用户组建团队,设置目标,并赢得积分。这就像是健康市场的 AirMiles。这些数据随后可以换取在线折扣券,奖励,或是向慈善组织的捐款。
已签约使用该应用的公司包括电通安吉斯传媒、彭博社和 EDF Energy,前者已经在 9 个国家部署了这款应用。
Yomp 现年 26 岁的创始人及首席执行官莱伊·摩根(Ry Morgan)表示:“我们此前一直小本经营,利润微薄。不过目前,随着资本的注入,我们将推动业务向前发展。”
Yomp 的竞争对手包括 Global Corporate Challenge、Keas(谷歌前高管创立的一家公司,已实现高速增长)、EveryMove、GetHealth、MaxwellHealth,以及 Challenge forChange / Love2Ride。
这些“量化自我”公司也开始探索 B2B 市场,例如 Jawbone 近期推出 了“Up for Groups”。
传统的员工福利及医疗健康提供商也来到了这一市场,不过它们已经落后,例如 PruHealth 的 Vitality。
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Yomp, An App To Get Employees Fit And Healthy, Raises An Angel Round
Londonbased health startup Yomp, formerly known as PleaseCycle, has raised $315,000 (£200,000) from five angel investors, to expand its heath and wellness platform which ‘games’ company employees into healthy habits.
Yomp’s platform is designed to encourage physical activity amongst a company’s employees, helping to increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and make you like your bosses (ok, maybe not that last bit).
A mobile app logs trips, tracks stats, lets you form teams, set goals and earn points – like an AirMiles for being healthy. These are then used to get online discounts, win prizes, or give donations to charity.
Companies signed up to use the app include Dentsu Aegis Media, Bloomberg and EDF Energy, with the former deploying it in nine countries.
Ry Morgan, Yomp’s 26 year-old Founding CEO, says, “We’ve built everything to-date on a shoestring and retained profits, but we’re now at a stage where an influx of capital will help drive the business forward.”
Competitors to Yomp include the incumbent in the space, Global Corporate Challenge, Keas (ex-Google founders with huge growth), EveryMove, GetHealth, Maxwell Health (bigger remit but similar budgets) and Challenge for Change / Love2Ride .
The QS companies are also starting to explore the B2B space, such as Jawbone’s recent launch of “Up for Groups”.
Traditional employeebenefit and healthcare providers are also in this space too, although they’re lagging behind, such as PruHealth’s Vitality.
新加坡数据分析初创公司TookiTaki 筹资100万美元以开拓亚太市场
新加坡数据分析初创公司 TookiTaki 于今天宣布,该公司已筹得 100 万美元的种子资金,这笔资金由 Jungle Ventures 领投,Rebright Partners 和 Blume Ventures 跟投。该资金将用于扩大 TookiTaki 作为软件平台在东南亚、日本、澳大利亚和新西兰的新市场。
TookiTaki 最初是一家广告技术公司,帮助用户解决在社交媒体网络和其他在线平台上在哪里打广告的问题。经过不断发展,TookiTaki 扩大其业务范围,为客户提供数据分析,以及有关客户行为、市场营销和产品销售的预测服务。
创始人兼首席执行官阿布舍克·查特吉(Abhishek Chatterjee)称,TookiTaki 的竞争对手包括为公司解读社交媒体数据的 Quantifand,以及自动购买针对性在线广告的 Taykey。查特吉称 TookiTaki 的不同之处在于,它着眼于从不同来源收集多个数据集,包括公开数据和线下数据,并利用这些数据集预测消费者行为,这能够更有效地帮助客户规划营销和销售活动。
除了开拓新市场,TookiTaki 种子资金的一部分也将用于研发。目前,该公司正致力于开发一个能对消费者如何发现特定品牌或产品这一行为做出预测的平台。
Singaporean Data Analytics Startup TookiTaki Raises $1M To Expand In Asia-Pacific
TookiTaki, a Singaporean data analytics startup, announced today that it has raised $1 million in seed funding led by Jungle Ventures, with participation from Rebright Partners and Blume Ventures. The capital will be used to expand its software platform into new markets in Southeast Asia, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
TookiTaki started out as an ad tech company that helped users figure out where to place advertisements on social media networks and other online platforms. Eventually, TookiTaki expanded its services to provide data analysis and predictions about customer behavior, marketing, and product sales for companies.
Founder and CEO Abhishek Chatterjee says that his company’s competitors include Quantifand, which interprets social media data for companies, and Taykey, which automates the purchase of targeted online ads. Chatterjee says TookiTaki differentiates by focusing on gathering multiple data sets from different sources—including publicly available data and offline data—and using them to produce predictions about customer behavior that can help companies more effectively plan marketing and sales campaigns.
In addition to expanding into new markets, part of TookiTaki’s seed funding will also be used for research and development. The company is currently working on a platform that will give predictions about how consumers find out about specific brands or products.
求职应用 Apploi 融资 700 万美元
Apploi 首席执行官亚当·路易斯(Adam Lewis)创办这家公司是为了让服务行业工人在工作面试中展现自己最好的一面。Apploi 被设计为工作申请的中枢系统,可以帮助工作申请者分享有关自己个性和技能的视频,且已经帮助数百人在 H&M、优衣库和 J. Crew 等公司找到工作。
Apploi 提供基于移动和浏览器的申请流程,还在商场和繁忙地段安放设备,让雇主们可以抓住过往人流。用户可以提交多份申请,甚至可以拍摄短视频来展示自己的技能。
路易斯称:“我们重新思考了工作申请,重心也不是放在简历上。整个过程要更具互动性,申请人可以回答公司以多种格式设置的问题,并提供公司作出合理决定所需的数据。通常来说,这些工作的招聘周期要少于 24 小时,性格、专心、激情和空余时间在很多工作的招聘中要比考试成绩更重要。”
Apploi 已获得 740 万美元的 A 轮融资。该公司希望扩大业务范围,部署更多设备,获得更多雇主客户。Apploi 的网站 已经上线 ,在一个月内服务了 36 个州的 8 万多名求职者。预计到 2015 年夏,Apploi 将覆盖全美 50 个州。他们没有透露是否正在招聘,不过你大可提交一份申请哦。
Apploi, A Job Hunting App, Raises Over $7 Million In Series A
Applying to jobs seems easy: you roll into a shop, fill out an application, and wait for a call. But aside from nicer handwriting, how do you stand out from the crowd of applicants? You use Apploi.
Apploi’s CEO, Adam Lewis, launched the company to allow service industry workers put their best foot forward in job interviews. Designed as a sort of central system for applications as well as a way to share videos of your personality and skills, it’s already helping hundreds of folks find work at H&M, Uniqlo, and J. Crew, among others.
“When I was running my previous company I was asked by a large restaurant company to review their recruiting processes and see if my previous service would be a useful resume tool for them. I was shocked as to how they were using resumes to recruit hourly customer service staff,” said Lewis.
“I went undercover in NYC and applied to several service and support jobs. I repeatedly saw the same thing — long lines outside stores, companies shutting off revenue generating space to hold hiring events, where jobseekers (often customers too) were waiting in line filling out long forms before a three minute interview with the assisitant manager. Otherwise companies were sending these jobseekers back to computers to apply in a similar way as they would for a corporate position.”
The company offers a mobile and browserbased application process and also sets up hiring kiosks in malls and busy areas where multiple employers can grab walking traffic. Users can submit multiple applications and even show off their skills by shooting short videos.
“We rethought the job application and we’re not focussed on the resume as the currency of application. It’s more interactive (candidates can answer questions that are set by companies in multiple formats) and provide companies with the data that they need to make informed decisions — often hiring cycles for these jobs are less than 24 hours, and personality, commitment, passion and timeavailability are much more important for many of these jobs than exam results,” said Lewis.
The company raised $7,407,800 in Series A with Andrew Heyer, CEO of Mistral Equity Partners, Simon Jacobs, former owner of Hale and Hearty, among others. Tony Wang, president of Three-W International, and Heyer will join the Board.
The company hopes to expand its reach and bring more kiosks and employers online. The site is humming along right now and they’ve served over 80,000 job seekers a month in 36 states. They expect to be in all 50 states by Summer 2015. No word if they’re hiring, but feel free to submit an application.
注:Glassdoor自问世后便有着不俗表现,并持续引起资本方关注,近日该公司又获得7000万美元投资,投资方包括Google Capital、老虎环球管理公司,截止目前融资共计1.6亿美元,接下来将向海外进行拓展。以下为腾讯科技翻译全文:
1月7日,美国雇主评价网站Glassdoor近日宣称,该公司在最新一轮融资中筹集到7000万美元的资金。Glassdoor最新一轮融资的主要投资方为谷歌资本(Google Capital)和老虎环球管理公司(Tiger Global Management)。目前的Glassdoor正在计划进行一步拓展业务。
据知情人士透露,这一轮融资让Glassdoor的估值达到了10亿美元左右,大约是2013年12月融资时估值的两倍。谷歌资本是Glassdoor的最新投资方,老虎环球管理公司此前已经对Glassdoor进行了投资。参与对Glassdoor最新一轮投资的各方还包括Battery Ventures和Sutter Hill Ventures两家公司。自从2007年首轮融资以来,Glassdoor目前为止的融资总额已经达到1.6亿美元。
Glassdoor公司首席执行官罗伯特·霍赫曼(Robert Hohman)声称:“当前正是融资的绝佳时机。目前可用的资本量较大,特别是对那些拥有特定业务模式的成长型公司而言。我们就从中受益。”霍赫曼也是Glassdoor公司的联合创始人,另一位联合创始人则是Zillow公司创始人之一的里奇·巴顿(Rich Barton)。